The meltdown is real QQ

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Goddesssilver, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. Sooner Well-Known Player

    So basically you just swap out your players and don't make any advances on total numbers. :)
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  2. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Ah.... I remember when Zork and Kings Quest games came out... they were the bomb! Everyone was playing them, but then....hmmm..... more companies started making games and then the population for them transferred to other games. It's called attrition dude. When new games come out, people leave the older games. When more games came out in the vein of warcraft, then people had choices and didn't have to settle for wow. :)
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  3. UltraVillain Committed Player

    The game had been simplified to the point of being a virtual non interactive process, people weren't playing any more they were just turning up. I know there will be a resistance to the changes and that some are rather more extreme than we may have wanted but overall a game that requires you to actually invest in is far more worthwhile than one that simply dragged you behind it in its wake.

    The real issue/concern now, as always for me, is content relevancy all content is now relevent in some way and therefore all content needs to be properly rewarded - open the game up again, celebrate the full game in terms of the choices it offers and the variety it has rather than persist to marginalise and restrict rewards to a mere fraction of the whole.
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  4. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    they learned to press the the right sequence
  5. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    They just being lazy, to test my loadout went in a raid and was top dps, it's not hard at all, but I'm still slowly getting hang of everything, but it's not hard at all. Lol
  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    its frustrating.

    its not as simple as logging in and running everything as fast as possible.

    its going to take some time respeccing all my toons, working on effective loadouts and figuring out whats what.

    meanwhile time goes on.

    pretty much all of my toons save for my main has to go on the backburner. there just isnt enough time to figure everything out all at once.

    its kind of jarring when you get to this from events like starro and the anti monitor where i had every one of my toons doing something.

    i'm not unhappy. truth in saying things feel a little more like they did pre am/wm but until i get a chance to sit down for more than an hour or two i'm not going to be getting anything done. i'm losing out on way more than just 40 warbonds.

    like i said...frustrating.
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    it was before the revamp though. . .
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    did them yesterday 2 ice DPS, rage DPS and a sorc heal for WC did it in 9 minutes, did SJ with troll/heal 2 DPS in 11
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    WoW was the first casual MMO. That's why it had so many subscribers.
  10. Roocck Committed Player

    Sadly but this just seems to be the beginning, (the community) because sp was made to be the most important stat in DCUO anyone less than 200sp will (almost be impossible to join in groups) not be welcome. I don't blame or hold grudges against them if they have decided to uninstall or just but DCUO to the side.
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  11. Roocck Committed Player

    It's just the first day, when something is new (or changes are made) everyone's curiosity kicks in and wants to see for themselves. Check again in 30 days even in 2 weeks and let everyone know than. :D
  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    I saw today a former Mental exploiter literally meltdown with my Electricity toon
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  13. Roocck Committed Player

    WoW is doing very well, it has like 70% of the MMO marketshare so far up to date. PS: Last time I checked 3 months ago...:D
  14. DAangerGrey Level 30

    I have to say, you sir have
    I have to say, that you sir, have just hit the nail on the head!
  15. Roocck Committed Player

    Power, weapon combo, power, weapon combo is not pressing buttons? (same concept):rolleyes:
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  16. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    starting to like it. and yes. it looks like skill will again, be needed...hehe. some wont like that...
  17. Gimpy Loyal Player

    So this is a Troll thread made to "cyber bully" those who don't like something and made comments/complaints about it?

    People are entitled to express their opinion (good or bad) regardless if their opinion differs from someone else's.

    So making a thread with the intent to "publicly shame" people for their opinion being different than or not in agreement with a PoV is not only immature but against the TOS.

    Thread needs locked or deleted as it provides nothing to improve the game or provide constructive feedback and the only intent appears to be to ridicule players for having a differing opinion.
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  18. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    you said they werent skilled i was merely saying they HAD acquired a was in button mashing though...not in overcoming the games mechanics,,,
  19. Tarif Committed Player

    Exactly, which is why I posted this in another thread earlier. No difference? Smh. "Most of the feed back you received through test was that the older content was being set way too difficult. We were damn near screaming from the mountain tops about it. You ran with this anyway. People that have played for years, spending money on membership to advance through the tiers in game, shouldnt have to be downgraded with your stats revamp. People on a widespread level are literally feeling that you have taken their characters progression, everything have achieved in game, from them. I think its a good thing that the CR differential is gone, but when you decided to finally make stats matter, I sure didnt expect you to take away 80% of progress that our characters have made in game from us, your CUSTOMERS. Thats what you have done. We wanted stats to matter, not this. Im thinking here that your way to fix electric was to bring everyone down to its level. Looking that way to many of us. Fix the content to reflect its Tier! We have challenging leveled content. No way that lower tiered content should be amped up this way, after your customers worked our way through it, and built our characters in power for years. If anything, you should have gave the group lead an option to run the content at level while queuing. Not strip players from everything they have achieved through progression in game. No one I know is happy about this update the way it is, or what you have the content set at, as higher difficulty. I dont see a fix soon, the money I spend on this game for my membership, replays each week, everything, is going to be invested into another game.
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  20. Tarif Committed Player

    They shouldnt have to, if they are in higher tiered gear, and have progressed their characters in game. That progress should be reflected, and not be stripped from players and their characters. The dps doing less damage like you said, is across the board at this point, and stats matter is looking like a bad joke that wont get any more cash from me. In september, mepps said that if you were at end game tier, with the appropriate skill points that have been earned in game, we would barely notice the difference. People noticed on test, and the feed back was ignored. My opinion, heh, they fixed electric by lowering everyone else down to its level. Except the content. They need to fix the content to reflect its Tier, and not disregard how players feel about their past progression.
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