The meltdown is real QQ

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Goddesssilver, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    Those people just want to feel elite when there not.
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  2. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    That´s what i´m doing with the people that want advice but are willing to give the Revamp a fair shot. I´m just not fond of whining people.
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  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Acting like you are is going to dissuade people from giving the revamp a fair shot though, can't you see that? If I was on the fence about attempting to play after the revamp, the toxicity you and other "veterans" are displaying right now would have driven me away, because normally I'd have no interest in playing a game where such attitudes prevail.
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  4. Dene Devoted Player

    I nearly wrote a joke post to Mepps asking to havr my name on the door list so i diont have to wait in line LOL

    but I thought, this is good.. people are checking it out.. giving it a chance
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    What ala is trying to say, I'll put it in a polite way, he wants people to give the Revamp a fair shot before raising the pitch forks and torches. Just today I seen at least 5 people that raged over the changes come back later and say it's not allthat bad, just need to get used to it. That's all Ala is saying, not trying to sound elitist or cocky, just wants people to give it a fair shake is all. Coming back screaming bloody murder after one day isn't really giving it a fair chance lol.
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  6. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I agree fully with that sentiment, but being so hostile about it isn't helping anyone.
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  8. mexmex Dedicated Player

    The revamp is awesome, best thing had happened in a long long time
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  9. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    You didn't learn your lesson from using this expression LOL ;) :p
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    they arnt rolling damn near a year plus of work because some of you dont like it
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  11. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    They did it with wms and ams......and they produced cash. People will not replay something that is 'hard' to beat or long and boring. The 'pew-pew' brainless button mash dps crowd were the ones spending on replays by the boatload and buying the FOTM tokens to switch powers. Nice gesture to go back to Dcuo-classic, but I fear they'll be hurt in the long term $$$ wise. To make up for it tactics will get dirty. They may not roll back, per-se, but I predict they'll sell something in time capsules to make players feel 'beast' again and allow for blowing through older content. (Mod or something to significantly boost roles or powersets)

    We've seen that kind of behavior before and will see it again. I can't predict the future and am purely basing my guess on past experience with the game and behaviors the powers that be have a history of.
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  12. Larry Labotomy Level 30

    Every big update someone like you doesn't like the changes and hopes that saying everyone is gonna quit the game all over the forums will push the devs to do a rollback.

    History shows there will be no rollback, and if it ever does come it will be years from now when the whole community (not just the few) agree that there is a major problem with the state of the game.

    Get used to the changes they aren't going anywhere. the only changes at this point will be minor tweaks to fix specific issues.

    I did some t7 duos alerts and raids today, had to pay attention to the mechanics in each one but only wiped on phantom zone because i wasn't popping my shield when Ursa put her fire down.

    there is no reason to act like the content is too hard if i can pug through it in my first try after not playing in over a year.
    i haven't played every piece of content yet but overall the game feels better than it has in a long time and from what i can gather the majority agree, but the ones who don't will talk louder because they aren't currently comfortable with the game.
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  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    So we ran SJ/WC right after daily reset. 2 dps 1 heal 1 troll. Me as quantum dps doing hybrid, other mental as pftt. Heal was nature, troll was HL. Finished SJ in 11 mins and WC in 13 mins. Honestly idk what all the crying is about. People need to give things a chance is the point. Its the 1st day.

    But i do see the same silliness is going on still. Agree with my opinion or you're wrong. Getting really old. And if anyone has anything to say to me about making that statement they can personally send me a pm and say it directly to me. People dont always agree. Deal with it and agree to disagree and move on.
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  14. Crimson Crossfyre Well-Known Player

    I logged onto my Electricity character, spec'd into a Weapons Focus, added a few powers to my tray, and then went to town in both the Village and Area 51. Granted, it was the solo content, but I was able to complete the solo missions with a minimum of fuss or time...if fact, in less time than before the revamp.

    ...and I only have 116 SP.

    I also took my CR 104 Earth Tank into the Paradox Wave where I was able to easily survive attacks but the 190+ DPS characters were doing very little damage, either due to low SP or no clue how to Spec their characters, not because the Paradox Wave suddenly became difficult. Sadly, nobody wanted to complete it old school by actually running down all four time conduits.
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  15. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    I think Devs should write guide about all Weapon Expert, Hybrid and Power Mastery and stick it to game launcher. A lot of people who havent played pre AMs are really confused atm and dont have idea what to do.

    Support roles need to learn how use weapons too. Its not normal for 189 cr tank (wont mention names) not to be able to pull off at least one Staff combo right. Saw 2 Controllers who were doing nothing but weapon taps in GoM, not sure if that was just their apathy or they havent specced their weapons but there is a lot of non sense going on atm.
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    I was very very skeptical of this revamp from the start. But its day 1. I mean cmon already people. Patience is such a giant issue with players in this game.

    People need to spend some time at the dummies figuring it out and test in content. Thats what my entire league spent the day doing. People act like dcuo is hard, its not btw ;) Maybe some should go check out the other MMOs on the market. And im not trying to be rude towards u or anyone, just general speak. I agree we cant lose a bunch of players. But like i said already, ITS DAY 1!!!

    As for difficulty well things got a little tougher, a little. Not a lot or a ton. Im not trying to take a side at all. Im saying how about we give things longer then 24 hours before people declare dcuo to be dead or that half the population is leaving.

    My 3 toons im playing are in my sig. If anyone needs some help please feel free to hit me up ingame or send me a pm on here. I will be glad to help.
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  17. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Its kinda here already, with Energized mods to return a set % of power and Accelerated mods to reduce cooldowns by a set percentage.
  18. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    Dont get me wrong.
    You complain about people that are not so good as you and about the complains... and what do you do?
    You come here to complain aswell.
    You have to understand if you dont like complains you need to stay away from the internet as in real life.
    There is always people that are good in life and people that they arent.
    Thats life my friend.
    If you notice complain is what you doing right now.

    About the revamp so far i dont like too much but will give a try.
    And yes i have 329SP so its not about that and i was always rage since the power come out.
    Maybe i need time to adapt like other do too.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Then its the community that needs fixing, how many changes has dcuo gone through to appease the the complaints, only to be met with MORE complaint? People complained that the differential made the game blow, but then daybreak removes then players complain they cant solo things anymore. This is a community NO GAME dev would want to work with. Hell im just a forum user and i can't stand nor understand what people want this game to be.

    "content comes out too slow!"
    ~changes content to monthly~
    "content comes out too fast"
    ~changes content to 2 dlcs a year~
    "i don't like the need/greed system"
    ~changes to individual loot~
    ~Adds loot picker~
    "Wtf duplicate items keep dropping change it!"

    "Daybreak we want hard content, GIMMIE!"
    ~Adds Nexus and Paradox Wave~
    (community proceeds to exploit the hell out of Wave)
    "daybreak i want hard instances!"
    ~adds lockdown~
    (community exploits the hell out of lockdown and refuses to do lazor artifact outright)
    "daybreak we want hard content again!"
    ~adds throne of the dead~
    (community proceeds to exploit the hell out of it)
    "daybreak give us hard content"
    ~adds happyness home~
    (community proceeds to exploit the hell out of it)

    "Daybreak put the best gear in vendors"
    ~daybreak put best gear in vendor but increases cost as a trade off~
    "Wtf daybreak this isn't what i wanted!"

    ~Daybreak adds Time Capsules~
    ~Community cries out against this practice....but proceeds to buy making it a "hot item" justifying its existence~
    ~While crying about TC nobody bothers looking at the lair themes since like the cave theme they haven't created more because lack of player investment , so they discontinued making them *hint*hint*~

    This community doesn't know what it wants and its best outside of balance changes and additional additions to the game, take the community with a fine grain of salt
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  20. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Man, where have you been? All we've seen on the forums these past few years is complaining and crying. The only difference is the complainers and whiners from the last two years are enjoying it and those that have enjoyed it are now complaining about it. I'd say give it another year to two and it will all be reversed again.
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