The Legend Of You, the story of your character

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by The Incredible Fly, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. The Incredible Fly New Player

    I'm a big fan of creating stories for my characters. Sure, a bit geeky but... If you're on this forum I'm sure you'd have no place to talk, lol.

    Anyway, since I only have 2 characters currently, and the other has only just gotten off of the Brainiac ship, I'll be writing about my first character who shares the same name as my username here.

    The story of our anti-hero begins in Stryker's Island Penitentiary, where he was once a highly respected officer. Due to his unique abilities gifted to him only a few years prior he was often feared by the criminals of the penitentiary allowing him much easier control of the residents than other officers. Quickly ascending through the ranks he was eventually granted permission into the multiple offender quarters of the prison where he soon realized hero's weren't all they were made out to be. Here he witnessed prisoners who were abused and restrained like animals, stripped of their rights and never allowed any form of exercise. Even when it came time for them to be fed armed officers would do so for them not allowing the prisoners even one hand free to feed themselves. Disgusted by what he saw he immediately lay down his badge and quit his job when a riot broke out in Cell Block B of which he regularly patrolled. Deciding it would be a good opportunity to slip away and converse with some of the restrained individuals he quickly made for the maximum security building. However, upon reaching this area he was met with even more chaos. It seemed that the prisoners had some how devised a plan within the community allowing for all residents to be freed. Frightened that they may turn on him, he instead headed for the exit where he was met with the sight of Huntress mercilessly beating an escaped inmate in the main courtyard. Mistaking him for another escaped inmate, Huntress leapt on to him tossing him to the ground screaming wildly that it was useless to fight back. Huntress however had underestimated the power of our antagonist and was quickly thrown on to her back.
    "These prisoners have suffered enough torture. They may deserve the time they've served behind bars, but do they really deserve to be treated as though they're animals?"
    "For the crimes they've done, yes. And so do you, fiend!"
    Wiping the blood from her lip Huntress continued her assault only to be subdued yet again.
    "You're like maggots who have yet to mature into a fly. That's all you hero's are to me. You writhe in the suffering of others and bathe in the fame of the medias eye. If you ever hatch from your shell and join me in the skies I'll happily show you the carcass that has rotted beneath us."
    For a moment the two gazed into eachothers eyes, Huntress unflinching yet fascinated and our antagonist scathing and remorseful. Releasing his grip from her wrists he stood and turned his attention to the sky. "That's what I'll call myself... That's what I am. The evolution, the incredible fly."
    "I'm conflicted... I want to beat some sense into and yet I feel as though you've opened my eyes to something."
    Returning his attention to Huntress he promised her if he ever caught her, or any other hero's, forgetting that a criminal is only made a criminal by those who have turned a blind eye to his suffering he would make a firm reminder... And with that he fled to the skies leaving his worries behind. What he didn't know however was that it wouldn't be the last time him and Huntress would cross paths. For their fates were indefinitely intertwined and that is something neither of them could escape.

    ... I feel like I want to continue this story because I have ideas of what will be happening to the two of them in the future. But because I want to read what other people have to say about their characters more, I'll instead do this: If you want to know more about The Incredible Fly and the anti-hero he becomes (I say anti-hero because he's not a villain, more so a rogue) either like this post or say you want to hear more ( : Writing is a passion of mine and I would be more than happy to continue. I just don't want to bore people so I'm not gonna continue if no one gives a shxt, lol.
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  2. razor Red New Player

    My toon obito was abanded as a baby he was found by Muriel who lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband Eustace but creepy stuff has been going on it's up to him to save his new home!!
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  3. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Melvin Parks was an obnoxious and bitter scientist guy who developed a quantum cloning pogostick. The pogostick took him to another dimension where he was tortured and driven mad by a race of telepathic insects then returned to our reality. Now, he spends most of his time making imperfect clones of himself. Each clone has his own free will and own personal agenda. Some for good. Most for evil.

    And so begins the saga of MelvinPox.
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  4. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    I went to the Spectre's bachelor party and woke up like this. *shrug*
  5. BlackWingBeyond Committed Player

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  6. Zuse Loyal Player

  7. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    Blaire was only two months old when she and her parents were caught in a chemical plant explosion. The only survivor, she was placed in foster care and adopted by the Sanders family shortly after. As she grew older, she began to develop abilities as a result of overexposure to chemicals during the explosion; she could manipulate energy (fire, ice, electricity) with her mind, see in the dark, feel other people's physical and emotional pain, and heal others' wounds with a simple touch. After a mishap with her abilities, Blaire's secret was discovered by the local police department, and she was forced into aiding them in taking down some of the city's most dangerous criminals under the secret identity of Purple Hood. Now a junior in high school, Blaire struggles to find a balance between her personal life and fighting crime, and as her best friend Jesse continues to come closer to identifying Purple Hood, she fears that her secret will ultimately tear them apart.

    Meanwhile, a new detective has arrived at the police department, and when he learns of Purple Hood's abilities, he begins to question Blaire's morality and self-control. When his suspicions get the best of him, he calls in the government for assistance, only to have Blaire ripped away from her friends and family, and transported to a top secret facility where she meets more people with abilities like hers. They soon learn that they will all be a part of an experiment, in which the government will use their DNA to enhance the abilities and fire power of the American military.

    Soldiers subject to the experiments begin to become power hungry with their new abilities, and instead of following the government's orders, they break away from the military and begin to wreak havoc throughout the country. With the nation in danger of being destroyed, Purple Hood must team up with the other superhumans in order to stop the rogue soldiers, and save America before it's too late.
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  8. ZeroAccess New Player

  9. The Incredible Fly New Player

    Hm, I'm seeing that there are sites as well as other threads that have already been made for this topic so I apologize for not researching more before making this. Still, I'll leave the post active so that people have another place to jot down their stories if they wish. I've been checking it daily to read what people have had to say and although it hasn't been that active yet the sites that I've been linked to have been informative.
    So keep dem stories comin' ( :
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  10. The Incredible Fly New Player

    This was really good!
  11. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    Thanks! Actually, I had this story planned waaayyy before I got into DCUO, so all of my toons are based off actual characters in my story. I have a longer and slightly different approach in the Origins thread linked above, too, that goes more into her empathic and night vision abilities. The night vision one is pretty cool, in my opinion :)
  12. TheRealDeathern New Player

    My toon had a story. Then he got a new power. I guess its like the comics when something big happens and everything is rebooted...
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  13. Raptor T. Committed Player

    I haven't really touched the background story of my character too deeply. But for mine, he was like 3 years old before the cinematic trailer battle happened. The battle happened when he was 20 and he was captured.. Now aboard Brainiacs ship. They plan to turn him into a slave (like those t2 duos). His parents were killed by Brainiacs minions. So after the heroes lost that battle, Lex realized that Brainiac was behind everything. So he escaped and got onto one of brainiacs ships.. Attempting to escape. Then Lex found the boy (Jet Raptor) and this other person. Luthor asked what happened to both of them. After that Lex decided to train them to be on his side.. So he can kill Brainiac and for killing his parents (remember it was a three way battle). Lex found an exobyte.. He decided to test it on both of them.. It gave him the power of ice. And the other person got gadgets.

    They became friends and they both do evil things for Lex. They were villains that time. They fought together for a few years.. Until one day Lex decided to meet up w/ Batman in FOS. They plan to travel back in time to release exobits all over the world. The two partners hav known batman for many years. But Jet Raptor was busy doing another mission for Lex not too far from FOS. After fighting for so long against brainiacs forces. He saw a huge explosion coming from FOS. the fortress has collapsed. He ran to it.. Wondering what had happened. After he got there, he did not see any signs of Lex.. He digged thru the sunstones and realized he was looking down at his dead partner.. Fractured.

    Later he found future batman.. Who had survived. Jet realized it was Lex that killed his partner.. Plus batman told him as well. He made a hard decision. He followed Batman and decided to help him.

    He went from a super villain to super hero.

    Batman told Jet to travel back in time to worn others about Brainiac AND lex. Batman also told him he will hav friends (after Luthor infects planet w/ exos). He traveled back in time.. He ended up being aboard Brainiacs ship.. (That's when tutorials began).

    He fought his way thru and ended up in Gotham eats end police station. He later became a tank.. And has made many new friends. He will continue to help others and be a force for the good.
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  14. Raptor T. Committed Player

    This is how FOS exploded and how Fractured was killed while Jet was busy somewhere else. U can see how everything ties in.

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  15. The Incredible Fly New Player

    I liked this a lot ( : I really enjoy the idea of certain heros or villains influencing the faction our characters decide to be a part of. I'm actually re-writing the story for my character completely because I've since changed his powers and come up with a much better story similar to yours in the sense that he begins one way but ends another.
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  16. Raptor T. Committed Player

    Thanks.. Glad I can help!! The thought about switching sides came from somewhere else. That part of the story (switching from evil to good) was influenced by the story of Starkiller from the game Star Wars the Force Unleashed. He used to be the dark side.. Then he became a good person while being able to use dark side powers. I like a character that has experience with both sides.
  17. The Incredible Fly New Player

    Alright, alright. After some thinking I've come up with another story for my character. Although he's still lacking a spiffy new name to dress up his new personality I'll concern myself with that issue when I have the money to purchase a name change.

    Adopted under the name of Nolan, neglected for the greater half of his childhood, and eventually orphaned after the suicide of his foster mother and only care giver, Nolan was a child bound to tragedy.

    Through his early teens after being adopted into a second, less unfortunate home, Nolan found himself fascinated with the human mind. Aspiring to one day become a great psychologist, he pursued his dreams with a binding will and upon his 23rd birthday achieved that goal. Receiving praise for his revolutionary findings he was eventually assigned a place within Arkham Asylum to work with Gotham's most psychotic individuals. Thrilled with this offer he immediately accepted and quickly found himself immersed in a complex world like none he had ever witnessed before.

    After only a year within Arkham's walls Nolan had found himself beginning to experience changes to his body he could not explain. His skin was developing a greenish colouration, his hair had begun to turn from it's natural blonde to an intense red, he no longer felt the need to eat or to sleep and the conditions only worsened.
    One day finding himself in the restroom, staring back at himself in the mirror, he recognized a familiarity. His appearance resembled that of one of his most closely researched individuals, Poison Ivy. Upon learning this he immediately sought her out to question whether she had anything to do with this mysterious condition. He organized an appointment with her stating to the guards that he wished for them to leave the room so that he could speak with her privately.
    "Do you see anything familiar when looking at me, Ivy?"
    "No, however, I do find myself strangely attracted to you."
    "My skin is no longer skin. It's..."
    "Better?" Leaning forward, biting her lip and tracing her collar bone, she wandered his features with a lustful eye.
    "It's not better! It's not human..."
    "But to be human is to be so much less than what you're becoming. Embrace this gift... You and I suddenly have a lot more in common."
    Distancing himself from Ivy, Nolan turned his attention to an object that had begun to push it's way through his forearm. Curious of this new anomaly, he lay a gentle finger on it before leaping from his seat.
    "You see this!" Pointing to his arm. "It's a root! A ******* root! I'm turning into a plant!" Excusing himself from the room he made for his office to contact a professional. He thought to himself of what he might say to this doctor thinking how absurd he would sound. Reconsidering, he instead decided to take a few days off.

    Days turned into weeks. And weeks eventually turned into months...

    Over the course of his absence he had transformed into a being completely separate of human. No longer finding himself feeling a hunger for food, rather victims, he would escape his walls during the night to consume innocent civilians. Gruesome and often in such a place he risk being seen, it wasn't long before his crimes were on the news. People had been mangled, their insides completely liquefied and their flesh as dry as an autumn leaf. The police were scouring the city for possible leads when Nolan decided this situation had gone far enough. It was time he returned to the only person that could understand his illness, and to question her of her guilt once and for all.

    Seeking refuge in a nearby garage, Nolan abandoned his belongings knowing the police would soon follow the trail to his house. Here he waited until the cover of nightfall, where he devised a method of infiltration into the Asylum before travelling to Arkham's doors. Upon reaching the island, he crept by the guards and made his way onto the roof of the building. Thanks to his new abilities climbing was no longer an issue as he had grown a set of insectoid like wings he camouflaged beneath his jacket. Silently hovering above the roofs, he began his search for Ivy's cell when he was startled by a shout of distress. Investigating this noise lead him to the very room he had been in search of where he witnessed a shocking event.
    "Tell me where the Joker is, Ivy."
    "I've told you that I'm not affiliated with that lunatic. Why can't you get that through your thick head?!"
    Batman, looking aggravated and out of his mind, had Ivy by the throat pressed against her cell wall. Pausing for a moment before reaching down to his utility belt, he withdrew an object Nolan couldn't make-out from his position.
    "Do you see this? It's modified riot spray. At this range, even a small dosage could be lethal. If you don't tell me where the Joker is right now I'll be forced to use it... Peoples lives are in danger and I know you're involved, he's been using some sort of pheromone to exploit their suggestive nature and has been corrupting them into committing crimes for him."
    "So because he's using a "pheromone" you're certain I'm involved? Do you know how many other villains there are in this city?! I've been here in Arkham all along!"
    Slamming her against the wall and threatening again to use his riot spray, Nolan felt a rush of adrenaline and forced his way through the 3 inch glass that overlooked Ivy's room. Landing just behind Batman he wrapped his now branch-like knuckles around Batman's throat, tossing him onto the floor across the room.
    "Well, you certainly got attractive."
    "Now isn't the time."
    Struggling to his feet, wiping his lip with the back of his hand, Batman suddenly focused his attention on Nolan.
    "You! It's you that has been attacking civilians these past few months isn't it?!"
    "Let's get the hell out of here." Taking Ivy by the hand, Nolan flew through the hole in the window through which he came. Pursued by Batman for only a short while before losing him in the labyrinth of the downtown city, they made a landing on a small apartment rooftop. Here, Nolan explained to Ivy the terrible things he had done and bearing in mind the trauma she had been through restrained himself from being aggressive.
    "It wasn't me, you fool... It was Luthor. He released a plume of exobytes across the city which resulted in many people gaining some form of super power. These powers are all linked to a certain individual, yours seems to be related to my own powers."
    Discussing the situation for some time, Nolan eventually realized that his mutations weren't a curse, they were a gift. They could be used however he pleased and if anyone were to oppose, he could overpower them. He had been doing it for months when attacking his victims, what made an officer, or even a hero a threat to him?
    "You and I, are very similar you know... Although I don't share your... Interesting... Needs for the consumption of humans, we have many other things that compliment each other. I would like for you and I to stay in close proximity."
    For a moment the two stood gazing into each other's eyes. Lost in the silent abyss high above the city, they quickly found themselves realizing there were no better matches for them than the person that stood before them. Feeling her first honest emotional connection to someone, Ivy leaned forward to plant a kiss on Nolan's lips.
    "I never thought a patient of mine would become a romantic interest. It's funny how life will do that sort of thing though isn't it."
    "I promise you... As long as you and I stick together, we'll transform this world into a place of uninhabitability. A jungle that you and I can rule together where you'll have all the victims to feast upon you desire. Why be sided with 'good' when hero's have done little more than let us down time and again. It's our turn to take the lead..."

    Annnnnnndddd, that's it for now. I have other ideas for how I'd like to continue... But because this is a frigging novel already I'll leave it at this and hopefully anyone who takes the time to read enjoys.
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  18. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Blazes story started thousands of miles above earth on a space station, a man named Eric. He was on his way to the break room. He would usually just try and watch the Sunday game. This game was bigger because it was the Justice league vs.. other members of the justice league, but for some reason Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman weren't in there. It was halftime and the score was tied. just as the band that was about to play came on, a tiny bug like thing hit Eric on the neck. He fell to the ground in pain, unable to get up. He began to glow red, his skin melting the ground.
    The pain soon stopped, after 5 minutes, he finally stopped glowing red. He would soon find out what had finally happened.

    Sorry for my bad grammar, I am bad at writing stories. if you guys like this part, I think I'll write a part two.
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