The launcher gets on stopping and says the file is incomplete or corrupted

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by XR0BINX3, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. XR0BINX3 New Player

    [IMG]I cant download dcuo, I reset my computer, lost all my files just for the game. I'm not going to spend my money on something that doesn't work at all. I started the launcher, when it reaches to download UNREAL3/DCGAME/COOKEDPC/CHARACTER/GEARGROUP/PANTS/DPANTSATROCITOUSRAIDSP it stops and say this file is corrupted or incomplete. I asked for help, still didn't get any response. I need serious help.
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    We are on a holiday weekend here. Responses won't be quick. Try running a check or re-download the game.
  3. XR0BINX3 New Player

    I tried everything :( . I even format my computer then try again but nothing works.
  4. XR0BINX3 New Player

    can someone just send me this file DPANTSATROCITOUSRAIDSPR.UPK maybe if I get this file then put it in the folder ill stop getting the problems
  5. Gaby New Player

    I am trying to download dcuo and it says ERROR the download file is incomplete or was corrupted. An update may be in progress. Please try again in 20-30 minutes ...i already tried again. I restarted my pc and i tried uninstall and reinstall.i also tried searching some info on this situation and then i found this
  6. Gleivid New Player

    • Like x 2
  7. New52Nightwing2099 New Player

    My launcher keeps saying that the file is corrupt or imcomplete, can someone please help me?
  8. New52Nightwing2099 New Player

    I tried everything and its not working, i need help
  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Have you tried validating your files?
  10. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Wow, this thread has risen from death I have an explanation about this issue in the support section.
  11. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

  12. New52Nightwing2099 New Player

    Its still not working i validated my files and everything
  13. New52Nightwing2099 New Player

    Im just gonna give up
  14. New52Nightwing2099 New Player

    I did all the options but im still having the problem where it says tht my file is corrupted or incomplete, can i plz have some help???:(