The Justice Knights (HERO US - PS3/PS4/PC)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Justice Knights, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  2. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  3. Puretone New Player

    I applied on the website the other night and my application seems to have disappeared? I click on the pending applications button in the lower right corner and it tells me I have no applications. (It was there the next morning.) Do I need to redo the application?
  4. Red 0rion New Player

    You're all good to go Puretone! Welcome to the League! My handle in game is Aragoss. I'm online all the time :) If you have any queestions, need a hand, or just looking for something to do give me holler! See you in game.
  5. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  6. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  7. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  8. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  9. microhatter Active Player

    So, my young children like to watch me play. Problem with my current league is that there is a lot of cussing over the mic and Iam forced to turn the audio chat off. Does your league have a lot of cussing? If not, I would be interested in joining.
  10. Vyltran Loyal Player

    No, they are very social in voice chat. They share "respect your leaguemate as they respect you too" theme. Besides, they are really helpful and have scheduled events for any tier content. ( from t1 - t304503 ).. :D
  11. microhatter Active Player

    That is downright awesome! I'll have to apply!
  12. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Feel free to apply, i hope seeing you around.
  13. TomorrowsStar New Player

    I tried to check out the website from my ps4 it wouldnt let me on it. Locked my browser.
    Anyway heres a brief on myself and my toon. Im a day 1 player of this game thats trying to come back after taking a year and a half break. I resubbed as i dont believe in the free to play garbage. Im a fire dps 110 cr 149 sp im knowledgeable on majority of roles as i had multiple toons and used to run my own league for three years. Im a cab driver i work alot but im looking for a place where i can log in have friendly help and give me a chance to enjoy a game i loved again. My psn id is wolverine8780 ill have the psn app on my phone contact me tyhere if youd like to talk more.
  14. Vyltran Loyal Player


    It is hard to check our website via ps4 browser cause it limits a few features. If you have a chance, you can try registering on site using a desktop if is possible or maybe from phone browser, then check out a few friendly advices around the forum and thats it.

    Meet new people, run a few instances with leaguemates, no offensive talking or anything related that could be possibly affect any member or yourself, and the main rule: Have fun with everyone...

    I hope i have helped you... i will keep an eye around here..
  15. Haptyc Active Player

    I applied last week, do I have to do anything extra?
  16. DaZeeHero Level 30

    Hi, I applied a few days ago but have not got any responses, and I'm afraid my application will expire. Is there something going on in the league preventing people from approving applications at this time?
  17. Vyltran Loyal Player

    We are required some time to read your apps & see if you meet full requirements. I shall try speeding up your apps and you should be having a response in no time. My apologies for any inconvenience.

    See you there!
  18. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  19. DaZeeHero Level 30

    Gah I've already found another league for my characters, but should I be in need of one in the future I will definitely keep you guys in mind! I particularly like your requirement for original names/characters, shows some imagination in the sea of "I wanna be superman/batman/whoever" which seems to be the majority of DCUO.
  20. Justice Knights Well-Known Player