The Justice Knights (HERO US - PS3/PS4/PC)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Justice Knights, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  2. Soke_Remy_Gambit Well-Known Player

    Hello I'm interested in joining on the app to join asks for user name do I need to register for a account on your page first then apply?
  3. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  4. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  5. Soke_Remy_Gambit Well-Known Player

    Hello I applied and got a reply of thanks for the application and nothing else
  6. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

    You applied to the League on Sunday at 12:34 am. Nine (9) minutes later, one of our officers responded to you at 12:43 am with a couple of questions. You'll need to go back to the site, to finish your online interview, so the process can continue.

  7. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  8. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  9. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  10. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  11. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  12. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  13. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

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  14. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  15. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  16. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  17. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  18. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  19. Justice Knights Well-Known Player

  20. Justice Knights Well-Known Player