The inevitable demise of the support roles.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname28, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. HoodWarbler New Player

    Yeah sorta realized since one dude had the same league as him. My bad thats what I meant I debuff enemies and try no to let them run all over the place cause they could surround and kill us. Thanks for the infor on the league recruitment center will check it out now :3
  2. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    That's no surprise to me.
    I have been kicked many a time just because I was a healer.
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  3. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Ahhhhh, but I wanted to see it pop.
  4. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    bottom line is the majority of players are dps and this game caters to the majority. still need support roles for raids though. but yea, SOE is bout dat bottom line and the bottom line is DPS.
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  5. smoove76 Committed Player

    Yeah my bubble has me at full 94 and 175 sp while running a semi- balanced1-2-2-2 group for all top tier content. well I guess my fragile bubble is more like a tank crashing thru a Fine China Store. FTW :cool:
  6. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Lmao this was a great response to wake up to, funny stuff! :)
  7. Badname28 New Player

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  8. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    DPS is default if you pew-pew-pew. It is a role if you play it correctly. Thus endeth the lesson
  9. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

  10. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Dps stands for Damage per Second. Everyone can do damage per second. The name of the role you are talking about is called:

    Damage Dealer :eek:
  11. rival exe New Player

  12. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Honestly the actually name of the role is Damage Dealer if you didn't know.
  13. rival exe New Player

    I'm being honest too.
  14. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    DPS stands for Damage per Second. On everyone's weapons there is a Damage per Second stat. In your stats tab under precision its says 10 Precision is 1 DPS. By your logic we can say "X amount of precision is way better then a "DPS."(the informal name)."
  15. Feenicks New Player

    DPS......Damage's semantics. Everyone knows what is being discussed.
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  16. rival exe New Player

    I wouldn't ever say that. Grammatically it doesn't make sense.
  17. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Another lets hate on dps threads.
  18. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    We are pushing ourselves down this road.

    If a Troll cannot keep the group powered then he is perceived as trash get him out of there.

    If a healer cannot solo heal then find a better healer.

    Tanks well never mind...

    What would happen if no Troll or healer could do the above things?

    At this point adding more damage to the NPC's will cause all but Rage Tanks (maybe Rage Tanks) to be the only Tanks that would even be viable in the content.

    I seriously doubt the Dev's would buff the Tanks (especially fire) to survive the blows that would come there way with a damage buff to NPC's.

    Even if they did it would be an even bigger push to eliminate a support role for faster burn.

    IMO...they give more health to T6 content because it is a higher tier and players are stronger.

    More importantly the group make up from T5 changed to 4 2 1 1 for the majority of the community.

    Even if they came out with less health the community would stack the group with burners because a solo healer and power is all the community need for content.

    But that is kind of off topic the OP was not asking how to save the roles but stating the obvious.
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