The inevitable demise of the support roles.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname28, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. smoove76 Committed Player

    Popular statement: Dps is a role. -----> [IMG]
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  2. rival exe New Player

    Yes I do say so. If you live by this one rule then you will be fine.

    "rival exe is always right"
  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    +1@sig. users loosing their minds is normal.
    default? or starting role? or both? (I know I've heard in a live stream Spytle mentioned "DPS role," but not gonna search for it)

    but yeah, with many features in the game and coming to the game, like UD9's role optional buff for alerts was intended to make instances more accessible for more players that do not intend to use alternative role to DPS role, the game design is still dealing with a Lot of users that prefer and benefit from being in DPS role all the time. Everyone go hybrid! (DPS/trolls with instant power in loadout; DPS/healer with heal ability in loadout; & DPS/tank putting on tank gear when new alert and raid content comes out and everyone is not over geared yet... for the first few completions. more or less. Throw in the potential lag, D/C, or inability of a player to dodge or play DPS role well... /meh. i need another drink.)
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  4. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    So now you're arguing about whether dps is a role or not.. I can feel my brain cells committing suicide :(
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  5. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Which will again only be a very temporary need.
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  6. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    I will always support the support roles but the content may not.
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  7. Feenicks New Player

    The content will, too. It's your choice, not the game's.
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  8. Feenicks New Player

    Actually that's a good graphic for folks who think the game is excluding roles.
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  9. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    And they won't have a clue what to do...
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  10. smoove76 Committed Player

    whateves dude
  11. rival exe New Player

    "whateves" is the rude man's way of conceding that they are incorrect.
  12. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Anyone know where the restroom is?
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  13. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Yes to an extent. However when you factor in the communities mentality and efficiency for completion of said content the need does tend to get slightly blurred.

    Example running a 5-1-1-1 or a 4-2-1-1 setup in SM and the T6 raids isn't what I would call a real need.
  14. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I'm too lazy to make Sodas & rely on popping trinks regularly, so I'll stick with my healer. I don't really care if I get into or get kicked out of groups. I do agree with the OP in a way though, I ran some arenas for the 1st time in several months the other day and it was a joke, with all the different types of sodas & trinkets I was witnessing. I guess some people want this type of game play where your soda/trinket rotation is as important as your powers, for me I just don't enjoy it that much.
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  15. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Turn left at the support roles are dying thread. Go down the hall o the remove support role buffs in alerts turn right. Then right again at the troller, tank, healer don't know what they are doing thread. Mens room sign reads 5 dps ftw. Female sign reads can I ride a pony in this gàme please.
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  16. GaeasRevenge New Player

  17. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    and the reason this is happening is because the bosses in t6 have so much health that you need as much dps as possible or the runs will take forever this is why i have made topics saying the bosses need to have less heath not made easier just lower the time it takes so support roles don't get left out in the cold
  18. Skidmarc Committed Player

    Love it :) heck we did get trinket....they can ride that.....just watch out for the horn
  19. Hero of Justice New Player

    Well... I wasn't at SOE Live, but I did just watch one of the panel replays that Trexlight uploaded, and in it Spytle is making it very clear that DPS is considered a role just like all the others (and a support role, too, not the role that Healer/Tank/Controller support. They are supposed to all support each other). So there you go.
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  20. Radium Devoted Player

    Shhhhh, let him stay in the bubble.
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