The inevitable demise of the support roles.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname28, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Radium Devoted Player

    Its funny, I was at SOE Live when Spytle himself said that DPS/Damage is in fact a role as much as the other 3.

    As for your challange, I say go run lockdown with 8 of any role and see how far you get. I'm guessing you can't make it past the adds with either make-up.
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  2. Physique Dedicated Player

    People will always try to find ways to skirt the designed system. This is nothing new and it happens in EVERY MMO to some extent. Be grateful that the devs / publishers aren't mandating by design, that everything be run 2-2-2-2- or 1-1-1-1. I run a fairly modest league and we work hard to ensure that everyone gets to run their share of the content they have available to them; NO EXCLUSIONS. Everyone pulls their weight, everyone progresses.

    I understand that there are players out there (mostly the hyper-competitive, me-first, lone wolf types) who want what they want, will trample others to get it and move on. If that's the way those players are, that's fine because the game system as it is supports that. In the few tidbits of information the developers have given to this topic, they've hinted that changes are coming to better balance things out for the support roles but, as with everything else, it will take time to get there. In the meantime, we'll see no heal, no tank, no troller runs populate the LFG.

    It is what it is. Because I run a league, I have a counter for that. Unfortunately there are others out there who do not and I feel for them. However, unless they and others in the affected community take an honest stand, call out their leaguemates and friends for support that activity, put people who put those runs up in LFG or Shout on ignore and otherwise find other ways to get their runs in (joining active, all-inclusive leagues, for example), things will never change.
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  3. kav Committed Player

    This is not the dev's or current game stage fault, it's stupidity created by egoistic and selfish behavior from players. There's a huge difference between ascertaining the given content/instance to make it quick or succeed with continuous speed (AKA: No wipes, no stupid situations, no afk whoring, etc.). If people didn't realize at this point that eliminating roles for sole dps derpicity then I gotta tell you this is not faster, especially not in any pug scenario. The solo troll dies, no power for the healer, tank dies, good game. DPS tends to get tunnel vision so stacking them endlessly is the least adviceable option actually for a scenario where you do not know the people you play with.

    100 Wipes is still not faster than one smooth run. Stop implying that it is.

    Given the experience I have had with randomer's in raids I can say without a doubt that playing standard's is faster than going out of the line.

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  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Is this the correct amount? I thought it said 7400 on the test server image I saw? I just don't know which one is the typo?
  5. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    • No Heal and Tank runs happen in “alerts” because of simplistic content design and challenge and players taking advantage of game mechanics.
    • No Heal and Tank runs happen in “raids” because of simplistic content design and challenge when the community has become drastically overgeared.
    Simply put, the “support” roles won’t meet their demise but as long as the community demands raids that can be finished in 15 minutes in order to be replayed at nauseam, you’ll keep seeing group structures that’re stacked towards DPS.

    Blaming game mechanics does nothing more than allow players to not take responsibility for the problems they have with the direction of DCUO.
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  6. GaeasRevenge New Player

    then Support roles should just all go dps?
    That seems to be the solution?
  7. LordStrongsword New Player

    People are failing to realize the RPS PvP mechanism is being used in the new PvE content, we should be using all roles equally to debuff the mobs and bosses alike. If people stack DPS when the movement debuffs are removed they will fail in that content. It's only a 5 minute difference between a balanced alert and a 2 DPS one, that is unless you wipe which in that case the balanced one is faster.
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  8. Sir Arcanium New Player

    The main problem with DPS is not on Tier content. It's how incredibly useful it is to be a top end DPS on lower content when it comes to earning feats. A single T6 DPS can blow threw most T4 and lower content, single handily getting speed feats and the like. Two, or one with a decent group can do the same thing on most T5 content. On other hand top range healers, trolls, etc really don't have that kind of awesome impact on lower tier runs.

    So DPS is not only the most popular class at getting into raids, there is almost always 4 or 5 slots open for DPS. Nor are people's requirements for DPS as high as most support roles, after all there are 4 or 5 of them to make up the difference. But it is also the most useful in over all playing the game and grinding out feats. Imo that more than anything else is pushing people from support roles and why most people always go for their DPS set first, and support second.
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  9. Tom Sawyer New Player

    Dcuo pve has become mind numbingly simple and borderline uncreative. What exactly are you expecting to happen? The developers consider this trend "fun" for the player base and have little to no effort to actually do something about it. Truth be told the shortcomings of the game are starting to shine a lot
  10. rival exe New Player

    Aren't they getting rid of support roles in PVP????
  11. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    No they're reducing it to one set of gear that you mod how you want to play and getting rid of Home Turf from PvP. There are probably other changes, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
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  12. rival exe New Player

    Yeah I don't think I like that change. I wonder if everyone will just be dps.
  13. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I smell a green lantern/Hardlight Tank >_>
    I wonder if i can do that now since these stupid Inspired things are gone, no more tanks debuffing my damage AND my troll role
  14. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Oh come on.. we all know "that" dps will always need a battery. :D
  15. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    And what exactly is this DPS gonna do with blocking? Tank maybe?
  16. ErnieB Loyal Player

    This is the same conversation people had with WM, and here we are today with raids that use 2 healers, 2 trolls, and yeah 1 tank but only because devs have traded mobs for over healthy bosses. Look you need to see the bigger picture, this changes aren't meant to exclude roles, we do that on our own, they are meant to keep every aspect of a players equipment up to date with the current tier. Just like we get new mods on every tier, it makes sense to get new HT mods also, honestly I'm surprised it took this long to upgrade HT mods to begin with, and it's not even all the mods and not dps specific. It also goes for trinkets, they where outdated to extinction and it was about time my Supply Drop actually restore my health and power to it's full like it did back on T4.
  17. ErnieB Loyal Player

    "6.fortified blocking V adds 41355 def and toughness.........this is 5.5 times more than version IV......that is simply some ridiculous dmg mitigation in the hands of a DPS"

    you do know a dps that only blocks doesn't get aggro, which is the point of that mod, so that while you are getting aggro you can hold the damage, which is something most commonly done by tanks.
  18. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    The roles won't go away, and while yes, they are the ALTERNATE roles, they're not SUPPORT roles. That is implying that DPS is the only role that matters and that tanks, healers, and trollers are useless, which they are absolutely not.

    I do agree, however, that the alternate roles are not getting as much love as the DPS roles. WM is a great example of that, it really only benefited the DPS role, and while yes, it did benefit other roles for power reduction, it's primary focus was damage. I hope DCUO does something with the alternate roles soon.
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  19. smoove76 Committed Player

    whateves dude the fact is certain role can be healer, Controllers ,& Tanks But EVERYONE CAN GO DPS..If they choose too. That's why dps is a DEFAULT NOT A ROLE.
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  20. smoove76 Committed Player

    So I'm to take your word on what someone else may or may not have said the via 3rd party ???