The hidden feat: Back From the Hack 2011

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Skizo, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    OMFG, this makes, what, the fourth of these in the last week?

    For the ten tthousandth time, NO. This will not happened, for the same reasons explained several times a week, every week, week after week, month after month, year after year. Now matter how many times a day someone asks.

    Either you earned the feat (I didn't), or you're someone who feels entitled to have whatever they want because they want it.

    Us folks who didn't earn a time-limited feat don't get to have it, what with NOT HAVING EARNED IT. Get used to it.
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  2. ALB Dedicated Player

    At this point why not. 608sp in game. 0.5 not hurting anyone. Let the completionist have it.
  3. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Yep, then auto-grant all elite feats to all players as well. Why not? You know, for the completionists.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd sure like all them SM titles from years past I missed out on. You know, for the completionists....and my Tom-Bot.;)
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  5. High Troller Loyal Player

    unfair? were you a victim of the data breach? i was. not only were servers offline for 10 weeks, my credit card information was sold off and used (and got maxed out -- which i didn't have to pay at the end). a 50 point feat and other items were given, but the damage was already done. get real, bro. you are not getting this feat. not now. not ever.
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  6. ALB Dedicated Player

    Yea, that's definitely the same.
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  7. ALB Dedicated Player

    All that is definitely the same as 0.5 sp from a decade ago
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  8. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Agreed, it is.

    Just grant all time limited items, feats and titles. For the completionists.
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  9. Shadow Force Committed Player

    How about hell and no, same with Pre-order Batman whether you completionists want him or not he is not going to be available to you.
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  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Holy shades of baby got back from the hack attack!

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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    How about no. They don't need it, move on. They will live absolutely fine without it. And if by some weird chance not having that feat is causing them serious mental anguish, then what they actually need is psychiatric help...not the feat.
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  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You know life isn't complete without some entitled brat demanding they get a feat they don't deserve just cause they say so. :)
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  13. ALB Dedicated Player

    You know what happens when you make an assumption?
  14. ALB Dedicated Player

    Yea, a feat that can never be earned is the exact same as feats that dont go away. I see that niw
  15. ALB Dedicated Player

    Do those give points or just titles? I can see how you got there.
  16. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Early Membership has it privileges.
  17. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    If the feat is hidden, surely they would already be complete? So the 0.5 would mean nothing to them.
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  18. inferno Loyal Player

    Go back in time, get your account information Hacked, and come back to play the game. That's how you can obtain this feat.
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  19. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

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  20. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Yes, just as we've all been saying, they're exactly the same.
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