The Grind

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darth Piper, Jul 30, 2020.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Problem is that, assuming you do the bounties 1 time a week (after the count feats are done....someday), it will take a while to grind out the dailies on their own. That's also assuming your main working on the counts. Alts will only hit the bounty 1 time a week if at all. The teleporters are a big help as the map is a maze, but start to finish I'd say 10-12 min per alt is a good guess. And that's for decent alts. Alts running role only, or on weak toons can probably go 15-20....which is a grind for sure.

    Last few eps, I'd say daily grinder alts were in and out in 5 min...less if I caught the Ivy mission for the 4 day and decided to skip Harley or Huntress that day, and doing the bounties took 10-15 min once a week....not 40+ like this one.
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  2. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Lmao lol lol Smh this is funny lol and yeah I feel ya on this.
  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Honestly folks shouldnt be doing the Bounties 1 day a week. They have no loot lock and is the only way to get the EA currency. These bounties were designed to be ran every day and for sure soon enough folks will have everything they want from the EA Vendor but these Dailies are also trying to encourage folks to group together and get them done faster. Folks can surely do them solo and the time given is pretty accurate or group up with others and getting it done faster is better.
  4. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    The idea of having to gear up in order to complete the elite raid is good. The implementation, however, leaves a lot to be desired. Role-specific weapons are great, as are other gear pieces, because they can provide better role-specific stats... but a lot of people dual role toons and having to spend 500 secondary coins per weapon or other elite accessory make even dual roles difficult for a single character, never mind multiple loadouts and configurations. Same goes for an OP piece with a tactical mod socket... if I expect to dual role... or heck, even use multiple loadouts... there are a lot of people who don't want to wait while you change a tactical mod... never mind doing a combat switch to a different role where you need a different tactical mod. You can't exactly pause the fight.

    People are going to be pushed to a point where each character they have will be a "specialist"... one as a might-based AOE DPS, one as a precision-based single target DPS, one as a tank who does the whole add-grab, one as a tank who uses only single taunts, one as a healer, one as a troll, one as a battle troll. It's going to be a lot harder to complete stuff once people finish out their mains at this point.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate way I'm doing this nightmare every day once the mega groups are slowed down. I just don't have the time to spend on every toon. And that would not apply to farming toons anyway...only 'main' toons and alts, which most people I know run 2-3 'main' toons...the other 3 or 4 are farming marks. In BoP, I ran 12 farmers....I'd predict I'll run 5 this DLC due to the time crush.
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  6. Rainnifer Committed Player

    On a side note I'm starting to feel what others feel in regards to the "participation" rewards as support. I troll during these bosses but it seems when the groups are "too good" and kill the bosses much faster, I then don't seem to do enough for the full rewards. I had a feeling it would be like this anyways, I hear healers are facing the worst of it.
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  7. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Pretty lazy way of giving us something to do, if that is their intent. They took away a full raid and tacked on the grind times 10. Just adding the amount of currency it takes to complete things is just plain sad, and again, lazy. How about actually giving us more content like a game is supposed to? The open world is ok but nowhere near anything like they hyped it as "a new place to hang out". The new bounties arent "epic or raid like", and the new raid is just another tank and spank. On top of it all, it is killing our alts
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  8. August Moon Well-Known Player

    It took me around 5 to 6 hours but ive got the elite weapon ( that including the hour the raid bosses glitched for everyone ) you have spam groups all around willing to stay out there not just for the aether but for the feats too its not really that hard . with the head mods you get 46 per series of bosses and wiith your raids,alerts, and solos finished what else will you be doing in game ?
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  9. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I've seen 8-12
  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Well sorry to hear. For me it finally gives me a reason to stay in the game rather than log in, do stuff for 4 hours and then log out. The Bounties certainly need an adjustment to allow low pop phases which the Devs will figure it out or polish it for the next time. Personally, love this new Bounty system. It keeps me in the game which has never been the case for years. For alts it certainly hurts which they still need to provide a better service for them but we havent seen that in oh..9 years? No reason to hold out for that honestly.
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Just for clarity, could you elaborate on where you are feeling the grind? Is it in the numbers, the new currency, the time to play, etc.?
  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The currency numbers and the fact you need like 60+ players to defeat the Hydra isn’t very user friendly.
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  13. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    I know I’m not the OP, but I also really enjoyed running all of alts through the new content. I guess I’m kinda bummed because I spend a good amount of money or arts for my alts. And now I feel like I can’t even play them. I have to now focus on 2 toons max just to keep up. The ideas of the new DLC are great! But I can sit around for 10 mins between open world bosses for the 50 counter feats.

    The BOP episode was enjoyable because I could run alts no problem. This DLC? Not so much. Way too much grind and time needed. I know it’s an mmo, but I thought having alts was encouraged?

    No trolling here, just trying to be honest.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Time to play for me. Even running crap alts to try and cut the marks needed down, having to spend 30 min to an hour to get 8 marks AND maintain a large group to do it is no good. In general, people spam the bounties for quick marks. There is now no quick respamable bounty mission. Yes, you get Aether and gear, but what good is it with out the currency drops? The feats are another thing. Doing it once per week, it will take a year to get the bounty feats. I can't imagine in a year we'll see enough people in the area EXCEPT on Thursdays after reset, meaning you HAVE to knock them out as we are doing them today by spamming at an hour a crack. With the past bounties a year later, most of them are doable with a smaller group...with the 'kill X adds' those were doable solo if you like. I'd guess it will be a while before anyone is soloing these bounties. Removing the ability to feed old exos into the head mods is another thing, as well as seemingly decreased drops for the augment cats need to level them. It all translates to more grind...not more fun. Yes, it might extend the time people are spamming things, meaning it looks like more playability, but everyone can get burnt out.

    I might be calling my opinion early, but I've gotten all the other kill X world boss feats done since Big Starro, on multiple accounts. As of now I'm thinking it will only be done on my main at this point. Yeah, I know feats are optional, but are they really? Most would say they are not.

    Currency only comes into play when you factor in the fact there is no quick resetable 8 mark mission for 2x and 3x (even normal rate) spamming. Most people will rack up the currency on these to make up for what they need.
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  15. Arkenra Well-Known Player

    The raid-like bosses are used wrong in my opinion. There shouldn’t be feats attached like kill them all (hoping its not more) 50 times. It would be so much better if it was just a feat for killing it 10/15 times as a bonus and then taking our time to farm them for elite weapons etc. The feats in this dlc feels exhausting by just looking at them. The raid-like bosses should be implemented as a fun thing to do when you’re done with all the weekly stuff and have some fun killing them for the elite weapons and some cool trinkets for the ones interested. Also it would be nice if those marks could be earned with the instances. That way we can choose in what way we want to earn the items we want. Also should think about removing Hydra as a weekly bounty. Players will be annoyed when they can’t earn their marks with a simple weekly bounty. Imagine having multiple characters and you have to kill all of the raid like bosses in succession in order to get Hydra and having a chance to do them all over because.. time was up..
    But then there is also the solo feats, 4 times 78 crystals in the right color.
    An invisible ship 50 times.
    A certain npc in a raid needs to be killed 50 times.
    Need to collect 12 base mods in order to get a feat. I think the majority of players hated those base mod feats where you have to create them in order to get the feat. Now we have to get 150 marks for each base mod. I don’t know what’s worse, creating them or have to grind raid-like bosses for them.
    I think no one would hate a decent grind, but this is to much.
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  16. Draconiano Committed Player

    I wanna see how people will complete all the feats attached to the bountys (kill x times, base mods, etc) in 6 months when that DLC is going to be empty.
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  17. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    It's the sheer amount of currency for any 1 item, on top of the normal/elite gear you would already be chasing.

    So I guess it could also fall under the time it would take too
  18. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    I honesty dread every bounty mission that comes out. Why? Because I know I’m going to spend 2-3 hours over next few days running the thing endlessly and boringly, because if you wait, groups won’t be big enough and it gets even more stretched out. Like it’s just stupid. And for this one, apparently (based on other posts here) I’m supposed run this one 50 * 5=250 times? And each run of 5 takes a half hour so we are looking at 25 hours of meaninglessness, non fun grind for a couple of skill points that equal less than 1% of my might? I just don’t think I can do it this time. If I get it naturally, just running it weekly and here and there when I have time, great. But I think this might be the dlc that breaks me on grinding every skill point. Instead of 50 kills for the feats, how about 10 (Weekly) mission completions instead or something? that way I can stretch it out, and enjoy it while I’m doing it. And there will be plenty of people available on reset day.
  19. Rainnifer Committed Player

    It's not exactly 250 times, as it's separate feats for each boss and you'd be fighting each boss each time you run the whole thing. The problem is that the feats only count If the boss is actually defeated, if it is a fail as far as I know it will not count for the feat. That's where the time it will take ends up getting stretched out further.

    With past bounties it was only ever really a fail if the boss managed to wipe the whole group, but with these bounties even if the group is huge and wailing on it there's been plenty of times it wasn't enough and time simply ran out.
  20. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Not only that but if your support roles only you can possibly get screwed outta credit even if you fight it from start to finish because you didn't 'do enough'
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