The greatest feeling

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AbsoluteZero, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Video or it didnt happen! :p

    (sorry im bored and want to watch some videos)
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  2. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    Oh I remember you, Im SwordEdge btw lol been awhile since I see you online
  3. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Ya i took a year long break just came back about 2 months ago how been
  4. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Maybe not on whatever planet you're living on. To the people on THIS planet, most of his story is actually quite typical.
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  5. Veritech Loyal Player

    Must be a hero thing to judge a book by its sp.
    Doesn't happen where I live :p People are judged on their actual performance.
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  6. FutureCrusaderElite Level 30

    GG and what was his reaction?
  7. X-zero Loyal Player

    Congrats OP I didn't believe it at first but that's because I thought I read your tank was 131.

    Was it the "I Q up for UM " part?
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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    As for SP goes, I state 113 is all you really need. Anything after that is just icing on the cake.

    As Syndicor2525 pointed out, skill still matters.
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  9. Multiverse Creator League

    I just think the OP was too excited by what just happened when telling his story.

    But in doubt..... asking for a video would be the best option. ;)
  10. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Really ?? Ok lets break this down shall we...

    "I just had one of the greatest feelings one could have in DCUO! I just made an elitist who deemed me unworthy from the beginning to run regular UM with him based on my SP (120 btw) eat his words. I Q up for UM as a 139 cr ice tank"

    - This suggests that the OP blind Queued into UM Regular....that alone is something to give pause to, but we'll get back to that.

    "and get in with a 141 ice tank who immediately starts a vote to kick me based on sp alone when the vote fails he gets on his mic and tells me they don't need a wannabe tank they need a real tank like him and tells me to leave and I refuse and we begin the raid"

    - So in a BLIND Queue group for UM this 141 ice tank once it gets in starts to either Wavedox, Census App check out a 139 ICE Tank mind you, and then calls him out on his skill points. Ok I can see that happening, though why someone in a BLIND Q to call out a 139 ICE Tank but this...he starts to kick people vote no, tell the OP that he is trying to kick him, then after a NO vote the 141 Ice Tank then berates the OP stating they need a real tank. When the group votes no and the OP refuses to leave someone with this type of conviction and/or attitude would just leave the group, but instead even after making all this fuse he undecideds to carry on...which leads to this

    " I tank all 3 bosses sin, blood and trigon I died once he died 13 times. After we finished the raid someone came on there mic and asked him how he liked being out tanked and out classed by someone he felt didn't deserve to be there. I gotta say it was a wonderful feeling to make that tank eat his words I just wanted to share that"

    - So, the OP Tank, tanked the first Boss and all 3 side bosses, meaning the 141 Tank either A- Didn't tank or B just side backup tanked while he tanked all the side bosses and Sin. I don't get how they could have 2 Tanks in there but the OP Tanked 3 Bosses and Sin...??? What was the other Tank doing ?? was he DPS'ing ?? Just side Tanking ? Having a drink with the Wife ??

    Then during the second boss fight the OP Tanked Brother Blood while the 141 Ice Tanked the adds and side bosses as they released them...OK no surprises there, this is normal.

    Finally the OP Tanked Trigon while the 141 Tanked the adds....OK we can see this..

    Now during this whole Blind Que UM raid the OP only died once while the 141 died 13 times....So what he is saying this blind que group either DIDN'T wipe at all and he was picked up just once or they wiped just ONE time while the other tank died 13 times just by tanking the adds during Trigon, the adds leading up to the first boss and/or the adds and side bosses during the 2nd boss fight ????

    I'm not sure what Planet YOUR on, but what I just described from what the OP states seems very highly unlikely...he must have blind queued into one of the best groups for UM I heard of or there is a lot of fabrication/missing information here...

    and to just add, the typical planet I live on and play on USPS you have a 50/50% shot of getting through NGN, a 10/90% getting through HH on a blind Queue group
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  11. Controller Devoted Player

    What Malachyte said.

    "IF" what the OP states is true, then GJ on you.

    But - the investigative work by Malachyte gives some pause.......

    In any event, I've ran with some rather good players, in our league and out of many raids, easy and difficult. I've NEVER seen such a case as the OP suggests happen in my nearly 4 years in this game.

    Such behavior among so-called "Elites" is NOT typical....such as the pre-judging and voting as described by the OP.
  12. Big Gl0 Active Player

    I know the feeling i consider myself to be an adequate tank. And this dude did the same to me back when i had 135 sp. The salt
  13. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    I used to have a friend on USPS around 4 years ago with the name absolute zero he was a league member of mine I lost touch with after the league chat glitch a few years back. Was hoping you might be home he was a fun person to play with.
  14. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    You honestly felt the need for all this? Get a life dude. True or fabricated who the **** cares. If it's true then congratulate him and move on. If it isn't then just move on. Pieces of crap like you are what's wrong with dcuo always down talking somebody. This goes for all video or it didn't happen bs go play DC and stop trolling.
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  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    said thing is there's a ton of those type of ppl in this game, I know several ppl who have cell phones sitting by them just to look ppl up on wavedox to shame them THEN kick them from the group.

    its like whats wrong with ppl, we are in a age of DCUO where SP' dont really matter like they use to. So why act like dbags. Hell do you know there's a friend of mine who hasn't been picked up b/c he has only 172sp for unholy and is quantum troll.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    whats this 141 tanks name?
  17. Nodens Dedicated Player

    That may be part of the problem, then. On USPC, even a random queue group is almost guaranteed to beat NGN these days. (HH, maybe 35-40%)
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  18. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    So many morons among us.
  19. Malachyte Devoted Player're right I'm a piece of crap and have no life.

    Have a wonderful day to you and your family..
  20. Malachyte Devoted Player

    You make an interesting counter point, even though I still find it improbable but to each his own.

    Oh and Thank you for the grammar check as that was definitely needed. I'm sure you never typo'd before.
