The greatest feeling

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AbsoluteZero, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    I just had one of the greatest feelings one could have in DCUO! I just made an elitist who deemed me unworthy from the beginning to run regular UM with him based on my SP (120 btw) eat his words. I Q up for UM as a 139 cr ice tank and get in with a 141 ice tank who immediately starts a vote to kick me based on sp alone when the vote fails he gets on his mic and tells me they don't need a wannabe tank they need a real tank like him and tells me to leave and I refuse and we begin the raid I tank all 3 bosses sin, blood and trigon I died once he died 13 times. After we finished the raid someone came on there mic and asked him how he liked being out tanked and out classed by someone he felt didn't deserve to be there. I gotta say it was a wonderful feeling to make that tank eat his words I just wanted to share that

    P.S sorry for the wall of text
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  2. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Gratz! ;)
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  3. Here2Help Devoted Player

    GG :)
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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Pm me his name.
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  5. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Yup. Nothing like owning a $**** talker by out performing them :) God knows there are plenty flooding this game, too. Good for you, OP. Nobody should be prejudged before running content. This is why one should never kick a player before content begins. Sure, I've seen lower CR players crash and burn plenty of times yet I've also seen my share of lower CR/SP players outshine the highest rated player in a group. While many believe that SP don't matter as much anymore, there is still one thing that will always separate the average from the good......and that is skill.
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  6. kawe Loyal Player

    I normaly don't like story time only threads, but this one was great to read. xD

    Grats to you and the other friendly ppl from that group for not eating his BS.
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  7. seek76 Committed Player

    So you block broke him, then countered him, and hopefully someone got the knockout. Cool needs to happen to a few more of em.
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  8. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Sorry, I just don't believe this story..none of it makes any sense
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  9. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Here's my word when exciting things happen "WOOT" grats I'm guessing he's a fotm ice dps who didn't get the memo that earth is the top dog now until too late now he figures he'll try tanking.... Lol congratulations dude may your tanking career be fruitful with great loot in the future!!!
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  10. Jak-Man Committed Player

    Gimme that dudes name so I can add insult to injury.
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  11. Rex Stone Level 30

    Goes to show you can have all the skill points in the game and still be a scrub. I've come across a lot of players like this. AbsoluteZero, Keep up the good fight and by the way imagine how OP you would be if you had 200+ SP, it's players like you who become truly Legendary ;)
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  12. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Thumb up , my friend. Yes, PM me that characters name.
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  13. Delta795 New Player

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  14. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    The fact that it was another member of the group that called him out after and not you, makes you a class act in that situation. :cool:
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  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    "Dear Penthouse Forum,

    I never thought it would happen to me!..."
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  16. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Absolute zero is that your character name in the game and are you on USPS server?
  17. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    No my IGN is NEMlSES ENFORCER and ya im on USPS why?
  18. SnowStar Committed Player

    • Like x 1
  19. Multiverse Creator League

    The proper reply would be;
    "A video or it did not happen."
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  20. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Agreed because none of that story makes any sense at all