The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    YES! Exactly! It's not needed!
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  2. Dianna WD New Player

    Sorry... But Gadget NEED the FearGas jump cancel. I know what I'm saying.

    Gadgets without FearGas jump cancel CAN'T keep up with Rage/HL/Celestial for both raids/alerts. Anyway if in an 1 troll(alert) or 2 trolls/3 trolls raid setup.

    Any dumb player can spam Retribution > Smite without problems, and using everytime the Critical/Precision buff when ready. Isn't needed much power, isn't needed a specific weapon to be OP as Celestial.
    You will need a better gear and better player skill to do the same amount of dmg as Celestial with Gadget

    Any dumb player can use Dreadful Blast spam plus Galling Eruption to do Plasma Burning P.I....

    PS: Both Celestial and Rage, if played right, can be used in a 5 dps / 1 troll raid and get top dps.

    Gadgets can do it? No... Gadgets without FearGas will lose in an 1 troll or 2 trolls or 3 trolls raid setup.

    With the Gauss Grenade animation time and FearGas jump cancel nerfs coming out... Gadgets will be pretty much a Mental with full range problems(CryoFoam) and much less dmg.

    How to keep up? The true is... They will launch the nerfs FIRST... People will be forced to switch to Celestial/Rage to keep up, and this one are the last two dlcs what's perfect to sell tokens + dlcs.
    You will want to stay on the game and paying for it, just to wait the Gagdets "revamp"...
    After months and more months, they will update the Gadgets and you will want to buy another token for it.
    $$$$$$$$$ - Perfect... Mostly bought tokens and dlcs to get Celestial/Rage, and stayed for months waiting for a new stuff...
    Come on... New stuff? They just nerfed gadgets and others to revamp after months. Is just a strategy to make people stay in the game.

    The Devs never tried to balance this game... Sorry, but people believing they will try to balance now with a new dlc coming with a new mechanic are just naive.

    I'm not a kid... I'm not naive... They are ******* an old mechanic to sell a new mechanic(WM DLC). Why I will still paying for a greedy game? Sorry... My fun will over and my payment will over together.

    My two favorite powers: Hard Light and Gadgets are being nerfed.

    PS: I ever tried to compensate the Celestial/Rage advantages with player skill and intense gameplay to keep up. They made Celestial/Rage with strong capabilities, but I stayed as HL/Gadgets bcz I love this powers.
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  3. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Without a doubt WD, I know you're a dedicated player to those two powers. I've trolled for you before.

    In the same token, these nerfs or changes won't effect me as much as others. So I can't say that I'm on the same boat as you. There's way around it. Atleast in my opinion. But I'm also playing at a different stand point then you as well. I play more with my weapons. Whether you know or not, I will always go back to dpsing with pistols and will adjust whatever I can to it.

    I will never say my methods is gonna be top. I did use your style before and had a really good run with it. It helped me get new ideas for what I need to do next. But everything I do will always be applied to pistols.

    And I'm not disagreeing with you on certain things, but the end of FG Jump Cancel isn't going to be the end of Gadgets. It be nice. But it's not gonna stop Gadgets from DPSing. Think about it, look what you started after Origin Crisis comes out. That style was actually pretty fun and very easy to do. Yes, these changes will directly effect that style of play and I'm not argue because I would be the same way if pistols was ever dramatically changed. Whether you choose to quit, is your choice. Whatever changes they make, we gonna have to deal with it and if anything work together to see if there are specific things that needs to be changed to make it more align in its own unique way. A lot of us discuss privately what the issues are and how we can approach it in a way that Spytle, Mepps and the staff would consider and hopefully make changes. Ofcourse they will have their priorities and we might be at the back burner. What can we do except wait. That has always been the case.

    How long did it took for us to have an actual Troller Super Charge? I'm not gonna beat a dead horse about it. I'm gonna wait patiently to see how these changes gonna effect us and then voice my opinion. Until then, I'm gonna just keep shootin.
  4. Blue Spectrex New Player

    Excellent post, with sad but true points.
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  5. Blue Spectrex New Player

    Question so I've been thinking about trying out Energy shield in my troll Pvp lo. Would it be worth it? I used it very briefly before a long time ago. Also have you guys noticed any differences to Photon? I used to hit 2k easily on the big ticks but now I'm hitting like at 900-1k in my PvP gear.
  6. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Energy Shield:
    I don't like using Energy Shield in PvP. The shield won't work if you get debuffed. The only good thing about is that you can combine it with the Restoration Shield adapter to give yourself a small heal whenever you use it.

    Photon Blast:
    I haven't noticed any changes yet.
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  7. Phil Miller Committed Player

    I have been reading a lot throughout this guide as I am new to Gadget DPSing. I have a couple of DPS questions if someone would not mind answering for me.

    1. After reading through the guide, I am thinking about using the following rotation: Intimidation into Napalm, Fear Gas clipped with the Electrostatic Pulse Device Consumable followed by Gauss and Photon. My question is if I use the Electrostatic Pulse Consumable prior to using Gauss, will I be able to get damage off all electrified enemies or will Gauss still interact with only one electrified enemy?

    2. I didn't see a lot of people using the turret in their DPS load out, but I was thinking about using it as a power save to be more efficient in my damage to power in ratio. Anyone use the turret or have thoughts on using the turret in a DPS load out?

    I appreciate the help and your time for responding to the questions.
  8. TheDark Devoted Player

    Enemies that are electrified allow you to benefit from extra damage when you follow the electrify applier (Gauss or ESPD) with Cryo Foam, Fear Gas and/or CryoField. So it would be Gauss then Foam or ESPD then Foam for example. You still get explosive damage and Burning Damage Over Time.

    ElectroStatic Pulse Device will electrify 4 targets in melee range. Gauss will only electrify one target (damage stance) at any range. Gauss isn't going to do anything extra to your targets that are electrified by your ESPD. You would just reset the electrified effect timer back to one. Electrified effects last about 11+ seconds but Electrified effects are not Damage Over Time.

    If you used ESPD on 4 targets then threw in Gauss on one of them, anyone, you will still be able to interact with them. Electrified or Burning targets (by Napalm which can set up a PI on more targets than ESPD and Gauss combined) still allow you to benefit from explosive damage.

    Let me know if you want me to explain further because the PI's can get a little confusing. They're easy to work with it's just Burning and Explosive damage aren't labeled on the combat log. They take the name of the ability you used but you distinguish it by it's base damage.

    Intimidation's animation last 1.3+ seconds or something like that. If you'd like Napalm then Intimidation is smoother. You could also use Intimidation after another ability that last longer than Napalm. Fear Gas can't be clipped by ESPD because it channels. The Fear Gas animation can be clipped/canceled by jumping then you can use ESPD. But ESPD is very quick. Although you can use it after FG you can organize your time by saving ESPD after another ability.

    What's your whole load out? So far, NG then Intimidation then ESPD then Fear Gas then jump would be smoother. You don't have to do it that way but it plays out better.

    I use the turret in alerts when there is just one controller. I never kept track of the turret's damage over a time period in a raid. It is free damage. It can also be used to clip animations if you jump during the cast bar and you won't be charged power. If you consistently use the other 5 powers in your power tray, along with other perks in your utility belt, and have no significant large gaps in damage out against the other Damagers then you could use it. If the board doesn't bother you then use it anyway.
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  9. Phil Miller Committed Player

    Thanks for the reply man! I think I understand what you explained in your response. The more I think about your explanation I don't even know if GG and the ESPD are even worth having in my load out since Napalm sets up more PI's than both of them. With that said, after you set up the PI's with Napalm, you would follow that with FG and Cryo Foam or Cryo Field? Am I understanding that correctly?

    As far as the turret, I was just thinking about using it as a damage with no power cost after its been cast. The scoreboard does matter to me, so it sounds like II would be better off replacing the turret with something else capable of dealing more damage. Not sure what that would be, but I would appreciate any recommendations.

    Gadgets DPSing is tough for me right now because my main is Nature. I consistently have a 20:1 damage ratio, am the lowest power in for the group, and am either #1 or #2 on the chart. Gadgets is played different and I understand that. Its just a challenge for me to try and be the most efficient I can and put out top damage. I hope that explains my questions a little better.
  10. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea. Either of those 3 or all. Those are the only 3 powers that benefit from extra damage when a target is Burning or electrified.
    For spreading power interactions on multiple targets, Napalm is the logical choice.

    You could still use ESPD. Not for the PI set up but for a tool to clip Intimidation or CryoFoam. You could also use Karmic Hex Consumables. Those have the fastest animations but they spread a different PI. Dazing Device works too. If you do decide to use any consumable for clipping the animation of Intimidation or Foam, the level 2 plans cost simple material which are easier to come by. I guess now it would just comes down to whether you have the plans and which material is cheaper to buy or easier for you to get. Karmic Hex require ancient vellum, dazing needs silicon wafer, and ESPD requires cybernetic actuators.

    You should try a run with the Turret. As long as you can consistently net damage with 5 tray powers and your utility belt perks you shouldn't do too bad. Do you use Stasis Field or Photon Blast?

    That's one of the weaknesses of the powerset. During the first year of the game player's thought Gadgets was underpowered. Players, atleast on PS side, had played for efficiency and avoided spamming power. That prevented people from seeing what was capable of being punched out. After 1 thread came out, and one powerset was introduced later on, a DPS only player showed how to net high damage just from speed but at the cost efficiency went out the window for that DPS' powerset and soon players caught on that the same can be done for Gadgets.

    The playstyle of Gadget is very different as you mentioned. It's just the only way to really deal might leaning DPS. A precision based damage rotation could be done but that depends on the weapon and substitutes for extra damage. It can be a successful approach based on what I've seen in private but I don't see it netting in as much damage as s might leaning D.P.S rotation. Atleast not yet. You just have to let loose a little if you play Gadgets.
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  11. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Agree with WD here. Gadgets with the fear gas nerf, not having to clip stasis with intimidation and increased animation time for Gauss/Napalm will make it a very underwhelming powerset.
  12. TheDark Devoted Player

    What do you mean not having to clip stasis with Intimidation? I didn't read anything about them making self buff abilities no longer clip animations of powers used before it.
  13. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Intimidation is beneficial super power right ?
  14. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Hey guys, I've been gadgets since beta, and I've been kinda quiet about my loadout recently because my league was plannig a dueling tournament and I didn't want them to know what I was packing, but I feel pretty confident about the loadout, so I'm gonna share it. Please give me some feedback on the effectiveness of the loadout and what I should change.

    For DPS PVE: Fully might based set, packing many sodas. Rifle is weapon, in top t5 content
    (Napalm>Foam>Intimidation>Fear>JumpCancel>Stasis>Soda>Fear>JumpCancel> Rifle Grenade>Fear) In my 6th slot i pack bunker buster or distract depending on super charge.

    This set, while eating up quite a bit of power, melts enemies like butter. I supplement my own power bar with extremes to keep from draining controllers to heavily. After applying burning, foam and stasis, I keep reapplying fear gas until the burning stops, then I do the loadout again, I hardly use my rifle, only to keep doing damage as I cancel fear gas and to get a tiny bit of power regen.

    What do you guys think, since I've been using it, I've been topping the charts in A&B or at the very least coming in close second. Should I change anything? Any tips?
  15. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Use photon blast instead of BB or Distract.
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yes. But its already above the 1 second mark. The animation time on it isn't being changed and spytle said it you're able to clip with an ability now you'll be able to do so after the change.
  17. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Not talking about animation times here. In the next update you won't be able to clip a beneficial super power with an offensive super power.
  18. TrueOlympus New Player

    Pretty Sure you never could.
  19. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Intimidation is a beneficial super power and atm you can clip it with Stasis Field which is an offensive super power.
  20. TrueOlympus New Player

    ........ I clip Stasis field with Intimidation. As in a cast Stasis Field first then clip with Intimidation. Are you saying that the order can be done in reverse? because I am positive that is not how it works..... unless I'm doing it wrong
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