The Future of DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WR Strike, May 24, 2013.

  1. Statman New Player

    I don't think that is neccessary whatsoever. New players still need to play through the Brainiac storyline so removing it at all ruins the story.

    Yes, top tier has beaten Brainiac, but they're not gonna scrap all the Brainiac content they've done to this point just because top tier players have beaten him down - he's still relavant in low tier content.

    If anything, Brainiac should be more prevalent in levelling content, coz there's only a handful of missions that he's influenced and you kind of almost forget about it until you hit raids.
  2. Statman New Player

    I just think it's funny that people actually think DCUO won't last through the PS4 release. No one has said the game will last forever, but it most likely has a couple years left in it still. It's naive to think that PS3's will be redundant come end of this year when PS4 releases.
  3. One_Man_Army New Player

    lol I still have my PS1. I don't use it, but it's there if I'm feeling nostalgic and want to. Also still have my PS2 which will play all my PS1 and PS2 games. Will I be getting rid of my PS3 whenever I do end up getting a PS4? Heck no. It, too, will be there.