The Flash

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by ACW37162, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    I'm saying it's all filled with sentiment, to me there's such a thing as too much sentiment.
  2. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    I think I saw a gif of him getting pulled out of the speed force by Cisco and it looked a lot like the scene in justice league unlimited when they had to pull wally out of the speed force.
  3. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    To me they kind of missed a good chance to introduce the Wally West version of Flash for a bit. It would have been nice to see Barry actually explore the Speed Force some more before going back. Wally and Jessie would come back as the (Kid) Flash & Jessie Quick to take out the "Zombie Metal Man." They'd wonder what happened the next episode and possibly explore their powers over the next 1-2. Then Barry would come back because, say, he finds out Zone is terrorizing his world or about to kill his friends (maybe he senses Wally and Jessie in trouble via the Speed Force).

    It just seems a missed opportunity to grow actual hype for two highly hinted at characters by letting them figure out their powers on their own.
  4. Multiverse Wanderer Well-Known Player

    I bet when the season ends (if Wally doesn't end up with powers) they just ship Wells and Jesse back to E2 so she can defend her home world.

    If Wally DOES get powers I say the same thing happens and Wally gets recruited to S2 Legends of Tomorrow (That would be epic) while managing to keep The Flash show just about the Flash and not make team flash too op
  5. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

  6. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Wally has always been on the low end of the speed force , it may take awhile for his power to kick in, he didn't end up in a coma like jessie n need Barry's speed force touch to wake him up ,
  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    * Zoom. My bad. :p
  8. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    The entire series (both seasons) has been full of sentiment (mostly Bazza feeling sad and how he's the only one who can do anything!)

    He's supposed to be in his twenties, isn't he? So why is he always acting like an emo pre-teen!!!
  9. Multiverse Wanderer Well-Known Player

    I think the idea of knowing you can change the world but always having something in your way would be pretty stressful.
  10. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yeah, but who appointed him as the sole Saviour of Earth One?
  11. Multiverse Wanderer Well-Known Player

    I mean who else? Batman? Superman? Arrow? Oh wait the show is called The Flash...
  12. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    They couldn't let him be gone five minutes before discovering he wasn't dead? o_O

    Obviously we the viewers would know, but they could have left BOB touching Bazza's suit until at least half-way through the episode!

    If They knew enough about Bazza to recreate his home complete with the yellow tape, then They should have known how traumatic it would be (unless that was the real point) as opposed to the happy home he has lived for the last fifteen years or so

    Talk about co-inky-dinks! The first ad after Zombie Colossus showed up, was a safety ad for Sleep Driving with people acting Zombie-like :eek:

    Wait, was that Jay (minus Silent Bob) complaining about Tony eating his mother's SUV? o_O

    Was it just me, or did the dropped mug kinda seem to slowdown just a little before it smashed? :confused:

    Acepting his mother's death never meant Bazza had to forget her

    Way to go Jay "Join me, or die painfully!"

    Was that a TIE-Pilot amongst the evil Meta's? o_O
  13. Multiverse Wanderer Well-Known Player

    alright well there's only two episodes left, time is valuable.

    they were trying to get him to confront the conflicting issues he has.

    no clue what you mean

    Zoom is not Jay he's Hunter Zolomon

    No clue

    He didn't forget her the first thing he did was go to her grave

    Once again Zoom is not Jay he's Hunter

    You might need to rewatch season 2 my friend...
  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    So Jesse has her speed and it's only a matter of time before she realizes.

    I think next episode they'll introduce Jesse Quick and she'll help take out Zooms new army of villains.
  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

  16. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    It seems Wally Wabbit has it as well, he just doesn't know it (when Joe dropped his mug, it slowed down, just a fraction before it hit, Wally just needs to work on his reaction time)
  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I think they just slowed down time to build suspense into thinking that he might try to catch the mug. I knew he wasn't going to. Jesse was touched by Barry and received a shock from the speed force which woke her up. I think Barry needs to touch Wally as well to "turn it on."
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Personally believe Wally already 'has it', he just doesn't realise it yet
  19. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club! :p
  20. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    So how about that fi... eh, soap-manufacturing club eh?