About to watch it (stand by for the latest instalment of the never read on-the-fly comments about the show you don't care about ), but it does seem like that, or he is in actual Limbo (ie dead but not been judged yet)
I don't know, when Cisco picks up his costume he gets a vibe. That means there's some sort of brain activity still going.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Barry is not dead and could be revived/brought back. It would loosely follow the comics and give them an excuse to introduce more speedster heroes (which they are doing).
S2:E20 Is Hairy jealous that Bazza's dad returned? Hairy is just way to fixated on Jay, something bad is going to happen (and not meaning sending Bazza to hell, that's just hilarious ) Wonder what happened between Vibrator (screw it, just gonna call him 'BOB' from now on) and his brother when they were kids to have them so distant now? More importantly, what did BOB do? BOB ran into someone from E2 with a grudge? Bazza is finally thinking: they need to stop relying on The Flasher (or any other 'Super Hero') Zoom doesn't understand that he betrayed Snow first... unless that was what he wanted: an excuse to go kill the cops They disobeyed Zoom how? By not disbanding? He never gave instructions about not congregating, he just told them to obey him and to get out One thing: The Flasher is not the only Hero (what about Ollie and his gang of misfits?) and he can not be the only Meta who wants to help people, getting really very fracking sick and tired of Bazza believing that he. is. the. only. one! Why did he have to wear his longjohns for the experiment? He is a junkie addicted to Speed, he doesn't need to be The Fastest, he wants to be The Fastest, he craves the rush of being The Only One Who Can Save Anyone! Oooo! It was the children who screwed it up when they broke out of their playpen!
1. Barry is not (permanently) dead. Too many reasons to list. 2. Wally and/or Jesse (I say both) will become speedsters. 3. All three of them will team together to defeat Zoom.
This last episode had so many mental vomiting moments, I don't want to see excess sentiment dragging the quality of this show down like it did (amongst other reasons) for the Arrow.
The writers said something among the lines "The shoe if called 'The Flash' not 'Flash & Friends' so it's sad to think even if we get speedsters out of Wally and Jesse (at least Jesse) it'll be very temporary and they won't stay lon
Yeah true to a point, but The Flash hasn't felt as cringeworthy about it as the Arrow to me, though this last one just felt like overload with the sentiments in: [SPOILERS] parents being moved about their children's fates, Barry coming to terms with letting his mom die, the dinosaur book, visiting the grave, Iris wanting Barry back, dad flash staying in the city.