The Fallacy of Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kimone, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    But this will never happen, because while I *DON'T* care if someone who Raids can get the same type of Gear through that system than I can from a Vendor, it's apparently an absolute insult to the wanna-be 'Raid Gear' Elitists that anyone should be able to buy something from a Vendor (even though it takes a bloody month to gear up a character that way and I've seen Replay Spammers burn content in the first three days)...

    It's stupid. It's a very 'false validation dependent' form of thinking - 'If I have Raid Gears I am a Better Player and if my Raid Gears Is Better than your Vendors Gears Then I MZ EVEN BETTARRRRRZZZ!!!!'
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  2. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Pro-suicidal challenge, Anti-Raid Gear / Glitch Mentality here.

    I know that people wanna feel rewarded for accomplishing difficult stuff - 1/3 of my Chest or Leg mark requirement from a single Raid is already a pretty nice reward. Getting the chance, three times, in that Raid, to skip buying a piece of Gear from the Vendor ENTIRELY? Also nice. Should it be the ONLY valid means of progression?

    For reasons outside of the glitchploitation community, I don't think it should. Considering this current cluster**** though? I am now adamantly opposed to the idea, because listening to a bunch of people cry about 'needing rewards', then cry about 'needing it to be better because of difficuwty gaiz', then seeing a pile of people - some of whom I'd lay money are THE SAME PEOPLE - cheat through the actual, correct answer to a hardcore Raid situation?

    Is complete ********.

    All that said, I don't disagree with your observation.
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Off topic - Support role with 2K prec = You're doing it right, heh
  4. Deepeess New Player

    Don't mind me I just here to point out this guy are going to lose his OP mask(Elite),
    "Beast league" I lol'd.
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  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    So did I.
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  6. Mad9 New Player

    Really? You glitcher, have a little shame. Post a video of your cheating league beating the first two bosses. Here is one we recorded in our league run.

    Your league members have gear drops that only comes of Hades and no way in hell can you could have beaten him legitimately.
    I doubt you can beat even the regular one since you are so used to glitching that you have no idea of the real mechanics. Also, come this Friday and your glitched gear will be removed.
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  7. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    At least someone's actually fighting in there...
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  8. WayneEnthusiast New Player

    This is what I thought back then, when the badges were first introduced; that they would only be used for feat unlocking. I have always felt that badges should exclusively be used for feat unlocking, not resetting content.
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  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I do like the feat unlocking facet, but use for replay is flawed because it literally has turned into Lottery Tickets For Gear.
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  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    No argument there...
  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I'm also agreeing with you, hence 'no argument', heh.
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  12. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    No one would feel the need to glitch if there was a viable alternate path for progression outside random chance. The vendor gear should either be the Top gear or one cr under. It should NEVER be made completely redundant as it has been in this DLC.
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  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Pretty much; why people are so offended by that concept is beyond me, but logic is something I'm starting to not associate with the DCUO game community as a whole.
  14. iSmashly New Player

    I would hardly call the people complaining about gear progression a small minority. It's an actual issue that was caused by replay badges. T4 is still the best set up as far as gear progression goes.
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  15. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Unfortunately people who cheat generally have the self awareness to take a hard look at themselves. They spend their time creating lame justifications for being cheats. Such people always blame others for their utter lack of character. They ultimately remain losers.
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  16. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Agreed. The use of logging tools at this level would bring the game to a standstill.
  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I would call that an opinion, an arguably divisive one at this point : the Tier 4 progression was still effectively 'Vendor Gear = Top Level', excepting only the Runes of the Norseman set that you had to get a special side mission for and then make in order to obtain. It was an interesting concept, but limited due to the facts that rarity kept it from being functionally obtainable and a subsequent DLC rendered all progress made in that manner irrelevant prior to the point where that progress could be effectively made to any degree.

    So using that comparison to the current progression, we'd be effectively equating the Runes of the Norseman to the Elite Raid Gear - this makes the other stuff that loaded in the Raids 'Standard Gear', which was all 2 Item Levels below the Vendor Gear, so I should be able to buy *better* Gear than what loads in a Raid, period, excepting of course the aforementioned 'Elite' Raid. That aside....

    What I have yet to hear is any defense for the concept of 'Raid-based Gear Progression' that doesn't insist upon invalidation of the Vendor-based progression. Literally the only defense is 'Raids are more challenging', which is only true for the first week or so - like in the HOP DLC.

    After trying it three times, Necro can be run in 20-ish minutes, probably less - nowadays I've done that with a pick-up group. Now, it's not the hard-core-iest of Raids : it's consuming the same amount of time as an Alert to give you potentially twice the rewards, including a chance at Gear that's slightly better than what you could buy from the Vendor at the time when it was 'top level'.

    And as the cheat festival demonstrated, making the claim that relative difficulty is a valid measure of determining progression was thrown out the window in moments by a bunch of people cheating their way through the Elite Raid. Meanwhile, doing it the old fashioned, one foot in front of the other method... It has taken me a month to get my Gear - I'm still playing the new content on a daily basis, including the Raids. So why is my effort not equal because I'd rather be able to just buy gear instead of shelling out for DCUO Lottery Tickets?

    Basically, I wanna hear a defense for this system that DOESN'T sound like the arguably ******** claim to preservation of player elitism. Because so far, when I hear 'oh well only people who complete the Raids deserve Gear', it's obviating the fact that I'm completing the Raids too.
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  18. DoIAmuseYou New Player

    I've never so thoroughly agreed with a thread before, really, there isn't anything I can add. You, sir or ma'am, get it. I've preached this point since dox and was disgusted to come back after 4 months of not playing by choice and find they pulled this **** again. May need to take another break, maybe permanently.
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  19. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    I'm kinda of sad that potentially my favorite DLC is ruined with this loot system...

    I love Greek mythology. And many of my characters are of that theme. Having more styles to mix and match is always awesome. It's the reason why I liked Amazon Fury.
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  20. Alekimsior New Player

    To me the fallacy of the Raid is the chance of getting higher tier gear. Have run Labyrinth multiple times, and even unlocked it, but don't see that increase of level 100 drops.