The Fallacy of Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kimone, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    I believe the crucial point is that the devs have turned a cooperative game into a competition for gear in this DLC (as in OC).

    The result is that some players (the highly competitive ones) will use each and every advantage they can get, including glitching.

    The loot is the root of the problem and should not be distributed the way it is in this DLC.
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  2. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    What I am hearing is the system I described would work if it was part of DCUO in its early stages.

    The MMO I utilize would hold the player accountable for leaving or withdrawing from a queue. I had to start being very proactive in deciding whether or not I wanted to queue for a mission when I made the transition from DCUO to "my" new MMO. However, it appears the DCUO community may not be able to handle such a "strict" rule.

    This community is too accustom to the freedoms they have. So what do you do with a community that believes the rules should be extremely flexible in DCUO? Perhaps there is a price an MMO must pay for such loose rules for such a wide range of players.

    Bottom Line: The DCUO community may need to agree to stricter rules if they want a reduced chance for these unfair events to happen. If not, then what resolution(s) does DCUO (as a whole) have without stricter rules?

    Side Note: Truism - a video game is a summation of rules.
  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    good luck on that one. as long as you have been here they only listen to the majority of the ppl when it comes to what to do for DLC or w/e it seems anymore.

    so if your the odd man out on anything GL

    but I agree with everything that you have said though. I havent bothered with throne. due to if I had gotten 101 Id be right in the bunch with cheaters.
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  4. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Then I will be providing backup to Kimone and encourage you and everyone who agrees to ensure our voices are heard :)
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  5. Giggles Loyal Player

    I agree with you 100%. There are many ways they could have gone about prolonging a DLC while keeping it fair. The easiest way in my opinion, because the code already exists in the game is the PvP progression route. It's simply just copy and paste and then add in the new sets of gear each time.

    Instead they chose to go the sleazy greedy route, which preys on a typical MMO player and turns this game into a glorified slot machine. I will not support a company that condones such poor business ethics. I sincerely hope they address and fix this sooner rather than later. I'm losing more and more respect for these developers each day this is allowed to go on. I'm seriously surprised thistle of progression system is even legal, as it is identical to gambling. :)
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  6. Giggles Loyal Player

    I am on board with this too. I have been against RNG progression in this game since it was introduced in T5, and this latest DLC was the straw that broke this camels back. :)
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  7. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    and the worst part people say" i'm tired of the dcuo because its boring" when there the ones when the dlc first come out they're hot up the *** of the devs say they need to step there game up but when a good dlc come they expect to much like high crs , high resto , high vit , high might ( yall get the point ) then turn and use a crap ton of replays to run the dlcs and make it no fun because you have done all there is and another point dcuo need to add more content instead of using old content 5 or 6 different times that we just seen from last dlc or a couple before like come on ... i think dcuo still got it
  8. Phil Miller Committed Player

    I agree with the OP but I don't think replays are really the issue. The true issue is glitching, a horrible loot system and a terrible gear progression strategy.

    I love replays and firmly believe people should be able to play at their own pace. However:

    1). Raids should not award the best gear period. Best gear should not rely on luck and it seems the devs keep making the same mistake / don't care about the state of the game when players resort to glitching to get the best gear. Ask yourself this: would glitching Throne devide the community as it has if the best gear was in the vendor? IMO NO!

    2). This DLC has the worst gear progression since OC. The devs responses to the loot system / luck based gear progression are laughable at best. With that said I no longer replay content like I have in the past. I can't even remember the last time I bought replays. I personally will not replay or buy replays in bulk to support a easy / no thought loot system.
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  9. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    Don't think I disagree with you, cause I don't. Having the best gear in the raids is, in my opinion, the EXACT reason we have glitching to the level it is. Do I think changing that would do away with glitching? No, probably not, but it would certainly make it a less desirable option where it not for the fact that the best gear is almost always lately in the hardest content.

    The problem is there a vocal group that want the best gear in the hardest content. They feel that if you are doing the hardest content you should be rewarded proportionally for it. Look at every Thread that props up every time there is a new Survival Mode. There is a vocal group that does not want to run it, despite being for greater challenge, simply because there is no reward tied to progression.

    Now, I have my own theory on this. In my mind, the majority of this group ARE the glitchers. Who don't really want a challenge at all, but rather something they can lord over others. They want the best gear in the hardest content because it naturally excludes groups from getting the same gear. So they can glitch the content, get the best gear and then be the kings of the game because they have something most people don't.

    The problem is I think there are also people who legitimately feel the best gear should be in the hardest content, as a sense of achievement for beating the hardest content. The problem is who is actually in the majority, the pro-challengers or the Glitchers.
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  10. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    for gear we should have a progression meter so when you get your stuff up you unlock the next tier kinda like pvp but for pve so if you have all the alert gear you buy the vendor gear then you unlock drop for raid get to drop so we can't glitch the game as bad ... is this a good idea
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Already bored with the DLC simply due to the way progression is in this DLC. Not 1 but 2CR above vendor gear that is up on RNG. I would rather have to spend 2000 mof +som than leave it up to RNG to get a full set of 101.
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  12. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    ???? wow, lol
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  13. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I have another theory which supports this too (as I agree with what you've wrote).

    I've seen several members of the community say "it's boring to grind instances for marks", to which I ask them "and how many raids do you need to run before you have a full set of gear?" to which I get no response, because it's undefinable how many runs it will take.

    I think the issue is tied into laziness as well. Which ties into your point about glitchers and the likes. On day 1, they're looking for vulnerabilities in the system to exploit or looking for an optimal strategy that eliminates the various non-DPS roles in exchange for more DPS to speed things up.

    They just want to get their gear and go or run with other players and obsess how much damage they're doing. You can guarantee that most people who oppose a fair system in favour of a random system play mainly DPS.

    So yeah I think you're right on that part. I think it's a laziness to grind a certain number of marks, in favour of finding weaknesses in content which they can take advantage of before everyone else to get ahead of everyone else, then spend the rest of the time gloating about their gear and damage out and how "beast" they are, posting screenshots of scoreboards for instances they were in talking about their "beast damage". All to gain reputation amongst the community that they are an amazing player. I see this frequently on my FB account.
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  14. HersheyKiss New Player

    I disagree w/u 1000%. If someone wants to earn the best gear then finish the hardest content which is raids, simple. Too many players in this game want hand outs or to take the easier path. And thats why the walk ins were closed bcuz u had to many people leveling too fast and were in end game content with no clue. I dont ever want some guy in my raids that has the top cr but has never run the raid b4. That happened alot with LnW. No thanks, if people really want to EARN their gear thru effort and grind and get rid of the luck with drops then beating all content to obtain the gear should not be an issue. If u cant finish a raid in this game then imo no u dont deserve the best gear at all.

    The devs have stated quite a few times now the 99 vendor gear is fine for completing content and it 100% is true. No1 NEEDS 100 or 101 gear, they WANT it. The part i disagree w/u is saying people shouldnt have to raid to get the gear, if u want the gear in the dlc then it should be required to run all the content in the dlc, not just some of it. The whole cheating/exploiting crap? Yea those players should of been banned. Them and the people who shout for crazy high cr #s. They do nothing but make the game harder for other people and most of em have no skill, want to be carried, and are badly misinformed. My ignore list is enormous bcuz of these people.

    As far as the punishment for the people who exploited? Yea devs dropped the ball on that. All 101 gear should of been stripped and the whole we are giving u a week to pull your mods out is a joke imo. If they wanted to actually send a msg the devs should of stripped all 101 and mods the day they made the announcement and then banned these people for at least 7 days. That would of sent the msg going forward. This tells me there will be other exploits in the game in the future that players will take advantage of bcuz they know nothing will really happen to them except for a slap on the wrist.

    Also not 1 player had 114+cr on day 1 of AF2 yet people now shout for those #s for the raids. Bunch of us beat the raids below 114 so why do players need to be 114 now to complete them? It makes NO SENSE. I urge people to ignore the people in LFG that u see shouting for that junk. If everyone ignored these people then at some point they would have no1 to run with and would be alone with their tiny group who think cr means everything. I personally done give a **** about a players cr, what i care about is can they play their role, if yes u can run w/me anytime :)

    Bottom line is dont run with people who think a # next to your name is the end all be all, its clearly not. The gear and IL are fine. The community is the problem and how they view stuff.
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  15. Crimson Jonni New Player

    And y'know, this dlc had some of the best content to date. But the progression is what kills it for me. At the very least If i didnt have luck with the drops, Unfortunately, the progression is what is killing my drive to play. I know that when HOP and Wotl2 came out I played those for an extensive amount of time, but now I have to find a reason to even get on anymore.

    I couldn't give to flying fairies about a magical carrot to chase, I would much rather prefer to get stronger through working for it. I could go for the vendor gear which is slightly worse. But vendor gear is now a whole CR level lower and the stats reflect that. I would rather try to grind my way to be somewhat on par with others than to rely solely on luck which isnt a reflection of anything except luck.

    At this point, i feel like it'd be better to just grind out MOF and purchase the styles in the rare vendor, and wait till t6 marks become triumphs to get the 99 set. Just for feats of course. I wish there was a grindy aspect to the game like Diablo as Kaiser stated, but that factor is tied directly to replays, and unless you're sh*tting out golden bricks, I doubt anyone would be ok with throwing money out the window for a chance. I'd much rather work my way to a reasonable level.
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  16. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    1. I completely agree with you on this.

    2. I see you play on the same server as me (USPC). I must say I Haven't seen anyone really shouting for 114+ groups for these new raids yet. (everyonce in a while 112+) but I have not had anytrouble getting into any pug groups above cr110. Trolling, healing, dps'n or tanking. And every pug group I get into rainges from 109-115. (with the exception of throne elite).

    3. This I can't agree with you on. You're claiming that every piece of 101 gear obtained thus far has been illegitamate. This is not the case, there are people who developed legitimate strategy's for throne of the Dead Elite. Beat the first 2 bosses. (Hades is still freaking impossible). Disband, Reset, Repeat. These people did not abuse an exploit, paid good money for those resets, and shouldn't have their gear stripped. These are the same people who are able to do this today (not the cheaters who can't get past the first boss because they lack strategy).
  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    What about all those players who do run the raids to earn the best gear who end up leaving with nothing? They are doing EXACTLY what you want them to do in order to obtain the best gear yet they aren't getting a reward.

    I don't. I know many other people who are of the same opinion as me also don't want their gear handed out either. All we want is a fair chance at it and you can't be given a fair chance at it when it's being distributed randomly by a biased, unfair system, calculated by the very people who get paid from it.

    16 Players wearing a maximum of level 92 gear at a max CR of 106 were able to beat Raid Boss NPCs that were CR115. More players wearing a maximum of level 94 gear at a max CR of 108 were able to beat Raid Boss NPCs that were CR120. Therefore, no gear from DLC 12 or 13 is necessary to beat the NPCs in the Elite Raid, thus making all gear since DLC11 by yours and the developers definition optional, desired gear. What is necessary to beat content is irrelevant.

    If you expect people to play your game, you have to give them a reason to and that reason is to work towards the best gear in the game. Nobody runs any other content for any other reason than the rewards or nostalgia. If this was the case, there'd be no such thing as replay badges because it wouldn't be deemed important to ensure we can't go in and continuously beat bosses to earn rewards/

    I genuinely don't care about what people are shouting for. I can quite easily make my own group if I want to. What I'm bothered about is the fact that the best gear is behind a lottery system and I am never guaranteed a full set no matter how much time, effort and even money I put in. This needs to change as people are tired of it.
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  18. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    The problem isn't how *I* view things though.

    It's how YOU and people like you view things.

    I'm still participating in Raids, and I'm still running content solo that even the average Raid Only player can't touch, usually by myself, so how am I not participating in the most difficult end game content? I'm beating some Raids by myself, I kill difficult end-game bounties, again, by myself - for no better reason than I want to and to prove that I can.

    So it's not like I'm avoiding any challenges, I go out of my way to create them in the game for myself on a daily basis - so why do you care that I can buy an item from the Vendor with an IL that's the same as what drops in a Raid? Hell, the Raid EQ is still ACTUALLY better at that point so the only possible issue I can see here is that people on the 'Raid EQ has to be better!' side of the line really ARE wanna-be elitists.

    The fallacious thought that 'Raids - > Gear' is a hold-over from migrating Warcraft players who don't have to deal with the ******** of a Replay For Pay driven system - if I could just run Raids eight times a day without laying down a 20 dollar bill, it'd be a different story and your insistence might hold a little more water. Right now, because of the Replay system, it holds quite a lot less, and as demonstrated - repeatedly - the Raid Eq = Top Eq mindset hasn't done a single positive thing for the community EXCEPT for appeasing Elitists and setting up massive cheat festivals.

    I'm not even arguing with the idea that Raids should actually be SOMEWHAT rewarding too. But part of that reward that you DEFINITELY get is Marks, so by devaluing the vendor system you're actually removing some of the reason to complete Raids too - if I can run three Raids and be assured of having enough to grab my next piece of Gear? That makes the fact that I got shafted on the Loot Table a lot more palatable.

    Instead, we have a system that encourages the idea of paying your way through to completion or resolving yourself to the idea of not completing your character development in this content before the next stuff comes out.

    So why do you support that?

    I mean, the claim 'Don't run with CR Elitists' seems a little laughable coming from someone who insists upon maintaining the sort of systems that keep those people fed.
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  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    To judge by what the forums have been saying, I'm not the odd man out here. This has pissed literally everyone BUT the cheating bastards and the Raid Elite 4 Lyfe players off.
  20. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    2.1K Prec, heh.