The Fallacy of Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kimone, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Note : I don't hate Raids, I actually rather enjoy them as a challenge to be completed at my own pace, but I am more than a little mad right now because of all the chicanery revolving around this current DLC's Raids, specifically in relationship both to the changes in the Gear Progression System and the Giant Pile Of ******** And Cheating that now surrounds it.

    On the note of the Raids themselves? This is the DLC that I have been looking forward to the most since I started playing the game (around two years ago now) and when it comes to actual Raid mechanics, this is easily my favorite content, Ever.

    But because of a small minority within the community's complaints about progression, poorly-justified developer responses to those complaints, subsequent invalidation of every single one of those complaints because of both glitch exploitation and good old-fashioned Replay Badge abuse, and an absolutely laughable developer response...

    Nothing I have seen in this game has ever pissed me off more.

    From where I'm sitting this issue would be non-existent if it weren't for a small minority of people complaining that Gear Progression had to be Raid based. I don't think you should have to run Raids to get comparable Gear, and the reality of it is - Raid Gear was already better than the competing stuff, you already get a better reward for doing Raids in the following three manners :

    • If you get Gear, it's Free
    • If you get Gear, it's a Unique Style
    • Even if you don't get Gear, you get 9-10 Marks a Raid

    As a result of this, endorsement of the decision to make Raid Gear an actual IL above the Vendor Gear seems like endorsing the decision to monetize progress. The popular claim - 'oh well, you have three whole months to gear up!' - is known ******** because of how the community has treated the Raid system so far. We knew that this was happening in the LAST DLC, people were sitting down with a pile of Replay Badges and grinding out a full set of top-level gear in the first few days.

    Now I'm finding out that people were apparently using a glitch for that too, and the only thing I can think of that makes it even slightly palatable is the fact that these ******** didn't sit down before that DLC and QQ until the Gear Level they both cheated to obtain and bought their way into was actually different from what I could get from a Vendor - progressing my character using the more honest, old fashioned 'it actually takes me a month to finish this' method.

    You know, me taking time to get through the content at a reasonable pace and not complaining about a self-generated lack of **** to do - which was the ENTIRE ******* JUSTIFICATION FOR MAKING THIS CHANGE IN THE FIRST ******* PLACE.

    This DLC is actually visibly FAR worse in that respect, because to get the 100-101 Gear, you HAVE to buy into that Replay Badge driven Blind Luck progression system, or you personally have to have a rabbit's foot in your ***. And in addition to that there was (once again) a huge, rampantly abused glitch in a Raid that many people in the 'It's gotta be Raids!' camp insisted upon the existence of, then discovered that they couldn't actually beat validly and so cheated their way through instead.

    The last three weeks have basically pointed out the glaring, massive flaws in the claim that 'Raids should be the focus of progression system', in a number of manners.

    • It has lead directly to a giant, poorly-handled cheating festival.
    • It has directly contributed to more of that insane CR chasing mentality that makes it impossible to find a group on LFG.
    • It has pissed a bunch of people on both sides of the did / did not cheat fence straight the hell off.

    At the risk of sounding dismissive or unsympathetic to people on the 'Raids Raids Raids!' side of the fence?

    This mentality ONLY contributes to the ******** in this game. There is no justification for it. Any attempt to make it seem like a valid argument has literally been undone in the opening days of this DLC. Every claim supporting this concept was invalidated from the word 'go' by the fact - not a supposition or a rationalization, but THE FACT - that people DID complete their progress through new content, in the first week, simply by throwing a million Replay Badges at it.

    And worst of all, they cheated in a blatantly obvious manner that is barely being punished in response, even though THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHO DID IT.

    I could care less if my ability to progress through the same content wasn't literally impugned upon by the fact that, since I DIDN'T cheat my way to a 115 CR, it's now impossible for me to even get INTO a Raid Group in LFG with a 'meager' CR of 113. And because of ******** who insisted that Raiding had to be the only valid method of character progression, I can't even just save up my Marks and buy Gear that will get me to the point where I *CAN* run what was otherwise literally the best content I have ever seen in the game.

    You want your progression to be luck based, fine - go play a slot machine. Go play WoW. Or just Raid and get your Gear that way and leave my ability to progress THE **** ALONE.

    But please, quit defending this as a good decision. It clearly was not.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'm happy that they drew a line in the sand and did something here finally, but I do agree the punishment should have been more severe than it was.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    BIS gear needs to always be drop, MMORPGs are known users of the carrot on the treadmill method, because it keeps you coming back. Replay badges are like a stand in for actual content having replayability
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  4. Veritech Loyal Player

    I'm pretty sure you'll have more than the minimum cr for the next dlc just with 99 vendor gear. Only a rat can win a rat race...
  5. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Gotta admit im sick of it.

    Responded to some needing a healer for Zam. An they said my 113 toon was to low. over 10000 Health, 7K Resto, 2,122 Prec.

    Its getting dumb. I've been sticking by my league more then ever this whole DLC. LFG is trash at the moment for me at least. Bunch of High Horse A-holes.
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  6. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Cheating high-horse ********.
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  7. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Letting the actions of anonymous strangers dictate your happiness is silly.

    Is cheating acceptable? Of course not, but there is no way I'm gna let that wreck my entire game experience. The accomplishment lies in the completion of the content not in the loot. These are the best raids I have seen in a very long time.

    Can't find a group? Make your own, join a league use your friends list. Being social in an MMO can be just as important as being a skilled player, if not more important.
    I have no idea why you can't find a group at cr113. I pug it every day at 113 on my main and 112 on my alt.

    As for the loot system.. To each their own, I like it. I like it a lot. Instead of running content X amount of times and getting gear I enjoy getting drops. To me it's much more satisfying than grinding marks. Besides my league was smashing the 3 normal raids on day 1 without any dlc gear. To claim it kills your progression is nonsense. Go run the raids, have fun! The loot comes in time, it's not a race.
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  8. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    I'm thinking I won't even chase elite gear. 14 pieces in total. If you don't use replays and get EXTREMELY lucky, and get 1 drop per time you can run it... that's 28 weeks to get the full set. (Can only run it once a fortnight without replays remember...).

    So.. if i get it.. Yay me.. but if not.. well.. yeah. I'll finish the style one year.
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  9. Supergeon Well-Known Player

    The best punishment I think for cheaters is life in front of a mirror-let's see them cheat their way away from a reflection of a cheater..yea :3
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  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    this is a slap on the wrist hoping it calms the mobs. reality tell's you cheating wont go away due to a lack of ps test server. so guess what a new glitch will pop up and those who know will gaurd the secret till they use it up. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD ANYONE THINK ANYTHING IS FIXED. us long time guys know dcuo wont spend the time and money to police this. they are putting on a dog and pony show but that is all we get.

    this was a great dlc riding a ton of hype that could of been a huge step in redeeming dcuo especially to those we needlesly lost. instead as usual great game, great content trashed by the devs slimy profit schemes. this is why our beloved game is floundering. at this point the person making these decisions should be held accountable b4 they completly kill the game
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  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    This is more about complaint-filled people hijacking the enjoyability of the game from other individuals, and then being defended or endorsed by the developers and afterwards insisting that it's everyone else's fault for being offended at this turn of events.

    Setting aside for a moment the FACT that you're playing a Quantum Character with 101 Gear from the Raid that was *just* exploitable because of this glitch (because let's face it, that colors your testimonial somewhat negatively)...

    My point in the above statement - aside from "I'm really tired of hearing people who are profiting from doing things the 'pay for win' way insisting that this system isn't designed for 'pay to win' or maintaining a defense that it's being done to promote content longevity when it has accomplished literally the opposite of that end" - is this :

    I don't complain about the concept that someone else can earn good gear from a Raid faster these days, even though the original T1 - T3 progression was set up specifically to favor Vendor-purchased Gear. Prior to this only two DLCs have ever featured Raid-Only top level gear, but ALL of the DLCs that featured Raid and Vendor Gear both clearly skew stats in favor of the Raid-available Gear, even though the Vendor Gear takes longer to get. At that point the difference wasn't huge so it wasn't really a point of complaint, now we're looking at a system that actively devalues the more time-consuming method of character progression.

    Literally, it favors burning content instead of encouraging continuous play.

    I don't get the chance to run with my League at least 5 days out of the week because I work a full-time third shift job, so insisting that I have the same available option to run the Raids is already a flawed proposition from the standpoint that my schedule of things to do in my real, everyday life forces me to play during non-peak population hours when 75% of the people in the game aren't on, let alone the people I know.

    So instead of running Raids over and over again to grab all the gear I can in the first few days, I run Alerts, Dailies and other things instead and make my way through progression at a slower rate. I realize it's going to take time, so that's not what I'm complaining about.

    I'm perfectly okay with you playing your way, being my point : so why do people insist upon devaluing the way in which *I* prefer to play?

    This isn't an insistence that Vendor Gear needs to be better - but it WAS close to the same, and that was working just fine. It said that I, being a daily player with an odd schedule, could still continuously improve my character to the same degree that someone who spends 12 hours on one weekend at the start of the DLC then wanders off for the rest of the month to play Destiny (or whatever) could.

    That change, in and of itself, would have been a very minor, very inconsequential concern...

    • If I had not just heard a small core of Raid Elitists crying about 'needing a challenge'.
    • If the same people had not insisted that the challenges they were getting weren't worth it because there was no reward.
    • If this change in progression was endorsed by the entirety of the community, as opposed to that small core.
    • If the developers had not insisted that this change was being done to promote content longevity and then afterwards had a community contact come out and literally say that the negativity that this has caused was intentional.
    • If the same small core of Raid Elitists was not currently covered head-to-toe in Gear from the super-Elite Raid that they insisted upon the existence of and then cheated their way through to complete.
    After all of these things, Yes, I'm pissed, and having someone insist that I should just be happy with being able to play the game after other people's complaints have messed it up to this degree? Sounds a little patronizing. Going back to my first observation, it also sounds incredibly hypocritical.

    So, since complaining - as opposed to an insistence on fairness or good, old-fashioned logic - is apparently what works around here? I'm going to utilize the same tactic, and I'm not going to shut up about this until we see the next DLC and have verification that the same **** is no longer taking place.
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  12. lukelucky Devoted Player

    odd the game had way more people b4 it put the best gear in raids. actually id bet my dollars to your doughnuts that if you look at the population since t4 operations till now its been a steady drop off. ok in t5 a plummet but once we dopted this system BIG PROBLEMS

    MOST IMPORTANTLY IF YOU WANT TO GAIN THE BEST GEAR FROM RAIDS YOU BETTER HAVE A LOOT TABLE THAT SOMEWHAT IS CLOSE TO MAYBE WORKING. dcuo's loot table has 4 years of PROBLEMS. hey if you like your loot on a table that simply wont award some % of players certain items have fun. till i see 1 tier complete i say forget this. t4 codex? 3 toons and not even close despite still beating it weekly. samething with TT gear from the OC dlc. beat them weekly yet cant finish the set. HAVE I NOT ENOUGH WINS YET? or to you people getting cheated is ok?
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  13. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Yep I'm quantum. I strongly dislike weapon mastery and I'll use any power where I can thrive without it. Not to mention after three years changing powers and enjoying new changes keeps the game fresh.

    Yep and I have a few pieces of elite gear. Very few pieces of elite gear. What can I say, I'm either the laziest glitcher ever or I have a beast league that can actually beat the first two bosses. Hmm interesting didn't I recommend that you find a good league? Lmao

    As for your loot argument, didn't even read it. I guarantee it's nothing I haven't seen before. More importantly I don't care. I'm enjoying the game and the people I play with. Hope ya can find a way to enjoy yourself bud.

    Cheers xRI0Tx
  14. CHUD Loyal Player

    Your raid experience could be worse. You could have me on your team and lets face it,.....who'd would want me on their team anyhow?
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  15. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, a beast league, like one with the two top PVE CR members being 115 Quantums (this is your league BTW), one of whom is still wearing a Hades Only Glitch Item and the other of whom has missing equipment slots now, what remains being insufficient to cover the 115 CR he has...

    Totally you're innocent.

    Though I guess one thing IS true, you really ARE the laziest glitcher ever...
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  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    We've made do with worse...
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  17. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Lol so in a league with 100+ members one guilty means all are right? Yea that makes sense lol.

    Have fun pugging elite Buddy.. Oh wait.. That's right nobody wants to play with you. :( I'm sorry.
    Have fun in act and return.** there that's better :)
  18. RachaelRay New Player

    And they still can't beat content. Lfg players as a whole flat out suck for the most part. No league wants them, so they stick to pugs and spread their cancer.
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  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    At least I'm not going to have to lie to other people about how I got my gear when I'm done.
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  20. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, I stick to my league, on the two nights a week I'm actually around... then again maybe not being able to get into Raids right now is a good thing, considering the cheat-elite trash currently floating around.