The Curse of Owning DCUO Alts...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stamen, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If you play the alt character and have fun while doing so, they've more than proven their use and benefit.
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  2. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I wouldnt have lasted 4 years in this repetitive game without the varity of multiple characters.
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  3. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    My characters are not useless.
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  4. Makineko Committed Player

    I have 5 alts (4 hero+1 villain) and my main is a villain. I've managed to level up 1 of my alts (Rage) to 62 and I'm in the process of doing another (Sorcery-lv 13 atm). The main challenge I find is finding time for my main and leveling up my alt toons. I made 2 alts to try the other support roles (learned a lot so far) and a Gadget Troll as the Trolls I've come across Hero Side have been VERY hit and miss.

    I like playing my alts though. Switches things up a bit especially when you're used to 1 role and you have to learn about another and getting used to the powers that they use too.
  5. I LikeSmallForks New Player

    That's an odd thing to say.

    Regardless what role/powerset you play, the game is exactly the same. Your statement is rather confusing.
  6. I LikeSmallForks New Player

    Compared to other MMO's... they are.
  7. HersheyKiss New Player

    Id say most play alts to play all the roles and different powers, thats what i do. I have 7 toons atm that are t6, 5 of them i play daily. I would be insanely bored playing 1 toon on here. Probaly bcuz i have 190+sp and wouldnt have much to do. And it gets boring playing the same role all the time and same power.

    Now if they somehow let us play multiple powers at the same time plus all 4 roles then id never play an alt again, but dont ever see that happening :p
  8. HersheyKiss New Player

    Well they need to do something about the bytes it takes to make mods. The next dlc is t7 and we are going up to 21 bytes a mod. And im guessing alot of players out there are not buying total kits with every dlc. I know im not. I got 60 of them at christmas and went thru half of em already. They need to gives us some sort of bit multiplier thingamabobber or something for when we farm. Its just getting to be too much. And no player wants to feel like we NEED to spend real $ to keep up.
  9. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Agreed. I bought 100 of them and have only 45 left. I won't do that again - not with 4 tiers of gear per DLC and not with content that isn't dropping regularly enough to gear up my toons. I will farm a bit and probably park a few Alts. More time for me to explore other games.
  10. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    The suggestion in the OP is a really good idea. The devs should definitely consider this.
  11. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    How is that odd? I feel the same way as the guy you quoted. For me, one of the most enjoyable things to do in this game is to play as different powers. And while the content is the same, the game is not exactly the same. Each role is very different and it can feel refreshing to switch it up. Different powers work differently too, and experiencing various powers is how some people enjoy this game.

    Edit: In response to your comments about alts being useless: most people don't play their alts to help their main, but instead so they can play as multiple roles and powers without having to pay to respec. That's not useless.
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  12. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I like it. Make the shared bank the same size as the default bank if you do this, devs.
  13. ReAni Mator New Player

    True, synths are a perfect solution for alt modding, it's an alt after all. I do heal/dps main, Troll/dps alt which ends up being 4 sets of armour to mod. I use to be full on serious about having them both totally racked out in byte mods, but after a break from the game and a more relaxed attitude after returning, I find synths fine on either of my toons and their roles (easier to live with synths on support role armour personally). 98 gear then 99, 100, and 101... No way am I modding and removing byte mods for each cr level...
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  14. ReAni Mator New Player

  15. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I personally love alts. I like to use different power sets and have different character looks/themes. Gearing them is a pita because of so much gear that is not account bound. What the OP mentioned also greatly factors in.

    Just because you don't like alts doesn't mean others don't.

    I wish the currencies were global too. That would make gearing an alt easier and would bypass the issue with the cash withdrawl item in the store seeing as you would no longer need to mail money to an alt.
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  16. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Being an alt-o-holic I share your pain but I've taken steps to reduce it drastically.

    I only bother keeping boost II supply drop and Tac Mods running, that with the belt unlock is 8250 triumphs rent a month, even for the 106+cr alts. I will continue to do this until the alt has purchased all the pre T6 iconic suits, then I will spend more triumphs on my mainframe.

    The same goes with exobytes, For now I've simply stopped using them. Synthetics all the way. As soon as I can I go with the synthetic III as my baseline. At 125 triumphs each they are the perfect balance of CR boost vs cost. Then if I find myself one CR below the next threshold I buy the highest I can and swap some out until the next CR triggers.

    Once in T6 I still do exactly the same but then I'm trying to get symbols. If my furies get near 100 before I have enough symbols to buy a piece then I buy and bank a synthetic VI. When I hit 105 I then switch some III for VI until at 106, the 95+ gear I then get I go back to III mods, it means your CR will "stall" when entering the next threshold but you've accessed it which is the important thing.

    Doing it that way means you generally have toons which are strong for their CR as the majority of the CR comes from the gear, not the mods.

    Because of that low rental I keep all toons active and available at all times. It also means when munitions comes out I'll quite happily follow the same pattern knowing there will be little to no "waste" in the toons progress.
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  17. OWLMANjr New Player

    The peoples bad says work hard and you will be rewarded. Nothing in life is free.
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  18. NerdGeist Well-Known Player

    When you work your alt as much as your main, is it really an alt?
    Myself have kinda this issue, as I work 2 toons pretty much equally. Everytime I acquire something hard for one, I work the other for the same. This way, they have pretty much the same feats, CR, SP, ect.

    I also have alts on another account, which I don't bother farming or running feats so much. In fact, I leveled em up in raids, so they are "rushed", have crappy amount of feats and poor gear, and that's ok, they are pretty much my "farming thralls". All I do with em is throw em on events to gather stuff for my main. Every now and them I end up deleting one, and making a new one, so I can use the Radar Enhancers and R&D Scanners to try and gather collections and exos for my mains. For one, I still need the collections around Ace Chemicals and Arkham, my alts gonna fetch while my main sits comfortably at the Command Room having tea with Talia.

    I'm planning on getting Premium or a short-term Legendary later, and when I do, the only difference is that my alts will be on same account. They'll never get much more lovin than that.
  19. wick3d Well-Known Player

    I respectfully disagree....
    I have 3 characters, all are 113+ with 205+sp. I ONLY farm on my main toon and i have not even picked up 9,000 bits in the almost 3 years i have been playing. All 3 toons are fully modded on both roles at top tier. I have never asked anyone in my league to reset me or run my alts through content while they were locked. I HAVE bought replays in the past but it was before my alts were born and I have not purchased any in close to a year, almost all my replays went towards buying feats for alts (about 800 replays each so maybe $40 in total). The replays and loyalty per month given for Subbing has been plenty to share feats between the toons since. The amount of exceptional recovery kits that drop in the game have been far more than enough to maintain all 3 toons' gear with minimal broker "work" to cover the difference when you recover less than you need for the next mod.

    I play a lot...usually 3+ hours a day which may be why I'm able to do this with ease. I can see how it would be more difficult to maintain alts with less play time, though. As you said, "Mileage may vary"

    BTW: +1 for your sig, John Oliver is HILARIOUS!
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, they have made changes that are alt friendly only to make later changes that hurt alts. I'm with Stamen. My main is a healer/DPS, but I have controller, tank, and pure DPS alts for the variety and to help fill league runs. I've given up on trying to keep them all modded properly. Alts are 100% synthetic mods. Their gear also lags behind significantly. Sometimes, I just have to park them, particularly when new content drops. It's not terrible, mind you, but I'm all for changes that would facilitate alts.
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