The Current Quality of the Game is Unforgivable.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AZPrime, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Joybird Committed Player

    I've been playing this game since 2011, and this is the first time that the game seems to be accumulating bugs faster than it is resolving them.
  2. AZPrime Active Player

    The issues with prestige this week highlight yet another major screw up by the developers. They thought to move raid reset day with no thought to the other systems tied to it, and now all the leagues in the game are, in essence, being punished for it. It's yet another problem added to a long, unexusable list of problems.

    The easiest solution to this particular problem would be to raise the overall cap from 400K to something much higher and to remove the weekly cap entirely, but obviously the easiest solution is hardly the go-to in this game for whatever reason.
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  3. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    I think the solowing's point was that FFXIV is not more profitable than GTAO... and that would be an accurate statement.