The Current Quality of the Game is Unforgivable.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AZPrime, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    It is not just the cosmetics that sell big. The capsules have replays, and feats that the EG/EEG pay big for to be at the top. The broker ppls buy capsules to get those rare items to sell at near impossible cost. To get the seasonal feats as soon as possible these days you have to purchase the seasonal currency and again it usually EG/EEG ppls that want that fast. All of the EG/EEG players I know have purchased numerous WolfPacks and are buying more with the current discount. New ppls wanting to be at the top immediately are buying replays, Nth metal, and Wolfpacks like crazy. To put it on one part of the community for being at fault for buying what DCUO is selling is incorrect. A lot of people playing the game are spending money and DI knows it, so they keep doing it. Why fix the game when everyone is still buying the stuff they are putting out for every aspect of the game.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    As it stands right now, as both a veteran player and as a paying member, I do not feel valued at all. There are no communications with the general player base let alone communications designed and directed at the paying members or veteran players. A simple message thanking us for our dedication to game and supporting it, as well as acknowledging the achievements of veteran players who have continued to support this game, obtain achievements during our game play, and just letting us know, hey you actually do matter to us, would go a long way towards rebuilding goodwill.
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  3. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I still play dcuo but I haven't renewed my membership and there is a sale going on and don't care unfortunately. I use to jump at these types of things but until I see an improvement I'll invest back into dcuo. I still enjoy playing with friends whenever I can but I'm done spending money for lag and bugs and glitchs at this level.
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  4. AZPrime Active Player

    The time for messages of appreciation has long since passed. A half-asserted apology isn't going to be enough to make up for the game running like crap and being unstable. Actually fixing the game is the only acceptable option, even if it's a little bit at a time. At the very least, stabilizing the terrible lag the game suffers from on a daily basis would be a good start, since it's probably the easiest thing to fix, hardware-wise.
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  5. AZPrime Active Player

    The state of the server today is abysmal. Lag is so bad that rubberbanding is prevalent, enemies falling through the floor and not taking damage. Characters getting stuck in animation for an absurdly long length of time.

    The silence of the developers speaks volumes as to how much they care about our grievances.
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  6. Chilontius Well-Known Player

    FFXIV is one of the most profittable MMOs in history. The required sub alone + millions of active players is way more than DC could ever make. Top that off with level skips, phantasias, outfits, etc from the shop, they make an insane amount of money. SE's most profitable thing as per their last shareholder meeting.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Because its a solid game, It has content variety,, and does support player created content.

    If I tire of vertical progression, I have Housing, Farmville, discount Dave and Buster, Yugimon, Large Scale Player Content, Player Created Venues (I have my own menu in my signature), Discount Mario Kart, Role-Play, Achievement Hunting, Connect 5, Postman Quests, and Photography

    Its content diversity that really helps, I want more of that from DCUO. Housing is great, but we need some minigames! Something that isn't always "this content increases CR" Housing comes to mind (I started doing housing here but XIV spoiled me) But more stuff along those lines. Something to keep players logged in that isn't a stat increases.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I agree, But how many are willing to have their DLCs potentially delayed for those fixes?
  9. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Maybe more than you think? If anything, I'd say daybreak are the ones who want DLCs out on time at the expense of critical game fixes, not the players.
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    We are already waiting an average of 6 months now per DLC with the exception of this year with the next DLC dropping in September, tentatively. Beyond that, I believe their map was for the following DLC to drop in March 2025, so another 6 months later from September. Two DLCs per year is now the new norm which more than likely will change to only one per year. I really expect it to go there. My expectations are now lowered.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Am I shocked when the community will throw their entire wallet at low effort gamble-boxes for years? Once they made the contents of the lootboxes tradable. They read the community like a book. Its DCUO sanctioned RMT with an extra step. And the players EAT IT UP.

    Lootboxes are innately designed to be anti-consumer because it benefits more from reducing your chances to get what you want. While offering nothing more then a item on a loot table with its drop rate severely reduced.. And that sold better than the content that takes development resources and time to create. We sold out years ago, and unless players spending habits change. Neither is the games trajectory.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I remember there were players who championed 1 month DLCs.

    But I'd say you're right. The suits at the top arnt concerned with the state of the game, they just want to know "what's the revenue this quarter?"
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Look at GTAO, Most profitable piece of entertainment media ever. And this is what happens when people throw money at a product regardless of quality. We got what we paid for.

  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don’t buy their “loot boxes” or Booster Bundles or anything else, especially post Ep.41. Handicap me, and I handicap my spending on the game. I believe that is fair. I’ve been shown what this Company thinks of its veteran players, and now I’m being shown what this Company thinks of it subscribing members, and it ain’t pretty.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Most companies don't care about you, just whatever keeps the cash rolling in. Its just the veneer. Im sure the devs care about their game. But the higher up have no investment outside what can be squeezed out of this game. Your happiness is now a byproduct, but not the primary objective anymore.
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    That’s why they need a marketing company like the one I work for to properly guide and direct them. Happy customers are repeat customers and repeat customers become loyal customers. And loyal customers are a reliable income source even in down times.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yes. Been saying this forever.

    Also yes. The devs have stated numerous times that there are many things they wish they could change or improve, but are not allowed. That is the only reason I have been seen to defend the devs when such situations occur and people falsely accuse them.
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  18. ANewLeaf45 New Player

    I deleted the game last night. I deleted it about a month ago (maybe 1.5month) and put a video up of doing so.

    Like most addicts - I came back to the game within a few days, and restored the toons, and I found myself a few days ago paying several hundred pound on both several wolfpac tokens, and opening about 20 BB’s and made myself a new quantum toon, bought over some sp, wolfpac arts, augs almost maxed, and I logged in last night for reset, and it all hit me so crystal clear as I waited to try do bounties - I loath this game!

    And I felt so much shame, that I actually genuinely cried a little, because I realised that I’ve been addicted to this game (even though I’m not even close to a comic fan) I loved the old players I played with (who’ve long since left) I felt such shame at how much money I’ve wasted on this diaease.

    I deleted all the rooms (6 toons with max everything, three toons with 690sp, 1, 500+, 1, 400+ latest toon had 250 or so bought over. This endless cycle of making new toons, playing the same broken content, the same lagged out, as the game rots, and people complain more than ever, but do nothing! As they see the and feel how they’re being treated, but can’t bring themselves to walk away.

    I have zero shame admitting I restored my account last time I deleted it within days, and I realise that I have a serious addiction, and have written to the devs to have the account banned and the ip banned so I can be done with this game forever.

    The quality of this game now, compared to when I started in late 2013 or possibly 2014 (an old account) it’s not even close to the same game, and feels like it’s being held together be a very cheap super glue, I feel what customers are expected to put up with now, and they don’t even try and hide that the games quality is no longer a concern.
    It’s all about cosmetics and BB’s, TC’s, as they remove more and more for members, and aggressively promote flat out gambling to clearly so many people who’ve become severely addicted to the endorphin-raising possibility of getting a premium box, a new shiny, some “feats” that aren’t earned at all, simply bought, and all the other gimmicks, whilst the game continues to degrade etc.

    No more! Enough is enough! It really is.

    I have no malice in my for this game. I hate myself for allowing myself to become trapped in it. I’m ashamed to a point, that I actually cried after realising the problem I’ve been having with being enticed to spend, and falling for it. I felt disgusted after the latest empty spending spree.
    I’d say there are MANY like me in the game, and on these forums, who want to walk away, but feel they’ve invested too much and have to see it to the end.
    I now see it as a very serious gambling problem! (As I have done for some time) And I don’t see the tens of thousands spent as a loss, but as future loss prevention, and a better state of mind around gaming in general.

    This company doesn’t deserve the custom it receives! And I truly will never in my life return to this game!
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I am glad you realized your own shortcoming and decided to do something about it. First step to improvement.

    If a game ever offers you a chance at an item if you put your hard earned real money into a slot machine, dont engage. Because the more you do, the more reason they have to lower the odds next time to keep you spinning, (Sunken Cost Fallacy)

    But I would recommend avoiding F2P games.
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  20. ANewLeaf45 New Player

    This’s the only MMO I’ve ever played. I’ll never play another again! I’m very aware of my shortcomings! And have zero shame admitting them. I’m fortunate enough to have the money to waste, it’s not about the money per sé, though that is a factor obviously. It’s about not walking away when I’d seen the writing on the wall any years ago. The direction in which things were going, and STILL returned and started anew in 2020.

    But… what’s done is done!
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