The Current Quality of the Game is Unforgivable.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AZPrime, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. AZPrime Active Player

    Please note, this is not about the quality of the story or anything in that vein. This is purely about the game as a whole being a mess.

    As it stands right now, DC Universe Online is a shadow of what it once was in terms of quality. The game has always had ongoing problems with balance, engaging gameplay and other issues, but usually the game as a whole had a level of quality that only over the last year or so has all but disappeared.

    Firstly, the game is more unstable than ever. Players crash for no particular reason, entire open world zones just randomly become unavailable and boot you to where you were previously, and enemies become completely immune to damage all of a sudden, sometimes in the middle of combat, both in the open world and in instances. Each of these things have been issues in the past, but moreso than ever they're happening now and at the same time.

    Second, as has been pointed out multiple times on the forums, the in-game chat is buggy as can be. Audio randomly drops out and the players have to finagle various things to make it work again. On top of that, the text chat has similar problems where it just randomly stops working, sometimes sentence to sentence, and occasionally even just blinks out altogether, leaving no alternative than to relog. Worse still, both audio and text chat issues can happen at the same time, making communication a nightmare for anyone not using an external chat source.

    Third, the quality of the content has taken a massive nosedive. You have multiple pieces of content with this DLC that are broken or just outright flawed, such as;

    - An open world daily that didn't work correctly and has only been marginally fixed and still refuses to work correctly.
    - An open world weekly that's not only arbitrarily timed which causes frustration to get it done, but also causes the game in general to lag heavily.
    - A duo where the second boss can randomly glitch out, reset, fly around like a headless chicken, get stuck, etc.
    - One raid where during the second boss a colored floor that indicates safety randomly decides to work or not work, and a final boss that glitches out over an indestructible table.
    - Another raid where the bosses have tons of overlapping mechanics, and the final boss in particular can randomly have immunity during an important part where he needs to be lunged for the entire group to survive. Also, the audio queues for some of the bosses' hard hitting attacks don't work correctly, and either don't go off entirely or come out stunted or muted by the other sounds of the game, and the subtitles don't always show up either and are unreliable.

    Every single piece of content this time around has bugs, glitches and other problems. And since communication with the devs has all but broken down outside of secret channels and secondhand information, no one knows if anything is being fixed or even if feedback is being addressed at all.

    And before anyone comes in here with smart remarks about how if it bothers players so much that they should go play something else, some players don't have that option. Players who sub or those who paid for lifetime membership deserve to feel like their dollars are going toward something, anything to make this game as great as it should be. It certainly hasn't felt as of late that the budget this game has gotten from the players who pay to play has been going towards making the game feel good to play. Plus, one would think the developers would want to put forward a product that at the very least runs well and would entice players into staying instead of the opposite as it currently appears.

    Thank you for reading this.
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  2. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Tried out the PS5 version and boy, is it rough. Frame rate drops, video hitching, stil have the bugged UI on bootup, still 'forgets' keyboards are plugged in every time you zone anywhere, and of course, the random crashing.
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  3. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The fix for the Hall of Doom 4man seemed to be removing objects and particle effects. The funny thing is, lag can still hit you in there, though I suspect it's a server bandwidth issue now since it seems to hit when most people are on.
  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Was just in the hall of justice raid ads weren’t taking damage we all had to leave .. I’m glad the sub I pay for is money well spent .. I think when it’s time for it to be renewed it won’t be
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’ve had that happen in the alert too.
  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I'm on PC and generally my game runs great but since this new DLC has come out I've been disconnected randomly at least once a day sometimes more, had big lag spikes and a lot of the other problems you mentioned chat is virtually broken the devs really need to fix things asap. Perhaps daybreak should hire more devs to keep things running properly.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate


    Didn't even mention:
    -in almost every run there seems to be at least 1 invisible person.
    -massive lag issues
    -the duo 1st boss can also just freeze, making a walk out/deserter mandatory, which CAN impact you for up to unknown minutes at times.
    -removal/replacement of daily rewards have made the system all but useless to many
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Remind me to send you your Premium Tier welcome package when you get there.
  9. VIRALITY Dedicated Player


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  10. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    The current update on the wing armor is kind of a "quality in a nutshell". They couldn't fix it, so they just changed the feat revolving around it.
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  11. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    With the current state of the game, I really can't wait for The First Descendant to launch tomorrow so I can enjoy playing a game.

    We have crazy lag and incredibly buggy voice chat that have been going on for way too long. But don't worry, we get a new booster bundle tomorrow. Pathetic.
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  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    One problem the dev seemed to have is when they release new DLC they put it on the test server for a whopping two weeks which isn't enough time to properly test it and even if you do find bugs on the test server a lot of times they go live with those same bugs anyways. They need to properly test things before they release them even the Sunstone Base it took two months to fix the armory bug, It's getting to the point now where when a new dlc comes I start dreading it because I know it's coming with a lot of bugs.

    Even right now I'm wondering what bugs are gonna come with the booster bundle launch tomorrow and the tides of war. Not to mention the lag that's been going on for months now causing disconnects and the chat is utterly broken. This kind of stuff does not want to make me spend any more money on this game. They should really focus on getting the game working properly before they start releasing more stuff ,new content is all fine and good but if it's unplayable what's the point.
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  13. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Yep well said which is one reason why I won't spend anything on this game anymore. They can release new stuff quicker than they fix stuff and much faster to drop something cosmetic but slow to respond to us lol yeah no thank you. Once I see things improve I'll support $$ again but atm I'm not getting what I personally feel I'm paying for.
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  14. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    It is not just the cosmetic stuff that sells. The people that love the cosmetics have always spent money to meet their needs. It's the competitive ppls that now have been spending money like crazy these days too. I have seen players with as little as only two weeks game play at max CR or close to it. They have artifacts that are maxed out also. They must be spending tons of money on Nth metal to get there artifacts up. I also know of EG & EEG players that have bought numerous Wolf Packs so their alts are powerful. The time capsule and booster bundles do sell quite well also. Just watch the marketplace as rare items and collections are quickly available for high prices. In the past, EG & EEG ppls mainly worked hard to get to their CR lvl maxed, but now everyone wants to be at the top of the scoreboard and are willing to pay to get there. I wouldn't be surprised if DCUO started selling old feats. Every style of player is spending money on the aspect of the game that suits them. The game is catering to the ppls that spend the bucks. DCUO is taking advantage of that to make money, even at the detriment of the quality of the game.

    I personally have stop spending money as long as the quality of the game is not being repaired and the communication is almost non-existent. I have given up on any adjustment being done to the clamp that will be fair to everyone. I will keep my subscription, buy what I can afford from the marketplace and play the best I can with that. I am very sad to see so many people leave the game I love. I can only hope that DCUO changes and finds a way to bring back lost fans of this game and yet still continue to bring in new ones.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  15. Chilontius Well-Known Player

    Thing is, if you look at the testing forums from before the DLC came out. All of these things were mentioned, most acknowledged. So they KNEW about them all and went "meh, whatever" and released it anyway.
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  16. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Yep and it boils down to they don't care and I'm sure the devs care but management and higher Ups don't care so I won't care to longer pay them until they start caring. I'll still enjoy this game with friends but no matter what pretty flashy stuff they throw at us or sales I won't move. We have to start voting with our wallets because we're getting what we pay for and they need a wake up, call a reality check.

    The lag the bugs the PS5 version all a HOT Mess and it bothers me that they rushed it out when it wasn't ready Still like wtf. Do they take any pride or respect on there work just hold it back. To continue to rush out dlcs with bugs after people voice concerns while testing and they still push it out I mean GOT Damn wtf smfh a mess a mess.
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  17. Chilontius Well-Known Player

    to be honest, compared to most other f2p games, the market is pretty pathetic. Look at SWTOR's market, or even Star Trek Online. Way cooler stuff, WAY WAY WAY more stuff, and you can see the work and detail put into them.
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  18. zNot Loyal Player

    For the amount of $ dcuo makes the state of the game as a whole in many ways has been terrible for alot of years,This isnt a recent thing but i think due to covid and dev shortage they were able to get away with some excuses in the past but since these problems are solved for a quiete while now and things still didnt change and some aspect got even worse the community started to see the bigger picture.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    GTAO is also guilty of this. If minimal investment creates maximum profits, why expend more effort then what is needed to maintain it?

    Most profitable piece of entertainment media ever. And the best we get is 2 DLCs a year on the same map I've been flying around since I was in High School, and I'm in my 30s now.

    FF14 isn't that profitable, and I get new patches every 3 months and a new expansion every 2 years.
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  20. zNot Loyal Player

    The community is definetly at fault too for buying these low effort maximum profit cosmetics,why would they sell a episode for 15$ when they can sell a capsule booster bundle etc with cosmetics in them that take and cost way less dev time and $ to create and bring more or equal revenue? Who cares about the gameplay experience ? Lets just stand around with fancy auras on a game with terrible content and gameplay lol.
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