I was thinking how nice it would be to add a grab mechanic in the game. But should it be power based, movement based or weapon based? Or combine all 3? Here's how it'll work. After a successful block/interrupt/block breaker, you will flash blue and your opponent will flash green(or yellow?). During this short time if you or your teammate is close to the opponent you can do a grab attack for additional damage or bonuses dependent on role. The enemy can still breakout of it negating the throw I would think this would be a great addition to weapon mastery but that's almost complete. Limiting Factor you only get one grab Here's a list of a few: Power Grabs Fire- clutch the enemy in a bear hug and increase your body heat casting burn damage, inflicts detonation on an already burned enemy. In tank role provides healing to yourself on an already burned enemy Gadgets- grab the enemy by the neck and zap their body with a taser glove electrifying them, if already electrified casts burning, in control role this grants a random debuff (defense, attack or healing) Ice- clutch the enemy in a bear hug and freeze them casting chill effects, if already chilled they become encased in ice. Sorcery- Grab the enemy and rip out his essence. Either grants you gold aura, red aura or inflicts kharma Nature- hold down your enemy and suck the life from them (Leech Life) Mental- Grab hold of the enemy's head and instill terror into them, if already terroized they burn. In control role grants random debuff. Quantum- Gravity slam: make your opponent lighter than air then slam them down with increased gravity. in control role grants random debuff Electric- grab the enemy by the neck and zap them casting electrified effects electrified enemies explode. Hard Light- wrap the enemy in hardlight chains, provides crushing effect. In control role grants random debuff Rage- tackle the enemy pin them down and plasma retch in their face. Earth- casts giant rocky hands to come forth from the ground and crush them (yea needs work) Weapon Grabs Shield- leap over the enemy and toss your shield into them with a buzz saw effect one-handed- Final blow: stab the enemy while they're down two-handed- whack-a-mole: bring down the hamma!! brawling- mount the enemy and mercilessly pound the enemies face in martial arts- ground pound: administer a striking blow to the enemy dual wield- slice the enemy into the air then somersault causing damage leaving them open for a a final blow on the way down hand blaster- blast a pulse of energy right through the enemies chest, staff- using your staff catapult over the enemy and smack them with a downward smash rifle- ram the enemy lift them into the air launch a grenade into their chest dual pistol- somersault over the enemy unleashing rounds into your opponent Movement Grabs Acrobatic- backflip the enemy into then use a hand sping kick to slam them in the face, Speed- speed flurry: attack the enemy from all directions with punches ending in an uppercut Flight- grab the enemy lift them up in the air and come crashing down in a twisting nosedive. Combinations When combining all 3 or just 2. The power determines the power interaction, movement affects bonuses to you and weapon affects hit counter. well thats' it. Based on your own gameplay style what type of grab move would you want?
He did state that you can break out of the grab regardless, but even though you risk extra damage as (i'm guessing) once per knockdown, if you fall from a counter effect (interrupted) it gives you a 2nd shot to get back on your feet..although to throw in extra break out animations depending on the kind of grab would be quite a task. Would these be purchased through skill points, power points, or a mix? thou hast forgotten about the powers of the gods and demons however sir (celestial)
Now, I am not a developer, but I don't think the game engine DCUO uses would allow this. Look at combat, the various pulls each power uses, and more importantly the awkward cut-scenes when one character attempts to touch one another (the stab scene with Bruno Manheim and Batwoman, for example). This would be a great idea, but I'm pretty sure the way the game works simply wouldn't allow for that kind of animation to happen and this is why we have pulls instead of grabs. :/
Well Harley, we actually do have these animations already; well one of them. During the 'Unpaid Dues' Operation there is a section where you have to find assassins and beat information out of them,the animation doesn't last long and it has to be done quickly. and you won't be pulling, it's not long range it's up close and personal. I was thinking it could be purchased with skill points if we're talking about weapon or movement based throws. Power points though? I was thinking you could get a throw attack based on the first power you buy. btw *facepalm* how did I forget celestial?!!!
I'm afraid the animation you're talking about with interrogating the Serpent Path Ninjas is a brief one that displays basically you punching them, which is no different than most other combat animations in the game. This is a very far cry from bodily grabbing another character in the game. I'm sorry - I would love to be wrong about this, but I don't think I am. :/
Looks like you put a lot of thought into this... But, no. If I want grab mechanics I'll play a real fighting game or super smash bros
Wanted to edit my last comment, but it looks like I'm a few minutes too late. I just wanted to say that a lot of this stuff looks like it could actually work - except for the actual grabs. Overall, though, you've got some good ideas and I can see you've put a lot of work into it. I just don't want you to think I came on here to crap on your ideas. That's not my intent, and I would never want to discourage you from putting more things like this up. We need more people willing to throw ideas out there like these. Good going.
You forgot bow and celestial.... Bow- smack the enemy in the air with your bow and shot them with a final arrow as they come down. Celestial- grab the enemy with light and dark spirits and let a small amount of power(stat) be drained. These alright? Oh yea I forgot your thread is....
i was just discusing with my friends the similar idea about the "grab-throw" mechanic, that would be nice. i would make it a movement based grab-throw. maybe add it to wepon, or to replace block break.after a throw, enemy will have a knock down and would have to pick him self up. acrobatics - grab enemy roll on your back and throw him with leg behind yourslef. superspeed - grab and circle inot throw. flight - grab pullin and then throw in front. think that would make an interesting mechanic in pvp, especaly in node capture maps. i still didnt think what would GRAB be vounrable to..
Well I was thinking that the grab would be not be vulnerable to anything; what i mean is that. In combat when you successfully block/interrupt/block-break you flash blue. When you flash blue you get some type of invulnerability(not completely invulnerable but you can't get block-broken/interrupted/or blocked), so thought it would be great to do a quick grab move while they're down btw Great ideas you got there!
like that idea...you could have the grab moves also work as a counter grab...maybe even add in a animation that pushes the 2 players away from eachother if the grab is succesfully counterd
probably the best way to implement it would be to make it like "being Controlled" so Dom effects it and then "usable while controlled" and breakout effects would work with or against it...then maybe let weaponization give its bonuses to make super strength more useful...maybe link it to that unused R3 button on ps3... think I asked about it 3 years ago and someone remarked it couldn't be easily installed...