The Booster Bundle Is Back With New Auras And A New Price!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Ashe New Player

    Loving my shiny new red plasmic aura! :D
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  2. Toren Calduris New Player

    I've always loathed these booster bundles in the past. Now at $10 you're guaranteed one of the new auras.. I'm fine with this. Much better this way.
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  3. Flavian Committed Player

    how about allowing us to pay for the original voice of booster gold? ;D
  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    It's alright, no biggie. I've got a pending trade for one right now. Now I wonder if we'll both be able to get a Yellow Nimbus Aura at some future date? :confused:
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  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

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  6. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Oh, there better be one forthcoming!
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  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I know, right? ;)

    Have a great night, I'm off to the game now! :cool:
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  8. superscrooge New Player

    cant believe they included red and blue nothing rare in this game anymore wat a desperate attempt to get people back all my red and blue plasmics are worthless thx for being dcuo and not failing to piss off old vet players
  9. kawe Loyal Player

    So you hoarded some to sell them for big $$ later on?
    Serves you right. ;P Besides, fitting forum name.

    Only suggestionI have is to keep on holding onto them until the prices rise again some time after the bundle is gone.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Yeah, I just looked up the last booster bundle and they did indeed say those plasmics were exclusive to that bundle....

    Not cool to resell items deemed exclusive.....
  11. DAFLASH6521 Well-Known Player

    Is the station cash gift card redeemable on PSN?
  12. krimzonk Committed Player

    I agree with the sentiment that the Red and Blue Plasmic auras were said be only exclusive to the previous booster bundle and as such should not be in this one. Would have been nice to get purple/plasmic auras as a lot of people have been asking for them. I still want those Mist Auras from War of the Light Part 1 though! :D
  13. krimzonk Committed Player

    10,000 SC on booster bundles!? Wow....But yeah the most common auras look to be the orange, red and blue plasmic. Out of the new nimbus aura's I see lots of the Green and Red variants on the broker. No smokey aura as of yet hehe.
  14. krimzonk Committed Player

    The Green Nimbus completes a GL inspired character. Perfect color tone and really makes your character stand out. Though I have to say I am not a fan of the Green Plasmic aura, much like Mepps! :D
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  15. hehateme New Player

    for some reason I cant purchase a bundle on the ps4, the option is greyed out
  16. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I got 4 auras last night. Red, blue, yellow, orange (all plasmic). The orange plasmic aura freakin sweet. Thnx dev's for adding orange to the gamut. I would love to see orange make it to the slim aura market as well. I bet the ladies would like to see a pink happen too.
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  17. Mr. Doofa New Player

    This is the first time I've actually signed up to these forums although i have been a leach for well over a year and i have to say I'm disappointed with this offer.

    Myself and others spent A LOT of cash attempting to get the 3 "exclusive" auras from the last deal. I spent well over £100 to get a few purples, 1 green and then finally the nimbus which I was fine to accept as pot luck to get a limited exclusive edition aura but now you can get it basically in every colour with zero chance of getting a standard aura? Personally makes me feel cheated and I won't be ever buying a deal again.

    Rant over
  18. Shifty Committed Player

    Wooooooooo missing out on this because appearently I got banned! best part is I recently renewed my legendary so SOE basically got free money from me :D AND another amazing thing is so helpful and responsive SOE is! I mean I didn't submit a ticket over 18 Hours ago asking why I was banned or for how long.I'm Glad I waste money on this game!!!! SOE IS THE BEST! pff..... Bout to lose a paying costumer,Just Saying.
  19. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Pretty sure SC is PC only. PS have a different currency.
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  20. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Would still really like to buy the auras separately but this is something I would actually buy. Too bad I am short on money so I will only be able to buy a couple. :/