The Booster Bundle Is Back With New Auras And A New Price!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. DCUController New Player

    oh ok so then its just the ones in the OP then, nice then a $50 will and should be well spent then. I should get 5 of the auras in the picture in the OP basically.

    good, I've never been 1 to gamble with these type of sales main reason why I ask :D

    and now that their 50% of what they were and a 100% chance at getting 1 its "ahhh YEA" worthy lol
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  2. badman1st New Player

    Tut Tut people would buy the auras straight of, all your doing is making an imbalance for the economy of the game, Ive bought 6 bundle packs prior, and guess what 0 special auras its a joke.
  3. eanur Well-Known Player

    Man you dev's must be loving this right looking at the marketplace transactions and thinking here comes my pay check for this month :)
  4. Jax Prime New Player

    I love you.
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  5. BigAl Devoted Player

    Its awesome, but wouldn't there be more money in just selling the rares on the marketplace? You could bump the price, and we would still buy them. Just saying.
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  6. Fightingbudha New Player

    Awesome. As soon as I think I'm done spending on the game, they pull me back in.
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  7. Ivar New Player

    Was about to buy 2000 Station Cash again, will I get 2 booster packs for that money (18€)?
    Or in other words what´s the booster pack price in €?

    And as this is bought over the in-game Marketplace I can pay via Steam, right?
  8. Franchise New Player

    Can't believe y'all bringing back the red and blue plasmics after it was supposed to be exclusive to the previous bundle smmfh
  9. Umbra78 New Player

    Does the 10% discount apply to those packs? ;)
  10. Prosser Dedicated Player

    yup, just got one for 900 SC
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  11. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    That's fantastic, thank you!!!!
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  12. ErnieB Loyal Player

    lol I could give you a few names, but blacklisting is not permitted.
  13. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    If this is going to continue, I'm glad you guys are doing it this way.

    That being said, I need that smoke aura.

    Seriously. Ill offer anybody on PS4 in game cash for it, right now. Name your price.
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  14. Umbra78 New Player

    Hehe great thx, guess i grab some of them then.
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  15. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Called it that it would be a new aura, two colors of nimbus and the remaining would be plasmics...

    $85 for 10 shots at a black smoke aura it is. :D
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    with that price and a assured random aura i might buy 1 or 2 GG
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  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Okay, gonna need 2 Green Plasmic Auras and a Gold Plasmic Aura! Curse you, SOE! *Shaking fist in mock anger* ;)

    Any word on a fix for the Bug Affecting the Auras yet? :confused:

    I mean, for drokk's sake, you can even see it in SOE's official photos in the first post of this thread! o_O
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  18. Epimetheus New Player

  19. Magnificent Loyal Player

    It looks like the folks in charge of making Marketplace items are finally getting the hang of providing items players want at good pricepoints. Kudos! I predict this will be a very good seller.
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  20. Stark Cold New Player

    1st Round of Bundle's purchased. Now I just need Smoke and Red Nimbus.
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