The Booster Bundle Is Back With New Auras And A New Price!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. tyjames New Player

    I think it's clear enough and Mepps Further clarified you randomly get one of the Auras that are listed.
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  2. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Just read Mepps post. Thank Christ that I won't be getting a fat purple aura later
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  3. Vampirebit Well-Known Player

    Is What Mepps said
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  4. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    I was thinking I needed more Radar enhancers. But sadly, This week is no good for me.

    Nephew's Birthday > Booster Bundle. :(
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  5. EctoLantern Active Player

    I see MANY plasmic and nimbus auras on the horizon - it'll be BLINDING!!
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  6. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    OMG .....
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  7. DCUController New Player

    are these aura's 100% given? as you get a reward box, or has this always been done? and its still a "10/90 risk"
  8. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Who would even want to put that up on broker?
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  9. Ra7ie11 Well-Known Player

    Something tells me there are going to be a lot of pissed people since the original plasmic aura won't be in the bundle Jens said so in live steam, im pissed im gonna get 3 bundles but knowing my luck i won't get the black smoke aura nor the 2 new green plasmic and nimbus aura oh well.
  10. Deranya Dedicated Player

    I read over it 5 times to make sure there was no "purple" hiding anywhere :p
  11. Ra7ie11 Well-Known Player

    P.S The prices on broker will be off the charts that much is certain.
  12. Will Power Loyal Player

    I want some elemental Auras. I want a flaming Aura. That I can change the color should I want to.
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  13. DCUController New Player

    If I get extra's I'll trade them for the others just saying
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Guaranteed to get one random Aura.
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Personally if I got the Black Smoke one I'd probably be looking to trade/sell it. It's cool and all but it just doesn't seem to fit any of my character concepts, even with Halloween coming up.
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  16. kawe Loyal Player

    I don't think so, since every bundle will get you either a nimbus or plasmic. So it means there will be more supply compared to the last bundles. Of course, orange plasmic wont be as expensive as the smoky black or green ones will be. ;)
    But I think after a few days the prices will considerably drop on the broker.
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  17. DCUController New Player

    guaranteed a plasmic aura from the pic or just any random aura?
  18. Oligonicella Well-Known Player

    US PC server up and I'm in.
  19. Will Power Loyal Player

    I doubt the Classic or the Thin Aura are in there cause you can buy them in the Market Place now.
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  20. Unknown Legend Active Player

    Oh yeah!! Time to get rich!!! :cool:
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