The Booster Bundle Is Back With New Auras And A New Price!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. nogimmick New Player

  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    And to give the important info for those too lazy to click the link, here it is:
    There you have it. Don't like it? Tough. I, for one, am glad that I was able to get a Blue Plasmic Aura without having to pay millions of in-game cash on the Broker, because I'm planning a character that will make good use of it. :D
  3. Sinnvoll Well-Known Player

    Can dance around it all you want. Their exact words were:
    The Plasmic and Nimbus Auras are all exclusive to this bundle!

    "This bundle" is a pretty specific expression.
    Plus if they really saw the booster bundle as a singular entity as they say in that post there would be no need for them to say "this bundle", they would just say "exclusive to the Booster Bundle". The fact they said "this" was very missleading.

    You can call it poor choice of words, i call it something else that some people/companies use to get people to buy things they normally wouldn't.
    • Like x 1
  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    And their exact words provided for clarification are as follows:
    The fact that many players misinterpreted what the original statement meant is WHY they've provided this clarification.
  5. Machine213 Level 30

    I know this isn't the right section, but this thread is pretty active, I'm trying to trade my red plasmic aura for a blue plasmic, anyone interested?
  6. Machine213 Level 30

  7. Mad9 New Player

    I am sorry but what you claim as misinterpretation is not a misinterpretation. The clarification is merely an act of cover up.
    The basic rule of interpretation is that one must attempt to interpret ' good/service' description in its literal sense which means that red and blue plasmic auras were sold as exclusive goods. The clarification is a retraction as there never arose a need to rectify any inconsistency. The law prescribes that only in the case of an inconsistency where the object and intent are not clear shall a person use the golden rule of interpretation and cure the defect.

    In the current situation, the clarification is merely damage control. I can assure you that if you approach the Federal Trade Commission against SOE, your complaint will not be turned down. You are actually entitled to a refund on your previous purchase during the last Booster Gold Bundle offering. SOE is guilty of misrepresentation and false and misleading advertisement.
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  8. Collosis New Player

    How is It possible to spend $220 on booster boxes and not get a smoke when they are suppose to be completely random? I've gotten 7 yellow aura,s and this is crazy...that doesn't sounds like it's an equal oppurtunity to get any aura.

  9. Mad9 New Player

    It's not the same opportunity. Smoke aura drop is a rare random drop. It won't necessarily drop. The common drops are the orange and blue plasmic. I have 14 orange and 10 blue plasmic besides others.
  10. DCUController New Player

    what they mean by "possible to get any aura" is its possible to get any plasmic aura before 100$ in, and then "maybe" smoke after the $300 & ^ mark, which is BS and if you spend $300 JUST for a smoke aura you need to go to gambler anomalous
  11. nogimmick New Player

    ^ are you sure about that? because i spent $40 total and got a smoke on the third box.
  12. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    if you're going to pump that much money into trying to get the smoke aura you may as well just sell all the auras you get on the broker and use the money you generate to just buy it. they seem to be in the 40 million range on the usps.

    i feel kind of gypped but i also knew i wouldnt get anything major out of this. treated myself to two. first of all i only got 1 total recovery kit instead of 2 per box.

    i did get one of the green auras...sold it for a quick 6 mil. the orange one i got from the second box i ate and it just looks too busy for my toon. if it had a slower animation maybe it would pass but really the future please work on a few auras that work with our powers instead of just making our toons look like were seeing spots. i would even like to see a few "localized" letting us have glowing hands or an actual halo...

    i should have just bought ten bucks worth of surplus replays and ten trks...
  13. thelostczarnian New Player

    and this...its ruining gaming
  14. thelostczarnian New Player

    that membership fee should include everything in the game...period
  15. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Devs, I know you get money from the game and all, I understand and agree, but c'mon, there should be a way to improve one's luck in-game. Maybe an item to be bought with marketplace cash to increase luck for like...30 minutes.
    People could use it with bundles or even to get rare items from loots.
    Idk, but figure something so that we don't feel like we spent a lot of money in vain.
  16. AhshawnZ New Player

    I spent just a little over 100$ and finally got the smoke aura. Along the way I also got 2 red nimbuses, and a bunch of red and yellow plasmics. I say it was worth it.
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    You must do what you feel is right, of course. But given that Sony is a MASSIVE global corporation, with more money than GOD, I gather their lawyers are pretty much infallible. So, good luck with that! ;)

    In the meantime, it took a very LOOOONG week of "horse trading", farming stuff, reselling stuff, etc, but I FINALLY have the desired quantity of all the auras I wanted, plus I ended up with a few extras of said auras in case I create any more characters that they would be appropriate for... well, except for the Green Nimbus Aura. I don't have any extras of that one... yet. ;)
  18. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I LOVE that gif of Razor, man! Which reminds me... I really need to start watching my Blu-Rays of the GL Animated Series. :cool:
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  19. frigginA New Player

    I can understand getting a couple of the same ones when spending $$.. but 6 plasma Orange and 5 plasma Reds only is NOT COOL. Breaking my heart!
  20. DAFLASH6521 Well-Known Player

    Any1 have a red nimbus on usps?