The Booster Bundle Is Back With New Auras And A New Price!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Just bought my last box and it had a Smoke so I'm very happy. I think I've spent maybe £60 or so. Also is any one lagging like a mofo on PS3 ?
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There's an issue with bad performance after making a marketplace purchase. Logging out will resolve for now, but we are working on the fix.
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  3. Alekimsior New Player

    I lied... Couldn't limit myself to 1 single Booster Bundle, so I bought about 5 of them, looking for the Smoke Aura. This is as far as I'll go, until they make Booster Bundles available for Legendary Points.

    It is terrible reading that devs choose to damage good business by making some of their most sought after items "exclusive" to a single event. Don't care if original Nimbus was released on the day of game release, it is only sound business to release it again, if there is a market for it. Even comic books get reprints every now and then, and those are truly collectible items you can collect, resell, etc., not some virtual commodity bound to an account.

    Anyhow, I got a Green Nimbus, Green Plasmic, and one of the Orange and Yellow ones, if anyone is willing to trade for a Smoke Aura or Original Nimbus White Aura.
  4. JReel New Player

    To this day anyone rocking an original plasmic aura are generally the people I hate lol. The new auras are so common it's whatever. The original plasmic is so rare now it cost at least 90 mil to obtain one. I could've bought one for 75 mil but decided not to.
  5. >>Plo<< New Player

    Stupid forum layout wouldn't work.

    Anyway, the old bundle was worth almost 3000 SC. This new one is worth 808. The aura isn't really a bonus because you're paying for it.
  6. >>Plo<< New Player

    Two days into the sale and the prices of these auras have dropped a ton on USPC. The old bundle had way more value. You've all been played, neener neener.
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  7. krimzonk Committed Player

    I was so tempted to buy a bundle but thought....I'll wait for the prices to come down. Luckily for me the price of the Green Nimbus came tumbling down and i bought one. Only one I really wanted.

    I am sure in future booster bundles we will see different colours for the smoke aura, just maybe not black, as they have done this with Nimbus.
  8. krimzonk Committed Player

    You mean a Blue Plasmic? As there are only Green and Red Nimbus auras in the bundle.
  9. ComicsKid Committed Player

    Wait! I can't use my loyalty points to buy this? You used to be able to do it with the other booster packs. So you've lowered the price but we can only use real money to get the pack?
  10. krimzonk Committed Player

    I have to agree as the prices have come tumbling down except for the Smoke aura.
  11. Eminence Dedicated Player

    14 boxes, 3 nimbus, no smoke :sad:
  12. XDeadxDamageX New Player

    How r you guys on!?!? I can't get on DC ;c
  13. XDeadxDamageX New Player

  14. dezrve New Player

    It doesn't let me buy one!!! Why must this happen to me... anyone else have this issue?
  15. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    you need 5 free slots in your inventory space
  16. dezrve New Player

    Thanks now it let me... now to see what I get
  17. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Darn it. I bought two and got what I wanted and a green nimbus I sold early and made a lot more than what they're going for now. But now I'm tempted to buy a few more just to see if I land a smoke. Don't really need it for any characters, just suddenly got greedy for virtual money. :p
  18. Nobod¥ New Player

    I think every one would agree that there should be power auras like fire or mental ice electric ect... You could see them with the plasmics and stuff
  19. Nobod¥ New Player

    Lol I use to be in sinister got bored and left, more of a social league
  20. Ra7ie11 Well-Known Player

    Well i bought 3 Bundles funny thing i got 2 smoke auras and one green nimbus aura :D :D:D, then again i did buy the original booster bundle the first time it came out and got plasmic aura first try plus since the green plasmic is so cheap i bought one heck it's not much considering i have 40mil.:p
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