The 3 Headed monster that still ruins the balance of the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. gemii Dedicated Player

    Dual wield/two handed | precision - the ability to jump cancel the flurry shot combo + the damage from two handed doomspin combo

    Nature- Feeding off other nature players dots to spam roar without needing to set up or refresh your own dots.

    Rage- Beserk | to much damage for such a short cool down and only a 50%er supercharge

    Change needed in all 3 DPS departments. The babies and try Hards might cry but it’ll make the game more challenging when it comes down to beating content in general

    We Even have players beating elite end game raids in 15 minutes and even 4 manning them. Somethings got to give my friends somethings got to give.

    Please Consider making adjustments devs
  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Prec: Yeah, other weapons need to be pushed more, slight nerf to flurry shot/doom spin.
    Nature: Remove the exploit already. Played legitly, nature needs much work and is fine as it is.
    Berserk: If it hasn't changed it still is ranged based and won't trigger if you're max ranged. The risk/reward ratio to get close to targets for a super that is stronger than others and that does 0 damage when you're interrupted (like jackhammer droids in FBe) or when you die, seems fine to me.

    To me personally, first and foremost, they need to fix the nature exploit. It's pathetic. The rest is okay for now until they can globally buff other weapons. I personally like prec for my main since I don't like relying on others too much and for the current phasing bosses and some immunities and mechanics, keeping DoTs up in a competitive and legit playstyle is almost impossible (unless you have someone spamming EoG and even then Nature's SC has a quite long CD. If something goes awry, you lose tons of dps.
  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I think there were less ppl beating it and still are enough ppl not beating it. The fields-bug was what caused an increase in cheesing the raid.
    Also, some players are just better than others. I did full might runs with the league in SGe and FBe and we were like 3-4min slower than with full prec groups when the content was relevant. Same goes for CTe. There is still a notacible difference that clearly shifts the meta to prec-based on the competitive site, it's not much though.
  4. Brit Loyal Player

    Something to remember in regards to "balance" is that it is somewhat interpretative as well.

    A very simple example would be at launch when melee weapons received bonus weapon damage. Melee did more damage than range, but Melee was decidedly less safe than range. Dead DPS is no DPS, meaning that someone using melee weapons poorly would die and deal overall less damage than they would if they were safely at range, but a player who did well in melee could potentially deal more damage than they would at range. While damages were not identical, "Balance" was achieved by having one trait (increased safety and survivability for range) counterbalanced by a different trait (increased damage for melee).

    It is perfectly fine for Precision DPS to out-parse Might DPS in single target, provided that the Might DPS can appropriately out-parse the Precision DPS in AOE. It is okay for a powerset to have a really high performing Supercharge if their overall core rotation is slightly weaker. It is okay for a strong powerset (like Nature healing for example) to have an incredibly bad supercharge not worth putting on the rotation.

    It is okay for one powerset to be very glass canon, capable of higher damage but much more squishy (the way "Wizards" often are in other games) while alternative DPS might deal less damage but have much higher survivability.

    It is okay for weapon combos to do more damage if the weapon combo takes a longer amount of time to complete, or if it is more vulnerable to interrupt, etc.

    It is even okay to have a powerset that requires a high level of skill to use effectively, being very bad in the hands of mediocre players, but great in the hands of truly exceptional ones; and contrasting it to a different powerset with much easier learning curve but a lower ceiling for maximum potential.

    Things do not have to be identical in order to be "balanced". To truly test balance, it cannot be done exclusively on a target dummy, or even just in one specific content area. It needs to be tested across multiple fights in multiple different situations, and by players of various levels of skill.
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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    In addition to what Brit said, there's also the nagging little detail that, no matter what we or the devs do, folks will always find and flock to the FOTM build in an MMO. It's been part and parcel of MMOs for as long as I've been playing them, and trying to get rid of a particular build ends up being like a game of Whack-a-mole. Another pops up just as soon as you hit the one in front of you.

    It never ends. :confused: :D
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  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    This is true. There will always be a meta, but what you can do is streamline the meta that there are clear differences but less of a gap we have right now with Gadgets Prec ST and Atomic Might ST.