Thanks giving holiday event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeadSteel, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. DeadSteel Active Player

    This is me just spit balling and idea but why don't we have a thanksgiving day event, we have a perfect set up for it including a forced awkward family reunion and the idea of glutouny, Raven and her brothers could be forced in to a family dinner situation by Julious where he feasts off on both their energy's and a massive banquet. Styles could be a bit cheesy sure with pilgrim costumes but base decorations could include the family dining tables and such and they could be made intractable allowing your toons to sit and eat. Idk it's just an idea
  2. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Too crowded. Winter Seasonal comes soon enough.
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  3. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    There are lots of holidays where events would be great and lots of components to make them with, but I already think we have too many events. Each one runs for a month too. I want this to be more DC than Hallmark.
  4. Pults Loyal Player

    This. Seasonals usually last from a couple weeks to a month.
    Also we got the vault goodies, so the it's not entirely forgotten.
  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    As already mentioned trying to hold a thanksgiving Event would be pushing it. We just finished up a month long Halloween event and will begin the Winter event soon. Then there is the other contributing factor. Look at the events we do have:

    Winter Event in December
    Valentines Day Event in February
    ST. Patrick's Event in March
    Spring Event in April or May?? or when the get to it
    Summer Event normally in July
    Halloween in October

    While the spacing isn't always two months between that does work out to 1 event about every two months. Plus every event is kept generic .. It is the "WINTER" event not the Christmas event so they don't upset any other religious group. Valentine's Day is by its very nature a safe one since its basically just a Romantic holiday. While St. Patrick's day is fairly specific and does actually involve Ireland it is a very well liked holiday in a good portion of the world and (LOL) usually a reason to DRINK! Spring and Summer events are totally generic since at some point every country and every culture experiences those SEASONS of the year. And Halloween may not be a world wide event but a lot more than just the united states celebrate the day one way or another.

    THANKSGIVING is more of a US Holiday.. And yes I realize there is a Thanksgiving Day in Canada as well but a lot less of the world consider it to be a time of any real importance. I'm sure at some point the Legal Dept and Daybreak sat down with heads of staff and said.. "Hey let's avoid a whole bunch of complaints and NOT hold an event that for the most part is ONLY a US Holiday." Same conversation took place concerning Christmas (so we have a December winter event instead), Easter (so we have a spring event), the 4th of July ( summer event).

    Trust me its not something ONLY done here. Not sure if they ever fixed the profanity filter in game but at one point you couldn't use the word GOD in game . because it would upset the Atheists. And yes other games do or did that exact same thing. I played 7 years on City of Hero and the only way to not have GOD come out looking like %$# was to separate the letters... G O D.
  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Also very true.. While we have no "official" Thanksgiving event I don't think I have a single lair that doesn't have a Family table with both a Turkey and a ham on the table plus a kiddie table to enjoy the feats.. along with the Cornucopia to hang on the walls
  7. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Also, Thanksgiving is a very limited holiday celebrated by very few countries on varying dates for different reasons. It isn't exactly a holiday celebrated across several countries on 6 continents like Halloween, Valentines day, Summer, Winter, and Spring. Even St. Patty's has a far wider global appeal. Thanksgiving has almost no global appeal. It's a mostly American holiday. Wouldn't really work in a global game like this.
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  8. Skull Collector Committed Player

    An Easter event would make more sense.
  9. Pults Loyal Player

    St. Patricks day is also celebrated in only a handful of countries. Would much prefer easter event.
  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I'd like to see an alert centering around the Calendar Man. Each time you queue into the instance you draw a random holiday/season and fight ads accordingly.

    Drops can be seasonal marks with an in instance vendor that lets you purchase those seasonal items.
  11. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Not really. St. Patty's day is celebrated in more countries than you think lol. It's celebrated all over Europe these days. Even Australia and New Zealand have a few St Patty's day traditions. Whereas, you can count the number of countries that even have a Thanksgiving on 1 hand lol.
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    They also mentioned that they would prefer holidays that are more global. Thanksgiving is only North America and Canada.

    But personally, I think we should have an event every month. :D Kind of like the Long Halloween story arc. In case anyone has read it, it had a holiday for each issue.
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  13. Pults Loyal Player

    It's an adopted unofficial holiday just like Halloween. Where's Easter is celebrated by Christians which means almost everywhere, and it's an official holiday in EU.
  14. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    An adopted holiday is still a holiday. It's official whether you get a day off of work for it or not. It doesn't need to be a national holiday to be an official one. St Patty's has a global figure with a global appeal. Thanksgiving is largely North American and is almost impossible to find outside of North America. Folks in Europe would be more likely to say, "dafuq is that" instead of recognise whatever the event actually is lol. They didn't grow up with the Thanksgiving culture like we did. St Patty's, however, has been celebrated all over Europe, Canada, the US, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and even in parts of Africa actually. Definitely a global reach.
  15. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    Don't get rid of my pub items :(
  16. Swamarian Committed Player

    Many years ago, we had a football game (heroes vs villains) near Centennial Park using the bouncy ball.
  17. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Also, St Patrick's day is celebrated by Christians too. Hence SAINT Patrick lol. Christians adopted it from pagan traditions and put their own spin on it as Christians have done with Christmas and even Easter. Also, I'm a Christian myself, but the devs are too afraid to use anything that favors one religion over another. Easter, while it has a lot of pagan traditions, may be just a tad too close to favoring Christianity for them to do anything with it. While Christians are the largest group of believers on the planet, making up between 2.4 and 2.6 billion people, Muslims aren't far behind with between 2.1 and 2.3 billion people, and Hindus aren't far behind that making up almost 1.5 billion people. An Easter event, while it might be fun, would be too close to promoting Christianity over other religions when the devs have always done the PC thing in the past. Nice thought though.
  18. bmce84 Loyal Player

    And that's why they will never celebrate it, just like celebrating Thanksgiving will offend Native Americans. There's a reason only 2 holiday events have their real name, while others are disguised, it's so that they don't offend a certain ethnicity and it's easier to market that way. Just like Starbucks has "Winter cups" we have a Winter event, not Christmas so you don't offend anyone, even tho the whole holiday is BS anyway, Christ wasn't even born in December.
  19. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Not all, only Catholic Christians who celebrate all saints, as opposed to Protestant or Evangelical who only celebrate Christ related holidays.
  20. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Nah. Protestants and evangelicals celebrate Saint related days as well. They just do so in a different fashion. Christian saints are still considered saints in their eyes and still deserve the reverence.