Thank You for Changing the Harlequin Chroma Feat!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tabby Belle, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Thank you for changing the feat for the Harlequin Chroma to only needing to open 5 Oracle's Time Capsules! This makes the feat accessible to more people who aren't super lucky with their Capsule RNG. I know there will be a few people (who unwisely decided to spend $100+ on trying to get a single 25-point feat) who will get angry, but the majority of us players are grateful for the change.There will always be a few at the top of the pyramid that get angry when the rest of the community gains something.

    Thank you so much! I've purchased an additional 500 Marketplace Cash (about what 5 stabilizers would cost) to show my appreciation.
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