Test Server Update - May 31, 2024

Discussion in 'Public Test Update Notes' started by Ender1Game, May 31, 2024.

  1. Ender1Game Developer


    Ancient Tantu Totem
    • Fixed erroneous tantu HP scaling
    Brainiac: Bottled D.C.
    • Fixed an issue where Gorilla Grodd wasn't wearing his cape in Bottled D.C.
    • Fixed an issue where players were not granted contribution after defeating the Arachno Overlord
    Brainiac: Hall of Justice
    • Fixed bug causing Hawkgirl's Spike Wave attack to extend past the floor tell
    • Removed Martian Manhunter's ground slam knockback ability
    • Exostatic damage from batteries should now be labeled "Exostatic" in combat log
    • Fixed an issue causing Brainiac Pyro bots to stop spawning in Elite mode
    • Fixed an issue causing Exostatic projectile tell FX to sometimes not appear
    • Oracle Bot is now shielded during her Exostatic Projectile attack
    Brainiac: Command Ship
    • Fixed bug causing a Controlled Superman ability during the second boss fight to be missing an animation
    Rewards - Mastermind Style should now be unlock-able by alt characters for replay badges

    Collections should now distribute to all group members.
    • Like x 1
  2. imSmooshy New Player

    Is Martian Manhunter's ground slam ability removed in elite too?
  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    fixed too? Is the lag
    • Like x 1
  4. WhiteLanternNC Active Player

    So when is this going to be in game ?
  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Is that actually for Tantu Totem or Red Tornado?