Test Server Update - May 10, 2024 - Episode 47: Brainiac Returns

Discussion in 'Public Test Update Notes' started by Ender1Game, May 10, 2024.

  1. Ender1Game Developer

    New Episode: Brainiac Returns!

    New Open World Missions – Brainiac Washington D.C.
    • Look for Brainiac Washington D.C. in your Warp Menu or use the teleporter in the House of Legends
    • New Daily and Weekly missions in Brainiac Washington D.C.
    • Minimum Level: 15

    New Alert – Brainiac Returns: Hall of Doom
    Join Lex Luthor to stop Brainiac from hacking into the Hall of Doom's data files!
    • Open your On Duty Menu and look for Brainiac Returns: Hall of Doom under Tier 6 of the 4 Player Tab. Combat Rating: 419
    • For the Event Version – look for Brainiac Returns: Hall of Doom (Event) in the On Duty Menu under the Events Tab. Minimum Level: 15
    New Raid – Brainiac Returns: Hall of Justice
    Brainiac knows that his previous failure is tied to the Justice League and has invaded the Hall of Justice. Meet with Superman and help restore order!
    • Open your On Duty Menu and look for Brainiac Returns: Hall of Justice under Expert Tier 6 of the 8 Player Tab. Combat Rating: 419
    • For the Event Version – look for Brainiac Returns: Hall of Justice (Event) in the On Duty Menu under the Events Tab. Minimum Level: 15
    New Raid – Brainiac Returns: Brainiac’s Command Ship
    Brainiac has enough research now to know what went wrong and is in the process of learning from his mistakes. He wants to reset the timeline and create a new future where he is supreme. Meet Superman and Lex Luthor on Brainiac's Command Ship and bring the fight to Brainiac!
    • Open your On Duty Menu and look for Brainiac Returns: Brainiac’s Command Ship under Expert Tier 6 of the 8 Player Tab. Combat Rating: 419
    • For the Event Version – look for Brainiac Returns: Brainiac’s Command Ship (Event) in the On Duty Menu under the Events Tab. Minimum Level: 15
    New Gear, Feats and More
    • Earn new episode currency: Bizarro Samples!
    • New Augments!
    • Acquire new gear inspired by Brainiac and the Mutants!
    • Plus collect new feats, collections, and more!
    New Artifact: Ancient Tantu Totem - Channel the abilities of the animal kingdom with the Ancient Tantu Totem
    • Alternate between your [Cross-Weapon Combos], Superpowers, and [Supercharge] abilities to harness the aspects of the primal spirits and maximize your combat potential.
    New Artifact: Red Tornado Redistribution Module - A newly created defense module designed for Red Tornado
    • Redirect damage dealt to another Tank in your group to yourself and use it to generate a powerful tornado that damages your enemies and heals you and the protected Tank.
    Known Issue:The Pointer Mission can't be completed with the 2-Player Duo not being available to play via the On-Duty Menu.
    • Like x 1
  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

  3. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Is there not a solo or a duo? Or am i missing something? I see the note by known issue but i dont quite get what that means
  4. BugBreaker New Player

    Is there going to be either a solo or a duo? Read all the notes and didn’t see anything that talked about either
    • Like x 1
  5. Corwin Quantum Active Player

    Yes. There is a Duo too. But its down for right now.
    "Known Issue:The Pointer Mission can't be completed with the 2-Player Duo not being available to play via the On-Duty Menu."
    • Like x 1
  6. Corwin Quantum Active Player

  7. zNot Loyal Player

    I wish u guys did a livestream before so that more people are aware and hyped for the episode like you usually do which would also mean more test server activity.
  8. La Petaa New Player

    Cuando abren el test server?
  9. kallader Committed Player

    Would be nice if the test was actually running when tell us to go test stuff
  10. La Petaa New Player

    there is a lot of lag on the test server