Test Server Update - June 16, 2024

Discussion in 'Public Test Update Notes' started by Ender1Game, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. Ender1Game Developer

    Episode 47: Brainiac Returns!
    Brainiac: Hall of Doom
    • Improve performance so characters teleport into the instance correctly
    • Improve performance in combat while in the 2nd Gas Room
    • Gold ? Nodes in Cursed Gotham and Bottled D.C. can now drop seasonal collection items during holiday seasonal events
    Ancient Tantu Totem
    • Update the visuals and audio of the Ancient Tantu Totem
    • Like x 1
  2. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I teleported inside things after this fix and second boss fight and last when beems come out hard lag happens still after this fix. Massive lag spikes after this fix in open world right after restart for about 6 hours. Could the lag possibly be coming from the overload of pc speedhackers/goldbots sucking up the server speed ? Maybe it wasn't a good idea to put pc with psn
  3. RTX Well-Known Player

    You mixed up Live and Test,

    [Test Server Update - June 16, 2024]

    There will be no freezes/fps drops in Brainiac: Hall of Doom on Test-Server, after this update.
  4. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Can anyone on test confirm whether the frame rate issue is gone?
  5. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Good catch man. I hope we get the right fix for this issue soon enough