Test Server Update - June 11, 2024

Discussion in 'Public Test Update Notes' started by Ender1Game, Jun 11, 2024.

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  1. Ender1Game Developer

    Tides of War – Summer Seasonal

    • Base items are now tradable
    • Base items now stack to 99
    • Beach Hat and Festival Double Braids Hair are account bound
    Ancient Tantu Totem
    • Double HP no longer appears for rank 120-140
    Red Tornado Redistribution Module

    Defensive Recalculation
    [Tank Role]
    Taking damage gives you the following for 10 seconds:
    Grants you 30% Might and 15% Precision
    Damaging enemies heals you for 25% of the damage done
    Upon taking damage equal to (225% Dominance + 285% Restoration), pulse out a Redistribution Tornado dealing damage equal to 25% of your max health to all nearby enemies.

    When in a party with another player in the [Tank Role] apply [Redistribution] to them, transferring 20% of their incoming damage to you.
    • Like x 2
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