Test Server reveals DLC 8 to be Sons of Trigon

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jafin, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You can't actually access the DLC if that's what you're asking. The files are there, but they are not accessible because it's only a small portion of the DLC>
  2. 3doly New Player

    OK do you konw how cam dlc8? on server test ;)
  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm sorry but I honestly don't know what you're asking me.
  4. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    Anyone else have no idea what that means?
  5. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    I think he wants a vid of you on test, not understanding that the dlc is not on test.
  6. 3doly New Player

    :( my e is bad i konw but i want see new powre in server test:(
  7. Flash New Player

    League halls will give us the ability to have saved loadouts/costumes. It will probably be the dlc with the best feedback out of all of them. I'd much rather have that then a alert and some solos no one will run (assuming both dlcs will have powers)
  8. Statman New Player

    When it makes it to the test server, I'm sure there'll be some videos shown. It's not up yet, hopefully in the next week or so though!
  9. Conduit New Player

    Considering that Halls of Power is going to be League-based and if DCUO keeps up their pace at making new powers, the DLC should reveal a tank power. But we won't know for some time.
    I can't wait to see what they're revealing for the next 4 DLCs for next year.
  10. Conduit New Player

    I don't know about the next week or so. The Devs on one of the recent Friday Night Legends said that the power isn't even close to being finished. So personally I see DLC8 coming to the Test Server in around a month. But that's me.
    I HOPE it shows up earlier.
  11. Statman New Player

    Just giving hope to the guy, lol.
  12. Conduit New Player

    The new power is Celestial. The trees will be Cursed and Bless-like.
    And there is no raid coming with DLC8. It's all 1, 2 and 4 player content. Jens himself said that.
  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    i have a hunch after their panel at soe dlc8 will go live but celestial powers wont be included until a week after or even maybe 2
  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    then hopefully they will atleast have item level 86 gear to be purchased but i doubt it...cause if you cant purchase any new gear or any gear that makes a difference there really wont be any reason other then feats to run it..and for a lot of people.
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    Jens said in FNL that the power wasn't finished yet, so don't look for DLC 8 to be on test anytime soon. I say a month or so with a September release date.
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Why would they release the DLC before the power set?
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    i dont remember but didnt they do that with quantum on the test server? wasnt the test server already up before quantum was put on it?
  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    oops when is aid go live i meant get put on test server haha
  19. 3doly New Player

    :(:(:( I WNAT buy new powre :(:(:(
  20. 3doly New Player