Test Server Install (Fast Method)

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Shadowdragon, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I just tried launching it again this morning and it worked. I didn't even have to uninstall/reinstall again (I forgot to mention I tried that after I got the error the first time).
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  2. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Glad to hear, I had this exact same issue last night :)
  3. Gladrios New Player

    if you were still wondering, this method still works. be sure to get into testing!
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  4. KevinGarnier New Player

    Hello, i'm sorry to reopen this subject, i have an all access but i can't run the test server. Error 106 : You can't have access to this account.
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    You don't need all access to use the test server. You just need to enter your details and log in like you would log in or live (Or make an account just for test server like I did).
  6. Maffie01 New Player

    Hi, I apologize for reopening the subject again but I have already uninstalled and re -installed the test server at least 3 times and I keep getting the same message Version: Pc test ERROR 106: Your account is not authorized to access the game at this time. Is anyone else having this issue?. Can someone help please, I would really love to be able to play again
  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Please note that test server is down for now so it might prevent you from logging in as well.
  8. matteomusician1997 New Player

    i have a question why can i download the test server client ? when i click to download the updated url ?
  9. jujuskate45200 New Player

    j'arrive plus a 'l'installé le server test je sais pas
  10. ChickeNnBiscuiTs Level 30

    How come it says error 106 your account is not att. at this time? I pay for a monthly to play making me ledgendary
  11. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Test server is not open for testing right now. This has nothing to do with you paying Legendary.
  12. ChickeNnBiscuiTs Level 30

    i thought only legendary players could only play on test servers? At least that's what is stated when you go to download it from daybreak
  13. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    That point is completely moot, as the test server is not active right now so no one at all can log into it.
  14. ChickeNnBiscuiTs Level 30

    how long has it been down? I used it like 5 years ago lol
  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    for a week +, they are updating it.
  16. ChickeNnBiscuiTs Level 30

    So if i play on Eu server will it reset my us server account?
  17. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Test server is a separate server. Not related to neither of those
  18. ChickeNnBiscuiTs Level 30

    No just the regular sever can i play on the eu live server and it not affect my us live server account ?
  19. ChickeNnBiscuiTs Level 30

    I know it will start to new toon but won't effect my us live server account ?
  20. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    It'll be fine. I have an EU toon. The only thing to be careful of is shared resources. If you claim the daily reward on EU, it won't be claimable on US. They are the same account. Same with stabilizer keys and such. But you can play without doing any damage to your US server toons.

    The US server is down for extended massive maintenance right now, and will be up in about *checks watch* five hours from when I posted this.

    The test server has been down for more than a week, but they haven't told us why just yet.
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