Test Server crash on "Connecting..."

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by DarkRedTitan, Mar 9, 2023.

  1. DarkRedTitan New Player

    I hope I am not asking in the wrong sub-forums.
    I have both normal DCUO and Test Version, but for some reason the test version always crashes on the "Connecting..." screen but the normal one doesn't crash.
    I tried the "Validate Assets" option, tried to copy over the files from the normal version and validate, and tried copying the normal launcher and adding environment=test in the last line (in its own line, not with anything else on the same line) and redownloading the game through it, none worked.
    I hope anyone can help me, and if you need any more info, please tell me.
  2. RTX Well-Known Player

    Test server is down at moment: https://www.daybreakgames.com/status/

    Delete/deinstall the Test-Server version, change manuel within the Live LaunchPad.ini, like this

    appName=DC Universe Online

    If you´ve done that, go to Documents\My Games\DC Universe Online and delete all files inside (Cut out the Screenshots folder if you wish and paste somewhere else)

    This will remove the profile dat aswell as character cache etc.
    Also when adding the environment=test line, the launcher should only download language files and/or if there is an update on test-server those files which sit mostly at around 100-500 MB max. It shouldn´t download all files again. And do not copy over files.

    To play live again, remove "environment=test" from the launchpad.ini

    Before doing this, make sure your live version works correctly. When doing this you will have to wait on "connecting..." to get the downtime message, then everything works fine and you will have to wait for test-server beeing up again.
  3. DarkRedTitan New Player

    It still crashed after deleting the contents of that folder, and the ini file is as you said.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    The server is down, you can't access it until they bring it back up.
  5. RTX Well-Known Player

    Ok not good, have you been playing on test-server before (do you have a character created?)

    If not check if you have the game file UNREAL3\DCGAME\MOVIES\PC\DCUO_CC_INTRO.BIK

    If you do have it, and/or a character been created (Press Windows Logo Button + R, and type %AppData% and delete the files here "AppData\LocalLow\Daybreak Game Company")

    If not done set the Launcher language to English

    If it still doesn´t work try logging in with this account:
    Name: DaybreakDefault
    Password: Default0!

    Also if you have the Steam version, you should not change the environment within the launchpad.ini, then you will have to uninstall all versions and do a clean reinstall of the live version which you can download here: https://launch.daybreakgames.com/installer/DCUO_setup.exe?v=7

    If you buying via steam and wanna keep it, i still suggest a clean reinstall.

    Also make sure to not have any overlay/background programs running.

    Mentioned in first post, also he talking about crash, i specificly asked if he gets a disconnect message. I believe he also posted the issue before the test went down.
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  6. DarkRedTitan New Player

    Yes, I played on the test server before, and I had the same issue when copying files. The only thing that helped was redownloading back then.
    • Deleted "AppData\LocalLow\Daybreak Game Company".
    • Deleted "Documents\My Games\DC Universe Online".
    • Installed a new instance via the official version and added the environment=test flag.
    • Copied UNREAL3 from my steam installation (cannot redownload since it will consume my internet quota). Previously I tried copying my steam installation to another folder, added the flag, and redownloaded (I included this in my first post) The redownloaded UNREAL3 is what I copied in this step.
    After all of the above steps, it still crashes.
    Any further advice?
    Thank you for your help so far though!
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  7. RTX Well-Known Player

    No problem, it´s sad to say but my further advice would lead to a reinstall. The reason for that is, when installing..applications do registering processes, aswell as adding registry entrys. For example where and on which drive you´ve installed the game, to make sure that everything works intended.

    Another thing is steam overlay, when you´re "mixing" game files which are not supposed to sit together for the test-server, also the only person who knows what game files you copy/pasted is you, i can´t make any remote guess of what could be besides the basic methods which could cause issues.

    I also dont believe that its firewall or anti-virus related, but i can´t be 100% sure about that.

    Again anything further would only be guessing, also a reinstall wouldn´t ensure that it´s gone, since the uninstaller also needs the game to register to delete and remove all files correctly.

    You can hope that a simple reinstall will do the job, otherwise you would need to clean everything and the worst registry entrys. Which would be faster by a full OS reinstall, however thats worst case scenario, let´s hope a reinstall does the job.

    I think it´s a learning process nearly everyone had to go thru, never change anything manuel unless you know exactly what you´re doing.

    Also you´ve good karma, you´re still able to play on live-server and test is down anyway, therefore it might be possible you have it downloaded/reinstalled when the test is up again.

    Sorry, still enjoy

    As usual, if someone believes to have an easier solution/answer or does know what could cause it, many people know more than a single person.
  8. DarkRedTitan New Player

    I am helpful for your help so far, and I understand your other points. My grip with all this is that Launchpad (the launcher the game's one is based on) supposedly checks the files via their hashes, and it is almost impossible to have two files with the same hashes, so the files have to be the ones this game needs.

    So I guess maybe the issue lies elsewhere indeed, but I really doubt uninstalling will remove these files because almost every program that ever existed leaves some trail somewhere, be that registery, AppData folder, Documents, or wherever it wants. So I either have to use some Uninstaller software and wish for the best, manually search for leftovers, or reinstall my OS again.

    You'd think an online game won't have trouble with leftover files.....

    I understand that it is probably a weird bug that wasn't encountered before, or a very weird order of events, my thanks to the devs who work hard on this.
  9. DarkRedTitan New Player

    After uninstalling all of them and using IObit Uninstaller to make sure all residual files and registry keys were deleted, I reinstalled and now it works, thankfully.
    Thank you, RTX!

    Edit: now it crashes again. It ran for one time, showed me the "World is down" screen, then crashes every time I try to run it again.
    Edit 2: Nvm, works, thankfully. Turns out the problem is that I mount my folder as a drive, and when running it from the mounted folder it crashes, but when running it from the original path it doesn't. This might also be why it crashed before. Sorry if I inconvenienced everyone.
    And yeah I kinda can imagine why that could break it, especially if it needs exact path matching with its installation folder or something.
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