Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I reckon I'm the only person here that would want a style set based on the Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis run....


    I LOVED that look for the character, and IF I was to make an Aquaman in the game, I would base him on that look.
  2. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Still waiting for my police uniform. French blue shirt and navy blue pants with a French blue stripe.
  3. recoil Committed Player

    new 52 martian manhunter's belt would be neat. kryptonian commander is nice but it just looks weird with most styles.
  4. ITony StarkI Active Player

    Definitely more metallic armored styles that aren't warrior or Amazonian. More tech based like cyborg, Lex, steel, Metallo, armored batsuit, etc.
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  5. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    It's Mera's time to shine, we've had so many Batman and Robotic Armors already...

    Honestly at this point IDC if they put her outfit in an Atlantean Time Capsule as much as I hate it but if it's the only way we're gonna get a Mera outfit, Release them!!



    Her signature Crown!
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  6. TheDark Devoted Player

    I still want a CAPE or SHOULDER piece where the cape, or long cloak, goes over BOTH shoulders.

    Just take Cloak of Hades, apply it both sides, make it longer in the back, and tighten up the neck part.
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  7. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Can we have this Cape available in Game?


    Please? :D
  8. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    I've been asking for capes that covers the shoulders for Years now.
  9. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    This and...

    -Spanish third (tercio espaƱol) outfit (I fall in love with that helmet).
    -An outfit based on Alatriste.
    -Broken pieces of armor, for example an amazon soldier chest with a coupleof cracks.
    -Weapons that go through you're body, like the voodoo chest but with swords, spears, etc.
  10. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    Oh my...i can't edit, well my last request:
    -Since Superman met Asterix in Action Comics 579, I would like to have the Obelix jeans (the blue and white), and being fat (if not it won't be Obelix)
  11. Fr0s7y New Player

    What about this face style?
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  12. TheDark Devoted Player

    Me too. I don't know they haven't added it. They can definitely make a Batman inspired cape like that. Every other cape they've added, except for batgirl cape, Furious & the blackhand or nekron style idk which, I found lame.

    I've seen someone ask for this before too but I also want a cape where the inside and the back side can be 2 different colors. Like Robins cape. It's yellow on the inside and black on the outside.
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  13. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    They would clip weird when you move. That's probably why they haven't attempted it.
  14. TheDark Devoted Player

    I read about that before but it honestly wouldn't bother me. I see it with the Cloak of Hades on my alts. If I wear the same color scheme that's under the cloak or cape it's not that bad. Even Dark Void mat on but not completely black.
  15. Athena191 Level 30

    Would like to see some more Wonder Woman type Styles.
  16. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    I want to see more trench coat and more sleeveless chest. Another good thing will be some bracelets as hand's style.
  17. Sargent_Arson New Player

    Please. Please. Please.
    No more Icon styles. The creative potential is endless with original style concepts. Please, give us more of your own ideas and less that are already created. We understand there are so many characters and players that want to play as already existing superheroes but the people who play the Online DC Universe Game that started playing because of the idea of being their own Hero or Villain in the world you created for us are still here.

    I'm sure many of us would like to see some simple styles that were never covered like maybe a Gotham or Metropolis sports1 Jersey, Basic Leather Biker Jacket, or maybe even more basic items.

    I personally would love to see more Tier suits that are original creation instead of inspired by an already existing character in the DC world. Less over the top styles and more awesomeness like some of the more recent stuff.
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  18. recoil Committed Player

    this i agree with. rather disappointed that the wings of sin were a capsule collection but at least they're finally in the game. we NEED more creative stuff and the trigon designs that were over looked in the sons of trigon dlc is a good start. all of dc to choose from with HUNDREDS of characters with diverse outfits and equipment and we get tights most of the time.
  19. Wallachia Devoted Player

    More armors. Not like Temyscyra armor or greek soldier armor nor tactical combat armor, but more like fantasy-esque armor (a bit like Saint Seiya, why not?). Also, hardlight material too, that would be great.
  20. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Not really sure if this was brought up but perhaps future Cyborgs back style with ammo chain
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