Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I've had my suspicions before, but that's clearly just a reworked Scion of Ion Chest and Legs, with a glow effect added on some parts, and the built-in GL Corps Emblem removed. Definitely something more players should have access to.
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  2. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Yes, yes indeed, it is a version of the Scion of Ion suit, however it has a slot for your emblem of choice or none at all. This is a clean looking slimsuit that doesn't need to be gatekept. We got the Batman inspired mask... I think we can unleash this one. Who at this point has any room to complain that they don't want people to have access to styles because it was a SM thing, or a Great Hack thing? Exclusivity doesn't allow people to feel special, it makes people feel left out.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, after we got that Blue ring flashed in our faces, releasing this Variant Exosuit just makes plain sense. Already existent in style files, don't have to do any work to redesign, just release it and most people would think it was brand new.
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  3. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    I just saw a jacket on a girl character I never saw before. It was a short windbreaker with the sleeves pulled up it has a wrapping across the chest but a bare midriff 9it may have had a material applied to it to make it look shiny.
  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I for one would need a screenshot of it to be able to possibly ID it.
  5. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    To be honest.
    I've been wanting the dev's to release modified versions of all the old lantern sets(the chests at lest). That replace the built-in lantern emblems with emblem slots.
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  6. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Never mind I figured it out! It was the soulful Katana chest style!
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  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I want to see a modernized, retextured version of the Raptor Infiltrator Head Style, one that fixes some problems with it:
    1) The eye glow color can be changed with our palette.
    2) When using a Neon Chroma (such as the Steel Neon Chroma) at least one of the 3 versions MUST put the glow on the eyes, allowing the eyes to glow and match the glow I've set on other style pieces I've applied the Neon Chroma to.
    3) The default metallic texture needs to be modernized, the same way it was on the updated House of El Warsuit Head Style.

    Since these modernization efforts are usually done on the entire Style Set, I suppose you could go ahead and update the whole thing, if you must. ;)
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  8. Odd_Not New Player

    I would personally love to see more/new nature-themed items/sets especially druidic stuff. I am quickly falling inlove with my nature alt but after browsing around a while could not find a lot of items where i could turn him into a hermit/druid with. There is the Druid set from the base game, but. Doesn't look very good.
  9. Lady Phoenix New Player

    I would like to see more Egyptian style we have Greek and romanesk ones
  10. Spirit New Player

    Can we get the styles from the 5th dlc (HoF) in more recent content? trying to get a group for those raids never seems to happen, this being a magic heavy episode it would be perfect timing.
  11. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Somewhere in this thread it has been asked for I'm sure, but can we get the Batman Santa cowl minus the whole Santa part? What a sharp looking cowl that actually sits on the collar bone without any unsightly clipping with the chest or back. Many cowl styles have horrendous clipping or part of the neck is exposed, due to the style meshing being slightly undersized. This is the only Batman cowl style that overcomes this shortfall, yet the Santa cap just needs to be removed from the style. I am fully aware we have many cowls to choose from but few would be as perfect as this one.

    Also, please consult with DC Comics to rerelease the Batman anniversary emblem. It should have been released with the 85th anniversary event, but sadly someone did not, or failed to, negotiate.
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