Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Clearly, you aren't paying sufficient attention to what's going on in the game, or you'd already know that this month's Subscriber Monthly Reward for logging in for at least 21 days during the month of December is the Greedy (i.e. Orange Lantern) Material! So we're already getting it!


    Now, if for some reason you don't manage to log in for 21 days this month, or if you are not currently a Subscriber, and you choose not to subscribe before the month is up, then you will be able to obtain the Greedy Material from the Doctor Fate Vendor in the House of Legends in 3-4 months time, so probably by sometime in April.

    One of the best things you can do as a player of this game is to keep up with the threads in the Announcements Forum, because that's where you find out about a lot of the new styles that are being added to the game all the time!
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  2. Drgnx Active Player

    Hey man, busy month, what can I say ...

    In that case they can add just the chroma then ... :)
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  3. Grifter New Player

    I would like to see a style inspired by the robot man from Doom Patrol, it would fit since one of the monthly rewards was inspired by the negative man
  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The Robot Skin available during Character Creation, and from the Vendors that sell Skin Styles, is based on Robotman. Always has been.


    You set that as your Skin, set your Skin Color and Makeup Color and Eye Color to your liking, and then you dress him up with the other styles needed for whichever outfit you want to have on him.
  5. Wonder_Boy New Player

    Give us the rest of mordru's style. Lord of Chaos Chest, Hands, Pants and Hair! That would be pretty cool since we already have Back, Feet and Accessory.
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  6. Tellacast New Player

    I 1000% agree!!
  7. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Does this thread ever get looked through thoroughly? 462 pages of suggestions, just how many requests have ever been fulfilled? A handful at most maybe?
  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Certain Devs on the Old Team used to look at it regularly, and that's why we've received certain highly requested Style Sets, such as both Blue Beetle costumes, the Vigilante II (Unlawful Justice) Slimline Set from earlier this year, Dr. Fate's Helmet of Nabu, Peacemaker's Helmet, and a number of others.

    As for the new Dev Team, I have no clue how often they look at this thread. :confused:

    But feel free to go through and see how many requested items have been made, the actual number might surprise you! Even the Red Tool Style Set from a recent Time Capsule was requested... BY ME! ;):p
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  9. Ughitsjaylon Active Player

    Black canary's leg style. the shorts with fishnets attached
  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    There's 2 or 3 different versions of the fishnet stockings in the game, it's well covered at this point.

    The most accurate version is Sheer Net, available from Dr. Fate in the House of Legends as Goth Tights. But there's also the Goth Leggings version besides that one, and they might also be sold by Dr. Fate currently.
  11. SupermannDCUO New Player

    I would like to see a chest piece that has Astro Slimelines design and details Mixed with secret identity undershirt no collar aspect since the undershirt of secret identity is very similar to Astro Slimelines look and design and details and make it emblem compatible but have it the size of either stalwart defender or fuginaut counselor for emblem size
  12. NotPad Active Player

    Richard Dragon's kung fu GI or Karate Kid outfit would be incredible :D
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  13. BobSacamano New Player

    Would it be possible to add the Biohazard, Exalted and Corrupted styles to any store? With the recent updates, these styles have become impossible to obtain. With that, the feats have become impossible to obtain.
  14. Drgnx Active Player

    How about a true/pure S version of the subject 0 (enhanced) emblem: basically "open up" the top left portion by removing the middle section of the top-left line?

    So something like this but more refined
  15. Loki2911 Well-Known Player

    New Mr Freeze Style like..his new 52

    and guys pls rework finally ALL Villians in the HoD it looks so horrible to walk around there and see only the half of them with an outfit that really looks like 2024 most of them got just ugly textures
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  16. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Currently emblems are displaying with mats, chromas, and skins in the MP and mats and chromas in the broker. There already is a way to do this but it hasn't been implemented. I reported this as a bug recently but also requested a QoL update to make this an option to display mats and chromas on emblems. Why they don't make these QoL improvements remains to be discussed. I also haven't lost hope on getting the Batman Anniversary Emblem I have been requesting since it first appeared in 2019... Until it returns I'm on permanent hiatus from subscription and any future investment of any form.

    Had to respond to this because it popped up in my search for emblem threads.
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    This basically just the Kingdom Come Superman Emblem, and we are LONG overdue for an in-game NON-color locked version of it!
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  18. Eumenides New Player

    All I really want is a new Superman logo. I understand the previous versions are not coming back. But if they could even just release a new version of the Fallen God style with a different color palette so we could change the emblem to red and yellow, and make the rest of the costume blue, that would be perfect.

    It’s an existing style that’s already available in-game. Just release another version like they did with the House of El warsuit.
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  19. Cobweb Sweeper New Player

    We have weapon shields, belt and shoulders with emblems enabled.

    Can we please FINALLY get a cape with an emblem option?!?!
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  20. SlNISTERSlX New Player

    murder machine style set for anniversary pls ty