Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    And nothing has changed at all in the last 14 years. A completely new Body Type will require too many work hours for the Development Team, and will provide too little return on the investment at this point. It's been the case for many years that they would SPEND way more money developing it than they could EVER recoup through selling it.

    IF it had been done in the game's first few years, and had been tied into a PAID DLC release, where you had to purchase that DLC to have access to it, they might have been able to justify all the work, but I expect it would have had to have been the most expensive DLC they ever released. Would you have paid $50-100 to have access to it? Because that might be what it would have taken. And I'm being conservative on my estimate, at that.

    But now that ALL DLCs are FREE for ALL players, it will NEVER happen. The BEST we can hope for is more trinkets like the April Fool's Day Titanic Trenton one. Maybe, if we're super-duper lucky, they might make a Style Set based on a fat character that would transform you into that type of character, but only if you equip the entire Style Set. That might go nicely with a Penguin-Inspired Style Set, for instance.

    But you're NEVER going to see an "Overweight Body Type". Old Devs being replaced by n00bs doesn't change that one bit. For playing as a fat character, you'll have to go play a different MMORPG entirely.
  2. Babù Active Player

    Hello everyone :)

    We got Bombshell Hairstyle, Bracers and Boots, inspired by Bombshell Diana. Is it possible to get a cheststyle like the one worn by her?
  3. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I'd love to finally see the updated cyborg hand cannon as a glove style
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  4. BSEison Well-Known Player

    More baseball caps with hero and villain logos on them or even better a forward and backward cap style that will show whatever emblem you choose.

    More sneaker styled shoes or other casual shoes, specifically without high socks that go up onto the calf or to the knee.

    More weapons incorporated into the costume pieces. More belts with holstered guns or swords and knives. More back items that display the various weapons that can be used in the game. Gloves and boots with blades, guns or other weapons as part of the design.

    More costume pieces that will display emblems for male and female characters.
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  5. Slado Active Player

    I was searching through my chest style pages looking for a bulletproof/tactical vest with no shirt under it, or something like Bane's vest in Dark Knight Rises and realized there isn't one. Would be a nice combo with the newer tattoo skins
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  6. Diegoelunico Level 30

    I need Grifter's mask asap

    Please devs
  7. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    What’s the story with the Ra’s Al Ghul hairstyle? Is it even available anymore? Originally It was supposed to be a reward for finishing a briefing. But the last time I did it, I got some piece of the Kabuki style instead. It was later said that it would drop in the League of Assassin’s stronghold mission when you took out one of the sub bosses but I’ve played through that alert more times than i can count and it hasn’t dropped once!
    some help here please?
  8. creatine1 Committed Player

  9. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

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  10. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Check the quark vendor ;)
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  11. DcHarleyQ Level 30

    Could we get a Harley Quinn facial makeup skin like the NPC in HoD/HoL please?
    More Joker/clown type styles
    More Demon type horns that come in BOTH Head and Accessory options.
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  12. Super Lantern Active Player

    Absolute Superman is already done,
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  13. Dumpy New Player

    Would really like for these to make a return especially with materials being a thing makes these styles a lot more viable.
  14. Knight of the Night New Player

    murder machine style set for anniversary or black racer (Barry Allen)
    style set
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  15. Drgnx Active Player

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  16. Drgnx Active Player

  17. Multiverse Creator League

    Here you go.
    Enjoy. :) :)

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  18. Deathmournex Level 30

    update the reptilian skin by adding toes to it please?
  19. creatine1 Committed Player

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  20. Drgnx Active Player

    Next Christmas:
    Orange Lantern Chroma & Material
    Orange Lantern Orbiral
    Orange Lantern Henchmen
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