Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    Can we get an Abominable Snowman style (Head, Chest, Legs, Hands, and Feet) for Christmas? Also what about having styles for Native American month and Styles for Asian Pacific - Islander Month?
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  2. Dwarf1701 Level 30

    Eye Blinking, realistic facial hair, Animal form tail swaying and real look, change color of ones superpower to match the player's idea for their character, Single Pistol weapon, different body types and stances then the normal, face with glasses of all type with the bread, and etc.. As for costumes, doesn't really matter. We're going to mix match them anyway.
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  3. Iluvpurple2175 New Player

    I would like to see more female styles. I have been playing DCUO since 2020 and it is the only game I play, I enjoy the free game play and the fact that I can make my characters look like whatever I can imagine. It is like barbie dolls but for adults lol. I also love that the game literally looks and feels like a old school comic book come to life! It is fun and creative. With that said, I haven't created a new character in 2 years. I currently have 5 but I am mostly on my main xXHocus PocusXx. I accidently found out today that the way you create characters has changed and I hate it. It is starting to look like all the other games. We don't want that please don't change the feel of the game. I love that the characters look like comic book characters come to life. I know you guys want to draw in younger players but sacrificing the esthetic of the game is not the way to do it otherwise your gonna be like every other boring game out there.
    With that said. I would love to see more female styles and I would love to see more pets. I have a cat from the Survival Mode Event and I get tons of people asking me were I got it from. I got it 3 years ago, I have a green cat but I want a source cat next they are not easy to get. I haven't even seen a survival mode event in ages.
  4. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    Want rusty and or battle damaged costume textures.
    Dirty and ripped perhaps.
  5. 3amo New Player

    can we have something like this in shoulders that falls on the back, I know that the omnipotent back of phantom stranger exists but I mean something less big / substantial
  6. RipTide Level 30

    I’d like to see styles from Mongul, Godspeed, Daniel west reverse flash, high father, Jon Kent superboy & a Jon Kent Superman style, a Damian Wayne Batman style, please add a Superman kryptonian house of el slimline chest style that does not have a collar & does not cover the hands, also add in a kingdom come Superman emblem, I’d also like to see a pre 52 Shazam chest & cape style also I’d like to have the gauntlets from the classic champions slimline a separate hand style, also give us styles for the rest of the dark nights metal Devastator, murder machine, grim knight, the Robin king, the Batman who frags, I’d also like to see more style from alternate universes like justice lords, injustice, you could add in Calvin Ellis Superman, Val Zod Superman, I also like the Batman beyond suit so you guys could also add in styles from the justice league beyond, add in future state justice league styles like yara flor Wonder Woman, & definitely gotta add in absolute Superman, absolute Wonder Woman & absolute Batman
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  7. creatine1 Committed Player

  8. creatine1 Committed Player

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  9. The Nature Troll Level 30

    A Mech style suit would be nice, Square and bulky. oh a clayface ally while you are at it. Or a Joker ally
  10. M3RCURY97 Level 30

    Cat woman's high heels from the legends pve catwoman. Girl toons would love this
  11. Kayla El Committed Player

    I would very much like a variant of the Apokoliptian Overlord Shoulders with both shoulders not just one pretty please and thank you very much!
  12. Kayla El Committed Player

    It just doesn't look right with just only 1 shoulder please consider releasing a variant in the Apokoliptian Overlord Time Capsule with both shoulders! I thank you very much and wish you all the best!

  13. creatine1 Committed Player

    dragon body type
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  14. Jett Phoenix New Player

  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Whether you like it or not, we already have the only in-game version of the backpack and gauntlet(s) we're ever going to get, unless they decided to just do an updated (retextured) version of the ones we have. But then again, you could do the same thing yourself. I recommend applying the Black Neon Chroma Pack to them, set your glowing color channel as an appropriate green, and it should make what we have look more accurate to the comics. :cool:
  16. Jett Phoenix New Player

    New devs New team, doesn't hurt to ask, unlike others I keep hope alive. Remember that Lantern!! ;)
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  17. StreamlineArrow Active Player

    Check your inbox
  18. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Batman anniversary emblem, slim classic Batman gauntlets, classic slimline with the neck and hands exposed and big emblem slot, classic superhero pants with built in trunks and classic superhero boots.
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  19. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    A fat body type like that guy npc and penguin ,etc etc.
    Its due time.
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  20. DcHarleyQ Level 30

    Some new Personality standing positions.
    Joker Laugh emote, with sound.
    Thigh high heeled boots, Stiletto heels.
    Sleeveless Corset with necklace choker.
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