Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Sollace Committed Player

    Vibe has never owned a suit, he'd love to ;)

  2. Icon Well-Known Player

    I know this is late and hopefully you all are already whipping up some styles for Native American Heritage Month in November.
  3. Icon Well-Known Player

    I know this is late and hopefully you all are already whipping up some styles for Native American Heritage Month in November.
  4. Icon Well-Known Player

    I know this is late and hopefully you all are already whipping up some styles for Native American Heritage Month in November (system is not allowing me to upload a lot of pics but you get the gist). Lots of fascinating patterns and designs to choose from the plethora of tribes.
  5. Ed Burke New Player

    Stylish and Rash Guard style Emblems could be a little bigger, and some other Chest styles as well. Some players like to emulate older superheroes. It would also be cool to have one basic Cape style that shows Emblems. Also, it would be nice to have a Face option with some basic half mask styles, to use in conjunction with hoods or other Head styles. And, of course, it would be nice to be able to keep Weapons in hand at all times.
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  6. Ed Burke New Player

    More Silver Age styles, such as Bronze Age Green Arrow cap and Silver Age Hawkman chest bandolier. This is the only DC MMO; you should embrace the history of the company.
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  7. Ed Burke New Player

    More Golden Age styles, like Flash's shirt and GL's as well, plus Doc Fate's collared tunic with amulet and WW's classic eagle tunic. Let us emulate our favorite heroes if we want to.
  8. Alx2k5 New Player

    Wanted to circle back on the neon angle, and it's relation to tech and light up parts.

    I experimented a bit, I had the caregivers neon chroma and a couple others.

    I think neon can spice up older gear, and it can add some lighted-esque areas to gear that doesn't have it. So def good for that.

    The issue I've found is that if a piece of gear already has lights, when you apply a neon, the light usually gets dimmer, even when adjusting the 3 choices to apply your color choice to the lighted area. And if you mix/match with it on/off, you have parts more dim than others.

    In addition, if you start working with enhanced gear, you lose the enhancyness of them.

    Biggest example being the mastermind enhanced, all the neons I used nuked those effects.

    It also limits the ability to fine tweak the 4 color palette. You do get one usually, applied to the lights in most cases here, since to achieve that you usually need to use the 3rd one to get the lights to pop. It's overall more limiting. You're forced with the colors from material on the parts it chooses, if you want to keep the lights lit up.

    To clarify some of the above issues, here's a screen showing the lights using caregivers 3, with light color matching the non chroma parts. Neon chroma is significantly dimmer on hands, feet, shoulders than back, head and emblem which don't have chroma applied.


    Lastly - having enough choice to play around and experiment - expensive.

    So, i'd like to re-submit my initial request with some clarification

    Tech. Lots of light up bits, think Tron mixed with Lex Luthor mixed with War Machine. Lexcorp salvation / mastermind / Hive, but new and not specific to a single theme.

    Enough to mix and match and make your own get up, rather than just dressing up a single style.

    Problem now, the techy stuff available to mix match is dating back 14 years. So early stuff has a lower pixel res and texture than newer stuff. Colors don't match even when using the same colors etc. Need more modern renders with similar in game materials so you can blend better.

    Earth based, not alien in nature. Slightly future human tech.

    And enhanced. Glowy, bright, light up lines and cores showing through. I'm ok with the way it's been done so far but would be nice not to lock them in elite since I don't run that.

    We have good grunt military, and good alien tech. But not a lot of Lex Powersuit style ones. Those Lex ones are all very specific, bulky, and overused.

    Hive, argus, sectors, military, lexcorp, visitors, etc, braniac, but modern and human based with glowy bits :)

    Trony Powersuits.

    Sorry for the book. I spend a lot of time putzing with gear trying to create something that blends color, material, texture, clipping, resolution, lighting, lighting intensity, and the humany tech style, so this is where I'm at without 200 million to spend on materials to experiment.
  9. Alx2k5 New Player

    And then, more to the point. I'd actually like this suit in exactly, plus things inspired by it without the superman logo.



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  10. creatine1 Committed Player

    little boy
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  11. creatine1 Committed Player

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  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Sorry it didn't work out for you the way you wanted it to. What I've found for my tech-based designs is that they look better if I use the same Material or Chroma Material on all the pieces, or almost all of them (as I showed with the Hellbat suit.) Especially in the case of the Neon Chromas, it really works best to use the same Neon Chromas on all the pieces of the suit you want to light up, so the glow matches. That's why my Gold Hellbat ends up looking so good, because I used the Golden Neon Chromas on the whole costume, so the red glow is uniform across the whole suit. :cool:

    All you can do is keep experimenting until you hit on the right combo of parts and Materials.
  13. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    It's like a Silver Age version of the Final Batsuit Style Set we already have in the game! :cool:


    Sadly, I don't remember a Back Style in the game that would match that jetpack. You might be able to make the Final Batsuit look closer to that with the right color scheme, and by swapping out a few of the pieces, but that jetpack's the toughest part, I think.
  14. Alx2k5 New Player

    I actually did use the same chroma # on all parts. (X) Neon Chroma 3 is the only one (that I could test with, about 4 diff ones) that allows you to apply a color choice from your palette to armor parts in addition to the material colors, in my case the already existing lighted parts.

    Doing so applies that color, but in all cases on multiple armor pieces it's dimmer. And you lose the enhanced graphics. And even if you went with that for uniformity, enhanced lit up emblems would not match. That's where I'm at so far.

    So yeah, I'd prefer if they just kept releasing new modern enhanced level techy gear. Upgrades and/or new.

    Thanks for the help, it forced me to go explore new angles for styles!
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  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Weird that the glow came out dimmer on some pieces, and brighter on others. That's unexpected.

    I agree with you that they should do more Enhanced versions. There are many older tech-based styles that never had one, and could use one. And some of those older styles just need an all-around updating, like they gave to the Dark Specter Batsuit, one of the Lex Luthor Armors, and a few other styles.

    Hopefully the new Devs continue on with the practice of updating the game's older styles.
  16. Ingrando Well-Known Player

  17. Aquagirl Level 30

    Hello! I'd like to request some costume styles inspired by Glacier (Sigrid Nansen) for the Winter event.


    Thank you DCUO crew for your hard work, hope everyone has a nice day.
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  18. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Are we getting the Batman emblem for the 85th anniversary? It would be a huge mistep if you fail to bring it back. The Superman emblem returned for the 85th, we need the Batman emblem to return!! I am not alone in stating this. Many missed out the first time around. Bring the emblem back!
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  19. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    It's funny you brought up this suit because I posted the exact suit style request on page 440 with the addition of 2 more images than the ones you used:


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  20. Pea55 New Player

    Michael Jackon’s Thriller jacket
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