Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    If you're playing for the "Spring Beauty" or such, perhaps tie the flowers to the 'face', granting the ability to control the color of the flowers?
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  2. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    I just figured that not many feminine hairstyle work well with the "Spring Festival Crown" head style. So why not ask for a hairstyle that blends the crown into its own floral arrangements. Plus, I can imagine a flowery face style with picturing it as some kind of eyepatch.
  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    The Chinese WW hairstyle, please!

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  4. Jocino New Player

    I'd like to see Spiderman Web Wings, if its not already in the game (I haven't found any yet).

  5. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    Understood. Perfect ideas, too. Was just thinking odd connection like how some Accessories are actually Auras, and the such. The reason for tying one thing into another.

    As for your eyepatch idea, that made me think more of full masks, like a Mardi Gras mask, that most often had decoration on the side. Something akin to our "Archer" mask with design. Perhaps make it sheer, too, like the Net leggings.
  6. Kaladin Well-Known Player

    I would like a version of the basic slimline without the stripes on the arms and the hands uncovered. I know you can color the stripe to match, but it leaves the line showing its there. Materials can help with this, but still want the bare hands for style choices.
  7. Kaladin Well-Known Player

    Also would love to have the eradicator superman cape style with emblem slot.
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  8. SlNISTERSlX New Player

    I'm still hoping for Deathstroke mask I hope we get it next month, actually npc inspired
  9. SlNISTERSlX New Player

    Also you didn't add blue beetle style to a vendor and it seems gone forever
  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    That's the weird one. As a style from the Daily Rewards, it really should have come to the Dr. Fate Vendor by now. :confused:
  11. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

  12. kallader Committed Player

    Would love to have the female variant for the head styles on male and vice versa
  13. DezFTW Active Player

    Just a plain slimline with the Black Adam neckline and Krytonian Flexsuit sleeves exposing the hands. Also has an effect of making emblems LARGER. That would be the most popular chest piece of all time.
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  14. DCCheetah Level 30

    Updated animal skins please, still hoping for a Cheetah skin :(
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  15. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    I can't agree with you more, but more so for the lion skin.
    Plus, an updated werewolf style set(namely the hands & feet) that blends seamlessly into the skin's fur coat and linked its color channels(makeup channel too). So that I won't have to use up most of my color palette trying to get them to match. All so that my cat can claws.
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  16. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    As much as I love everything we got in the "Neon Technomancer Time Capsule". It currently was not what I was expecting for a Circe theme. Bare in mind, that this is coming from someone who knows next to nothing about Circe from the comics. That being said, my time on this forum has given me some insights. Namely that one highly requested Circe outfit was on a list of styles(namely as a Chest style) that was green lit by the devs for future inclusion.


    This is a style that even I was looking forward too. Even if it was only a chest style, but I would have loved to get it as a three-to-four piece set. Namely back, chest, waist(sash included), and maybe legs. Just to reduce the hassle of trying to find something that works in-game. Especially when dealing with one or more chroma sets.
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  17. DCCheetah Level 30

    Yasss I so need that too, been asking for claws long time, although I think I'd prefer the updated skins to already have them included (hands and feet), and being color changeable in the same way you proposed through the makeup channel, it would totally be a welcome addition. And yeah the lion skin really needs an update aswell, a bit weird we have a lion skin but there's no way to give it a mane.
  18. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    That's what the hairstyles are for. Plus, female lions don't have manes.
  19. DCCheetah Level 30

    Of course, but there's no hairstyle similar to a mane currently, even though we have the lion people from Gotham University. And although female lions don't have manes, it's always nice to give players more options from which to customize their look.
  20. Herobrin3 King New Player