Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. creatine1 Committed Player

  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Since we no longer get truly Villainous content for Villains to run through, this set seems unlikely to ever happen.
  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I believe we may now have some style pieces that could work for him, especially for the mask. There's a Face Style that could work well for it, I'm sure of it, but for some reason, it's not shown on the DCUO Wiki. o_O

    I'll find out the name of it and report back on that.

    We DO have a Comedy and Tragedy Emblem, which can be earned by completing Movement Mode Challenges.

    For the costume, I'd do an updated, modernized version using the Psycho Jester Style Set:


    Just know that the Emblem will display on the back of the jacket and on the shoulder armor if you use that set.

    We already have the appropriate cape, but it would cover up the Emblem on the back of the jacket if you wear one.
  4. Multiverse Creator League

    Made that look some time ago.
    Maybe I should make a newer version with newer styles??
  5. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

  6. Metallix Active Player

    Instead of buying gear how about letting us put work into our gear buy level it up all of them
  7. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    Would like to see Donna Troy and Black Canary hairstyles added.
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  8. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    Can we please get the Source Titans as a Henchmen Uplink Device?
    We already got The Source Energy Orbital Strike and Source Shards Supply Drop. All that's missing is a Henchmen Uplink Device to complete the set of Source themed mainframe trinkets. If not the Titans, then the Source Creatures are my second peck.
  9. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    If and when we ever get a style set based on Darkseid. I'm love for it to be of his look from "Justice League Odyssey".

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  10. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    The devs while reading your post...
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  11. Multiverse Creator League

    You would think that if Fortnite got a Superman style....

    DCUO which is a DC game would have one by now? ;)
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Fortnite got a Superman skin. Meanwhile in DCUO we've had a Superman skin and multiple Superman related styles.
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  13. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Out of curiosity. Is there any chance that at some point in the future we will get the ability to attach glam hair to the Martian head?

  14. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    oh yes and in case providing an in-comic example increases those odds in any way.


  15. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player


    Scarf (both the general winter kind and like what Bombshell Supergirl has)

    More cultural and racial hairstyles

    Robin set or at least the Robin R emblem

    Original Red Robin set and/or emblem (that circle on the bandolier could even show emblems)

    Some First Appearance/retro styles could be fun, maybe for major events like big anniversaries or (insert character) Day

    Tied face mask with "tails" hanging off kinda like what I've done in this other character creator for a rough example, the classic rogue/assassin thing[IMG]
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  16. X13-KING Well-Known Player

    Can we please get a Slimline based on the Anti-Monitor's Mobius form from the "Darkseid War" event in the comics.


    I think it will be a good Anti-Monitor equivalent to the Monitor Slimline set that we got last month.
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  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I have some thoughts on how to make this work now, will report back after trying them out.
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  18. Kurosaki New Player

    2016 Superman emblems from swagbag
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  19. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Not gonna happen, they were only authorized to offer them to players during a very narrow window that closed 5-6 years ago and will not be reopened for any reason. The Licensor (Warner Brothers Studio) nuked that bridge a long time ago.
  20. Kurosaki New Player

    Thats so trash it’s not the devs fault BvS flopped now we can’t get the emblems cus the Zack shiter doesn’t know comics