Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I could cry tears of joy :D
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  2. NegativeArrow_ New Player

    Just to clairfy, the iconic weapon styles drop from battles with the associated iconic character? And have a higher drop rate in elite content?
  3. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Not really a costume style per say but Orbital strike styles

    There's a few really cool animations in game that could be skinned to orbital strikes

    Cosmic boys falling truck from the bounty
    Zoom / flash cyclone strike
    General Adam Air strike
    Lantern battery strike (Like saint walkers legends attack)
    Luthor orbital strike (again, like his legends attack)
    Powerset Orbitals
    Canary Cry strike (Use the iconic power with BOP Logo)
    Boom Tube Orbital Strike
    Raven Uplink device with her birds

    These are just a few suggestions, I'm sure there are many more people could think of but ideally the animations for these are already in game and could use a little retooling.
  4. Red Raptor Active Player

    Could you add batarangs to the list as a single-handed and dual wield style? I've seen the Dark Robin Henchmen carrying these around in MOME but it's difficult (for me) to get a good screenshot on the test dummies. They're the same ones from the Iconic power Batarang Multi-Shot.




  5. Red Raptor Active Player

    How about the Escrima sticks from the Gotham Knight back style?


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  6. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

  7. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I'm intrigued by the Damian Wayne Katanas. I assume I'd be running the Titans duo to get them? I can't remember if he was one of the metal titans Metal 1 bounties or not...
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  8. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I'm wondering how me might get the indigo 1 staff, she's not really a boss anywhere. So will it drop from Blackest Night or the Zamaron Duo
  9. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Is a lantern ring brawling style/hand blast style off the table?
  10. The Dark Kryptonian Well-Known Player

    I remember seeing a guy a few years back had invisible legs, I remember he said he got it from some event a few years before that. I looked around and nothing, I can't find anything on it but maybe for the Halloween Event like the Headless Jacket we could get invisible legs. Also maybe like Dark Wings of the Sheeda but with Bat wings that open when flying and closed when not, the cape should be tattered.
    Like Phantom Limbs just without the nubs and invisible arms wouldn't be bad either.
  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    There's definitely no invisible legs style already in the game, so I think the person you spoke to may have been mistake. We have had bugs in the past where certain combinations of styles would cause things to disappear, so that's most likely what happened to him.
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  12. Knavion Active Player

    Thank you so much for your explanation. It is very positive to know that DC has lifted some of those restrictions. In my opinion DCUO has become DC's flagship video game after ten years and there are very high expectations that it will continue like that.
    Very much looking forward to see and know what improvements and updates will come in game.
    Greetings, Charon!
  13. Hesher0verlord New Player

    Not reading through that many posts, but since DC owns the rights to so the Watchmen and V for Vendetta, lets get some skins from them, eh? Enough anime Fight Club dudes, we need more dudes with substance, lol. Need more Manhattan's.
  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

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  15. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Currently off of Corrupted Hal Jordan where you fight alongside Munk. I'll look into adding it drop off of Corrupted Hawkgirl too but I was hoping to one day drop her black lantern maces there one day. Get's convoluted the more things you add that aren't grouped together in a weapon style theme (all of Joker's stuff in a box, all of Penguin's stuff in a box).
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  16. Charon Lead Content Designer

    On this list, the 1h at least. Not sure about Bow, would take redoing the art set up but the thought crossed my mind. These wouldn't be available until Anniversary Event at any rate so have some time.
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  17. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Maybe - need to investigate. The way the Dark Robins use them is very different than a traditional player set up with 1h attacks/anims.

    On the list for a future task - they do not exist yet as separate assets so would require an Art task.
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  18. The Multiverse New Player

    I would love to see some chest styles with original emblems or insignias built in them. We have so many iconic styles in the game I would love to see something else for those of us who do not want to be a Iconic spinoff.

    Maybe a slimline with a Eagle on the chest? :)
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  19. The Dark Kryptonian Well-Known Player

    Oh, that's a shame. But maybe they could add it to the Halloween Event for this year, would be sweet, since we already got the Headless Jacket we could get invisible legs like Phantoms Limbs. Just the legs and without the nubs that is.

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  20. Icon Well-Known Player

    I want to deviate a little from this thread and ask if any thought has been given toward releasing the styles and faces, hairstyles that the NPC's have to the player base? Also would love the ability to scale my toons height and other features (i.e. head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, chest, waist, shoulders, forearms, hands, thighs, calves, and feet) to give more uniqueness to them.
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