Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    My best guess:
    Dr Zaius is all about fear. He himself feared what would happen if Man ever got the chance to return to power. He wanted the rest of his people to remain in ignorance about how they were not always the rulers of the planet. He wanted humans to remain in fear of Apes, keeping them in everyones eyes, including their own, reduced to nothing but beasts. Dr Zaius is an intellectual, and fear is in the mind. I'm not familiar with all the various Sinestro Corp members, but I doubt there are a lot of dummies if any. Of all the PotA characters, he is most likely to be granted a Sinestro Corp ring.
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  2. Miss Martian Well-Known Player


    Zatanna Prime Earth full costume please. I'm crying this costume is so BEAUTIFUL.

    Can we also have that type of long straight hairstyle with bangs too?
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  3. Radstark Active Player

    This is a very uncommon request, not even a costume style, and I know it would take a lot of work to merge it with all the hairstyle models; but can we please have Zod's beard?


    It looks so freaking awesome to me. With or without mustache, it doesn't really matter.
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  4. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Very few are dummies. My mind just immediately goes to them making others fear them specifically. You make an excellent point though. Doctor Zaius was all about spreading fear. Not necessarily making people fear him, but he loved spreading fear.
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  5. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Where did you get the Goggles?
    EDIT: Nevermind, I found it XD
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  6. SuperCorp Level 30

    Requesting the following.

    Evil Supergirl Face , Hair, and Gear

    This Face, Hair Style, and gear too

    Hair style, gear, weapons

    Hair, Gear

    Would be nice to get a supergirl pvp armor. Most of the armor in the vendors are for superman and are HUGE BULKY things on the female form... So only option we have is the fallen God. But would like to see a nice skirt like above at least. Maybe make the female versions of the superman gear less bulky?
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  7. Minotaur38 Well-Known Player

    Swamp Thing, and Swamp Thing DLC.
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  8. MisterMeanwhile Well-Known Player

    At the very least...the fishnets.:D
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  9. Shazammm Well-Known Player

    The "Goth Leggings" and "Goth Tights" styles are available for purchase in the marketplace. One is regular sheer fishnet style, the other is a fishnet style where you can alter the skin part to whatever color you want.
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  10. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    We still need a alien 51 head something like this
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  11. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    god damn why we ever got problems with pictures here -.-.........try to make red lantern vice bcs i think his head is one of the most needed things here for any red lantern base league
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  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

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  13. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    300 pages is a lot of back log to go through, but need more Eastern representation. [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]

  14. ClaireKent New Player

    New 52 Superman Emblem. George Reeves Superman Emblem. Literally any actual Superman Emblem that isn't either a.) the 80th Anniversary Emblem, or b.) the Batman VS Superman Emblem. Totally understand we'll never see those awesome emblems ever again and all of us new players are just screwed in that respect, BUT, there can still TOTALLY be a permanent Superman Emblem of some kind in this game. Let's make it happen! I don't even care if you have to remove the eye of the snake to avoid copyright issues, (noticed that in the opening cutscene...but in other cutscenes the "eye of the snake / S" was still there, so I dunno what's up. We need a Superman/Supergirl emblem; that's all I know lol.
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  15. Magnus33000 New Player

    Style Martian manhunter New 52 ou rebirth et emblème Superman rebirth par pitié.
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  16. PTFreeze Well-Known Player




    FIrefly,Killer Moth and Two Face
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  17. mynch457 Well-Known Player

    Classic Legion suits.
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  18. Sahmarian New Player

    Enhanced Superman Emblem!
    And the ability to use material on the emblems.

    There is an enhanced version for all or at least most emblems in the game but not for Superman.

    And why cant we use materials on the emblems? That would be awesome!
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  19. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Forgot to post my updates in this thread. Switched the goggles and cape to using a Chroma Material, so I could give him the bare hands by using a Color Slot for his skin color. I also switched the cape to the Fallen God Back Style, because I hadn't used it on an outfit yet.

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  20. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    What are the odds of Ghoul getting his own gear set? Or maybe just his pumpkin crop top